View Full Version : Invite The BIG BogleyFest: TBD

04-01-2012, 08:35 PM
I would like help in planning the BIGGEST BogleyFest to date. If you use the search box you can find dozens of fests of all sizes over the years. This one will be the BIGGEST.

If you are a great planner or just have input and suggestions. Please post here and lets get this mutha planned. You wont want to miss it fo sho...and I'll need help planning it. :bandit:


Who? - ALL who want to have a good time, see old friends and meet new ones at the BIGGEST Bogleyfest on record.

What? - All types of outdoor activities. BIG Campfire, music, conversation, beverages, great food, tents, campers, laughing, story telling...and all that! Maybe a naked guy on a bike! Ya just never know... :naughty:

When? - TBD

Where? - TBD
(http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:3571)Why? - Because we can and it will be a blast! :popcorn:

04-01-2012, 09:22 PM
How about taking over what's left of Hite Marina? LOL...I'm sure that little gas station would dig the business. Which location in the past was most popular? Perhaps you could take a poll? It would be nice to be close to water and canyons to explore. I know a perfect candidate but it's a rough road getting there, requiring HCV...Bowdie Point. That's not a serious suggestion, but talk about private!

I'd say go back to the place most agree was the best.

04-01-2012, 09:53 PM
Keeping an eye on this thread. Depends on where and when.

04-01-2012, 09:57 PM
White Canyon might be a good place, or the road between Gravel and Cheesebox. Long way from supplies though, come equipped, I guess. Lots to do around there...

04-02-2012, 06:34 AM
I am actually going to be on a road trip from June 21-July 1, kicking it all around St. George, Zion and surrounding areas. I will keep an eye on this so if it coincides, maybe I can swing by. I will have MTB and canyon gear. Moab in June will be HOT, FYI. The one fest we did, I rented out the group/RV camp spot out on Potash Road and it fit quite a few people and we had more than enough room. Sandflats also has group camp spots that you must reserve, but I am thinking if you hit up Moab in June, you may want to find a spot down near the river.

04-02-2012, 10:27 AM
Keeping an eye on this thread. Depends on where and when.


Moab sounds great, and works because it's pretty close to me. I know the CG on Potash Rd that Alison is talking about, and it's pretty big - can definitely handle a large crowd 'o peeps. Bonus: right across the road from Corona Arch trail, and right next to the river. The Kane Springs campground is also big, and closer to town, but isn't situated with nice beaches to the river.


04-02-2012, 11:37 AM
If doing Moab the group campground you want is probably "Gold Bar" on Potash Road. For information or for reservations, call the Bureau of Land Management Moab Field Office at (435) 259-2100.

Anything beyond the first week of June will be HOT in Moab, Swell, Roost, Cedar Mesa, Yada, Yada....

Large groups can be problematic in Zion because of the permit system, but it does work in summer because of all the water.

Large groups work well in the San Rafael Swell. Camping at the Hidden Splendor Airstip is popular with large groups. Lots of options and plenty of room. But you want to avoid the summer heat.

Motel 6 (Granary Springs) works for large groups in the Roost, but same heat problems as the Swell.

Sandthrax works for large groups near Hanksville, but that is a late fall, winter, early spring location.

You need to first decide WHERE and than start working on WHEN as locations go in and out of season depending on time of year...

Moab is always nice because it allows mtn bikers, hikers, ATV, canyoneers, and climbers to mix and match, which pretty much covers the full spectrum of Bogley. If doing a summer Bogley trip you might want to talk with one of the rafting companies about a group deal. Last time I booked a group deal is was $35 a person and inculded lunch, which was fun and relaxing. The rafting company provided the duckies, lunch, transportation and we did the paddling. Which I consider a bargin if I don't have to deal with rafts and logistics.


04-02-2012, 12:46 PM
Might consider camping up in higher elevations in the La Sals if looking into Moab. Great mountain biking, less competition for campsites, cooler temps and plenty of hiking. Best views of the area are up there in the summer (and winter).


04-02-2012, 03:48 PM
Moab would be nice, lots of mtn biking, canyoneering, and we could dirt bike the white rrim. However I've been there in May and June and btoh I would consider to be HOT. When we were there a few years ago in the first week of May it was easily too hot to be tent camping. So if looking at MOab I would say to plan it for the fall.

If wanting to do it earlier, I'd say southern Utah, like the Zion /Kolob Terrace area. There are some large areas up on the Kolob terrace by the reservoir that could easily accommodate large groups. There's water, bathrooms, shade, etc, and it'd free. It works in June whereas Moab will be too hot. Plus there is superb mtn biking nearby, warm weather canyoneering, fishing, hiking, dirt biking, etc. Just a thought. We could easily set up a day to shuttle up to Navajo or Brianhead for some mtn biking or down to gooseberry for the bikers. We could set up trips into the canyons nearby, like Kolob, Boundary, etc. Dirt biking......tons of options, lots of fantastic fly fishing near there.

04-02-2012, 04:33 PM
The Kolob Res. area can absorb a lot of people. Heads up if planning on using Hwy 14 for the Brianhead Shuttle as it will only be opened for small windows starting June 1 (closed 7am to 7pm weekdays; closed 7am to 5pm weekends). They have just recently moved in the big equipment for the landslide cleanup:


04-02-2012, 05:10 PM
I'm watching this thread for dates and location. I've not yet participated in any recent events and meeting some of the folks here certainly wouldn't hurt.

04-02-2012, 05:38 PM
The Kolob Res. area can absorb a lot of people. Heads up if planning on using Hwy 14 for the Brianhead Shuttle as it will only be opened for small windows starting June 1 (closed 7am to 7pm weekdays; closed 7am to 5pm weekends). They have just recently moved in the big equipment for the landslide cleanup:

http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:3571 :clap: I squeaked in one last mountain bike shuttle the weekend before the slide last year.

Kolob is a great idea! Pretty up there.

04-02-2012, 07:02 PM
Good suggestions! :popcorn:

Please vote on a location first and then we will decide on a date: http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?62726-VOTE-WHERE-The-BIG-BogleyFest

04-04-2012, 02:45 PM
I'd like to attend. I really like My T Pimp's suggestion of Torrey Utah...
Also, I'm doing Army stuff June 1st through the 17th so maybe try not to aim for those dates...

04-05-2012, 12:09 PM
I'll be outta the country in June, but if it somehow ends up happening in July - I'm in! I'll be in the process of moving to SLC then, but don't start school till August so will be looking for things to do:) I'll keep my eye on this thread!

04-06-2012, 08:59 PM
I'm procrastinating again! Decided to hit the old haunt....dammit, I wish Bogley wasn't blocked at work! I can't hang out from there, and generally don't have time from home. I miss the Political section the most! :(
Anyhow - I would love to see y'all and hope that the timing/place coincides with my ability to attend the next fest!
I'll check back often and hope to make it! :)

04-08-2012, 04:31 PM
It looks like we are pretty close on choosing a location with "Zion - Kolob Terrace/Reservoir" in the lead. At the end of the day, the date and location won't work for everyone...impossible. Hopeful with it being two days on either side of the weekend, it'll give people options. :2thumbs:

Throwing out the day June 15-18! Who's in? :popcorn:

04-08-2012, 05:43 PM
I say do one more poll with

June 15-18
June 22-25
Either Weekend

see which weekend gets the most votes.

04-08-2012, 05:50 PM
June 22-25
Beech's wife's b-day is on that weekend...

04-08-2012, 06:45 PM
i c

04-08-2012, 09:41 PM
I say do one more poll with

June 15-18
June 22-25
Either Weekend

see which weekend gets the most votes.

Originally, you said "nekid guy on bike", but that ain't gonna happen over the w/e of June 15th - 18th cuz Don's got army stuff going on!!! I have no plans for June yet, so I'm in if this happens in or around Zion, but I'd like to see the nekid guy on a bike. If Don can't make it, someone else gonna volunteer? ;)

04-08-2012, 11:20 PM
June is one heck of a crazy month for me with the Tour de Cure (I am a co-chair of the event) and the MS150 happening. That being said, Kolob Terrace from the 15th-18th has my vote as it is about all I could make. Would love to make it to my first boglyfest!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk

04-09-2012, 05:44 AM
I wonder if Don could come down Sunday night through Monday. Not sure when he gets cut loose by the guv'ment...

04-09-2012, 06:27 AM
I wonder if Don could come down Sunday night through Monday. Not sure when he gets cut loose by the guv'ment...

I think he already has plans to come this way the following weekend to meet up with Abirken who will be this way for a family function. That is why I suggested a poll. Maybe run it from 15th to 25th? IDK

04-09-2012, 07:34 AM
We'll be released sometime Saturday the 16th, probably late afternoon. I was thinking I could run down after training on the 16th and stay for 10 days like I did last summer, but there will be a big inspection at my day job the week of the 18th through 21st that I have to be here for. Which is really disappointing because I was hoping to be hiking for the solstice on June 20th. The way things are stacking up I've got doubts about making it down to meet up with Alison. (Which weekend was that again?)
So, on the topic of this thread; probably count me out and start looking for a new daredevil bike rider.

04-09-2012, 03:09 PM
That sucks Don. Perhaps we do another fest in August...maybe in Moab? Or maybe you can come down Saturday through Sunday for this fest? There will be several other mini-fests this summer too. :nod:

I have updated the WHEN and WHERE in the fist thread. Put it on your calendars!!! :popcorn:

WHEN: June 15-18
WHERE: Zion - Kolob Terrace/Reservoir: http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?62717-The-BIG-BogleyFest-6-14-18-12&p=493092&viewfull=1#post493092 (http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:3571)

04-09-2012, 04:59 PM
I'll keep this weekend in mind, but can't commit yet. Too much in flux for the summer months right now, plus the drive from StG is still a bit too fresh in my mind to plan doing it again (drove home yesterday!).

04-09-2012, 08:20 PM
Poop! I voted for Kolob Terrace only because I was going to be out in that vicinity but not until the end of the month. Y'all have fun! :nod::cool2::nod:

04-09-2012, 09:34 PM
Sorry for showing up late to the thread, I'm in :mrgreen:

greyhair biker
04-10-2012, 07:15 AM
Watching this as well - any of the dates are right in the middle of my busy season so I have to play it by ear :popcorn:

04-29-2012, 08:51 PM
I'm still considering this event. It fits (just barely) with the start of Aaron's summer class. Last year I organized a group in Subway, but I did not plan so far in advance. Anyone making plans for hikes or canyons? It would be nice to see some old faces and meet some more folks I haven't yet had a chance to meet.

04-30-2012, 06:37 PM
It sure would be nice if it were the next weekend, although I can pitch out of the job I'll be on and come for the 15-18th. Sure would be nice if it were the next weekend, though...

05-15-2012, 01:10 PM
This fest is one month away. Who is going? I need to know what gear to bring... :popcorn:

05-15-2012, 01:17 PM
Count me in.

05-21-2012, 02:23 PM
THe usual BLUE and more BLUE for the daylight hours.:roflol:
Ok maybe some yellow with that order.

All kidding aside do you me toys and tarps and cookware?

05-21-2012, 04:26 PM
THe usual BLUE and more BLUE for the daylight hours.:roflol:
Ok maybe some yellow with that order.

All kidding aside do you me toys and tarps and cookware?
We'll have to see how the plans evolve over the next few weeks, but yeah we usually do a potluck and will need supplies, etc. I hope @rockgremlin (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=5) (or some other pros) will go down and do some canyons with @Sombeech (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=6) and I. And who knows, maybe @Fro Bro (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=1370) will make an appearance... :afro: It would be nice to say hello to the beautiful @tanya (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=146) while we are in the area too. :naughty:
I'll bring my MTB or MX as well, depending on the plans. :ride: Lotta options... :popcorn:

Previous fests...



(https://www.google.com/search?sitesearch=bogley.com%2Fforum&q=bogley+fest&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&domains=bogley.com%2Fforum#hl=en&domains=bogley.com%2Fforum&sclient=psy-ab&q=noobfest+site:bogley.com%2Fforum&oq=noobfest+site:bogley.com%2Fforum&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=serp.3...45073.46516.1.46630. 883.4j4.8.0...0.0.saiXuu_US7o&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=a53c307a0e00c2d&biw=1680&bih=812)

05-21-2012, 05:22 PM
I'm still toying with the idea. Unfortunately I injured my hip a few weeks back and its been slow to heal. If I can't even hike on it then I would just be torturing myself to show up and be unable to do anything fun :cry1:

05-22-2012, 11:52 AM
I'll be in Cancun on those dates....:cool2:

05-23-2012, 08:36 AM
I'll be in Cancun on those dates....:cool2:
Ok, so you'll be there? :haha:

05-23-2012, 08:37 AM
I'd say southern Utah, like the Zion /Kolob Terrace area. There are some large areas up on the Kolob terrace by the reservoir that could easily accommodate large groups. There's water, bathrooms, shade, etc, and it'd free. It works in June whereas Moab will be too hot. Plus there is superb mtn biking nearby, warm weather canyoneering, fishing, hiking, dirt biking, etc. Just a thought. We could easily set up a day to shuttle up to Navajo or Brianhead for some mtn biking or down to gooseberry for the bikers. We could set up trips into the canyons nearby, like Kolob, Boundary, etc. Dirt biking......tons of options, lots of fantastic fly fishing near there.
nelsonccc sounds great! :cool2:

05-23-2012, 10:00 AM
I second Navajo or Brianhead! And some canyons too.

05-28-2012, 03:39 PM
Alright, I'll be coming out there so I have a question regarding camping. Will there be one big group site or do I have to reserve one before hand? Just need to know if I have to do something besides just driving out there and pitching a tent...

Brian in SLC
05-28-2012, 09:00 PM
I'm thinkin' maybe...

Anyone from SLC thinking of going? Leave Friday afternoon, come back Sunday?

05-29-2012, 09:16 PM
Alright, I'll be coming out there so I have a question regarding camping. Will there be one big group site or do I have to reserve one before hand? Just need to know if I have to do something besides just driving out there and pitching a tent...

I think the idea is to do a group site up by Kolob Reservoir. No reservations needed up there first come first serve. Really should start nailing down the details.

05-30-2012, 07:30 AM
Can someone in the local area grab a spot big enough for the group on Friday afternoon? What day is everyone coming down? I will likely come down on Friday evening. Maybe hit a couple canyons or hiking one day and biking another. I've got a National Parks Pass for Zion. I would love to ride a couple trails one day near Brian Head. What are the best trails?

Thoughts? :popcorn:

05-30-2012, 08:59 AM
I can grab a spot. Probably just me as Sarah has had enough of my adventures lately and Spencer has a job now. It would be nice to know how big of a space we will need. Who is tenting.. who might have a trailer.

I LOVED Blowhard up at Brianhead. Sadly with the road issues I don't think we could do it. Bunker Creek or Dark Hollow are equally as fun. I can look into the cost of the shuttle that I took last year or we can set up our own. I can get 5 bikes and 5 riders in my car.

05-30-2012, 12:36 PM
I've been up that road dozens of times, but I've never gone as far as the lake. I always make that right turn before hand...Lava and Wildcat. It appears the camping is free and at large? So it's just a matter of someone getting there and claiming a big spot. Perhaps you should do a count on how many will (or will likely) show up. Maybe set it up like a poll, with "will show" and "likely show". I may be able to swing getting there Thursday night.

05-31-2012, 09:56 AM
Usually people just chime in and say they are going and everything is kept up to date on the first post.

As far as I can tell it is Accadacca (Scott), Sombeech (Justin), Byron, Brian in SLC (maybe), Me

Others that have mentioned coming but have not chimed in lately are you still interested?
restrac2000, nelsonccc, @BruteForce (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=17458) , @Randi (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=2773) , @skiclimb3287 (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=19511) , @ststephen (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=17799) , @greyhair biker (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=143) , Mtnseeker1, anyone else???

05-31-2012, 01:27 PM
I'm out. I am taking a train back to my grandmother's cottage in Indiana to paint it for her. She's 88 and just lost another child to cancer so our family is trying to rally around her the next few years. Would much prefer to be at altitude in southern utah then sweltering in the midwest humidity but other duties beckon.

05-31-2012, 01:28 PM
I'm still trying to make it work. I'm a maybe right now but I believe I'll be a 100% soon. There are some really large areas up there that will work well for group camping. I've camped in each of the three areas before. I'd say Area 1 is the nicest and could easily accommodate 10+vehicles, however it's also the most popular spot up there so it would be hard to keep others out. Area 2 is nice as well with quakies instead of pines and it definitely has more 'group' area. Area 3 is okay but is all shrub and no shade really, also it's a bit more open field driving rather than dirt road driving. The first pic in this TR http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?30858-Boundary-6-21 is looking at area 3. If someone can be there Thursday then I'd say to throw up a sign and try to reserve the whole area 1.

I'm definitely more interested in the mtn biking than the canyoneering. Though I have had my eye on doing the north fork of oak from the start and then jugging up the chute for awhile (even fixed ropes and went down to the confluence with the main fork a few years ago). We can take the dirt road to Cedar and then up to navajo or brian head (if the road is open??I hear it is open during the day) for some nice mtn biking. Then a day of dirt biking in the area? Not much single track but with licensed vehicles we could put together one hell of a loop all the way around zion around navajo, over the top of the narrows and orderville, down into zion, then back up smith mesa road. I've been eyeing this loop for years and even tried it once on Thanskgiving but got turned around due to snow.


05-31-2012, 02:06 PM
I just had a very depressing thought. My rear shock was sent off to Fox yesterday to be rebuilt. I may not even have my bike!!!

I can go up on Thursday and get a camp.

I tried clicking on the map to enlarge and that is not working. Is camp 1 the bottom yellow pin? Then 2 next up and 3 the yellow pin on top?

Edit: On my monitor at home I can see the map fine. I really wish I had my home computer screen at work!!

05-31-2012, 08:26 PM
OK Blueeyes...I'll get there around 5 p.m. on Thursday. I'll grab the best spot available if you haven't already. I'll be driving a dark red Ford pickup with Colorado plates, of course. I'll have firewood and a very large bag of M&Ms.

It's a road trip thing...

greyhair biker
06-02-2012, 08:45 PM
Sorry y'all, I'm gonna have to bail on this one...too many family obligations that my wife says I will NOT miss:ne_nau:

06-02-2012, 11:44 PM
Have fun! And tell Caroline I said ello!

06-03-2012, 12:43 PM
Not looking likely for me either. A combination of factors that I won't bore you with. Next bogley opportunity for me is probably in the fall. Have fun!

06-08-2012, 02:42 PM
nelsonccc are you confirmed? Sombeech and I (and others) are likely leaving town on Thursday evening. Perhaps we do a group hike or canyon on Friday and a bike ride or two near Brian Head on Saturday? Thoughts?
Sombeech and I might boogie on Saturday evening, so maybe leaving from the Cedar area would work well? Lets plan this mutha. :afro:
What hike/canyon options do we have? I know that some have been mentioned in this thread...do we need canyon gear or is it a hike? :popcorn:
What MTB ride options do we have? Maybe pick two rides in the Brian Head area? :ride:

06-08-2012, 03:25 PM
How many guys are coming with you that would want to ride up at Brian Head on Saturday?

06-08-2012, 03:34 PM
Heads up, fire restrictions are going into place around the state real fast. Kolob is part of Washington Co. which just banned open/wood fires:


The exemption is permanent grates which I believe Kolob Res. lacks.

Sorry mates. Should be warm enough this weekend though to enjoy without 'em, still not quite the same.

06-08-2012, 03:41 PM
Maybe I can bring a cut 55 gallon drum with a grate? Does that qualify?

06-08-2012, 03:41 PM
How many guys are coming with you that would want to ride up at Brian Head on Saturday?

06-08-2012, 03:48 PM
On taptalk all I see is a question mark. So i am assuming you don't know.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

06-08-2012, 07:21 PM
"Never say never", isn't that the saying. Well...looks like I will be oh-so-close to this fest on Saturday night and just may stop by and say "Hi". A last minute opportunity to do a Narrows backpack came up that I couldn't resist. I can't ride bikes with y'all on Sunday but if there is a party at the "Res" Saturday night I think I'll head on up there. So who's there at this point? Beech? Acca? Blueeyes?

06-08-2012, 09:14 PM
I'm interested in a ride up. I was thinking I'd see Mark tonight to ask him if he's headed down but I didn't get the chance. He and Dave have mentioned heading down but I'm not sure.

06-09-2012, 01:53 PM
I hope you all have fun in the Zion area. I am with my Son's Baseball team at a tournament all weekend. I have 3 grandsons and a son playing and a son coaching. I love it!

06-11-2012, 06:37 AM
This is sad but I won't have a bike this weekend. My rear shock is still at Fox being repaired. Anyhoo I guess I will just work. I will still help you get a camp site if you need me to. I can take Spencer and Zack up and leave them to camp the night before you guys arrive. Saving a good camp spot for you. Let me know.

06-11-2012, 11:34 AM
This is sad but I won't have a bike this weekend. My rear shock is still at Fox being repaired. Anyhoo I guess I will just work. I will still help you get a camp site if you need me to. I can take Spencer and Zack up and leave them to camp the night before you guys arrive. Saving a good camp spot for you. Let me know.
Bummer. I have been wearing earphones lately to mask the creaking noises coming from my crank. I was hoping to pick up a new bottom bracket locally and install it before the trip.

However, there seems to be several people dropping out and others are a maybe or are simply too busy. With it being near the peak of summer. Many are doing trips with family or have other conflicts.... plus FATHERS DAY, duh! I think it is best if we postpone this fest to the fall perhaps or later in the summer. @Sombeech (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=6) can make it (barely), but his wife is running in the Ragnar race and we know that running trumps biking any day of the week. :lol8: See this post for details: http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?62947-Mountain-Biking-vs-Running
So we'll try it again later in the year...stay tuned. :popcorn:

06-11-2012, 02:09 PM
Or have it during Bo and My Desert Rat Party - Book Signing Weekend!

06-11-2012, 03:21 PM
Yeah, dang it's just not working out for this weekend. Heck it's even Father's Day but we figured this is a good gift to give ourselves but things are just getting too busy for everybody.

06-12-2012, 05:06 PM
Agreed. Hard weekend to make work.