View Full Version : Warmest March Day in history

Scott P
04-01-2012, 04:55 PM
For weather buffs, yesterday (March 31 2012) was the warmest March day in history for much of Utah, Wyoming and Colorado.

Salt Lake City has it's earliest 80F and it's highest March temperature.

Here, Craig Colorado hit an amazing 77F. Since 1894, only two years have risen above 70F. Last year we were still buried in snow this time of year.

Looks like possible snow tonight and a much cooler day tomorrow.

04-01-2012, 09:43 PM
Most people assume that when the Anasazi roamed the CP the climate was wetter. NOT TRUE...about 3? years back they (scientists) found the "mother of all trees" for tree ring analysis in Utah. It was up near Vernal and they were gushing about what a great specimen it was. This was in National Geographic, perhaps some remember it? It was an article on the historical flow of the Colorado River. Anyway, the climate was DRIER then that it is now. From this tree, they were able to determine that we have been experiencing a "wet period" for the last 100 years. The concern is that when they parceled out the water (in the 1920s?) the numbers they took for granted was a bad assumption.

They had a graph of the ring analysis, over 1000 years. It was amazing to see the thickness of the rings that dominated the life of the tree, thin and dry. I'll look it up and come back with a link to it.

Just saying...people are thinking "What's up with this weather?" And I say "We live in a desert." We had lots of precip last year at this time here in Denver, too. The old timers say, "Dry one year, wet the next."

Try to imagine the Anasazi living on less than what's out there now.

Edit: Found it, Google National Geographic Drying of the West.