View Full Version : Found the bear

06-14-2012, 06:08 AM
A few days before my Lodore trip, I read this article:


I know the ranger at put in and I was eager to talk to him about the incident. Drove up to put in, met up with Dave (ranger) and he told me the story about the bear. Sad to hear they had to put the bear down. It was all due to campers not putting their crap away at night and once bear tries human food, it's impossible to go back to picking berries. The bear tried to break into ranger's cabin back door and Dave shot it in self defense. What I was confused about from the story is that I thought the bear was dead on the spot. After talking to another ranger after my trip I found out that the bear ran off into the river and tried to swim across to get away.

We launched on our Lodore trip, second day into our trip I come across this sitting in an eddy:



The bear had a bullet wound to the side. And the body swam about 10 miles down from rangers station.

Bottom line, if you are camping in the wilderness, don't be stupid and put your shit away! :angryfire:

06-14-2012, 11:35 AM
and here i thought the message was "stay out of things that don't belong to you or you can get shot"?