View Full Version : Are you a high testosterone man? Take the Poll

03-02-2012, 08:23 AM
With probably just one exception I have always been with a high Testosterone male. That single male that was not taught me that I never want to be with another high Testosterone male again. He taught me to actually enjoy life and totally enjoy a man! He showed me how a couple can really be happy. Thanks RD!

How about it guys. Are you a high testosterone man? Ladies - are you attracted to these types?


One of the characteristics of high-T males most commonly documented is their drive toward dominance. And this predilection is to be distinguished from any straightforward aggressive tendencies. Unlike non-human animals, where a direct connection between testosterone and aggression has been repeatedly demonstrated, in humans the correlation between high-T and aggression, though positive, is only weakly so. This is probably the case because many uniquely human personality (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/personality) variables determine both the experience, and the expression, of aggression. However, the correlation between elevated t-levels and the desire for dominance is a strong one.
Not to say that there aren't certain (at least temporary) advantages for those prone to dominate others. After all, heroism and leadership (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/leadership) frequently link to this typically masculine trait. Additionally, dominance is generally associated with self-confidence; and believing in oneself is a quality almost universally viewed as beneficial. Even so, in terms of one's personal relationships, little question exists but that those able to deal cooperatively--or collaboratively--with others are generally the happiest, most content, and successful.
Moreover, as the literature on high-T males attests, dominant individuals also tend to be extremely competitive, and are frequently "endowed" with what's commonly known as the "killer instinct." In sports (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/sport-and-competition), such a trait can, frankly, be quite useful. And in business, too, it can be pragmatic--in cutthroat businesses, it's undeniably an asset, and may actually be essential. But, again, as regards getting along well in not so narrowly defined contexts, it's almost always a liability. For a driving need to compete with others undermines the empathy (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/empathy), understanding, tolerance, and compassion necessary to sustain close, caring relationships.
At its worst, high-T dominance and competitiveness can involve brute force, violence, and fighting behavior of all kinds. As Dabbs bluntly puts it, high-T males can be "rough and callous." Their more tender feelings literally "blunted" by elevated testosterone levels, they tend not to be particularly concerned about--or, for that matter, interested in--the feelings of others. And unmoderated feelings such as lust, resentment, or rage (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/anger) can easily preempt the softer feelings of love, compassion, or forgiveness (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/forgiveness). It's similar to men on steroids, especially vulnerable to being "taken over" by powerful feelings--the reason that the term "roid rage" (indeed, sometimes tied to "road rage") has become so popular in the press.
Sadly, there's seems to be something about high testosterone levels that contributes to an almost predatory frame of mind, at least for those not reared very caringly in childhood (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/child-development). (And since T-levels are typically seen as heritable, the risk of their being subject to such unsympathetic parenting (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/parenting) is a clear possibility.) At the least, high-T males have been "blessed"--or (ahem)--"cursed" with the raw energy to do things to the extreme. And so they're naturally at risk of abusing this energy in potentially dangerous ways. As one study (http://www.diagnose-me.com/cond/C569738.html) has noted, "those with higher levels of testosterone are more inclined to smoke, drink alcohol excessively and indulge in risky behavior that leads to injury."
Complementing this tendency to be imprudent, rash, or even reckless, are a variety of research findings indicating that high-testosterone males are more likely to be impulsive (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/self-control), impatient, unreliable, and (as Dabbs describes it) "single-minded to the point of obsessiveness." By nature leaning--competitively or confrontationally--toward raucous or rugged physical activities, they frequently don't perform well academically. And (no surprise) in school one of their problems is that they may not deal very well with intellectual complexities.
High testosterone can't by itself predict a male's behavior (or, for that matter, a female's either). For the fearlessness--or willingness to take risks--so common in high-T individuals doesn't tell us what kinds of risks that person might be most likely to take. Such choices ultimately derive from one's personal values, and the values that motivate people's behavior are multiply determined. All the same, high T-levels have been associated with higher rates of delinquency. And given the greater impulsivity of males with high-T--and the impaired judgment linked to such not-well-contemplated behavior--they're obviously in greater danger of veering toward the dark side. Certainly, high T-levels have been linked to psychopathy (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/psychopathy) and the tendency to ignore the rights of others--treating them in careless, if not altogether harmful, ways.

To end the second part of this post where the first (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/200904/the-testosterone-curse-part-1)began, I'd like to expand a bit on some of the points I made earlier about how high-testosterone males have difficulty treating the opposite sex (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/sex) with the consideration and respect they deserve. Insufficiently sensitive to a girl's or woman's feelings, they also struggle with simply appreciating these feelings. And so, among other things, they typically don't function particularly well in marriages. In fact, the statistics available on this topic indicate that they're more likely to divorce (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/divorce) and--indeed--less likely to marry in the first place.
Additionally, having such a strong need for dominance virtually guarantees that their marriages will be problematic. Overall, they're less satisfied in their marriage (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/marriage) (as compared to lower-T males). And their difficulty accepting their mates as true (and non-competitive) equals assures a degree of conflict hardly compatible with the best unions. Here Dabbs cites the work of marital theorist John Gottman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gottman)--perhaps the world's pre-eminent authority on what makes intimate relationships work--by noting his findings that egalitarian marriages are the most successful. High-T males, with their propensity to dominate (and even pick fights--whether they be for fun or blood), hardly fit the picture of Gottman's ideal husband, ready and willing to share power and control.
All of the above is not to say that being a male with elevated testosterone levels is all bad. Certainly, on the football field, and in the boardroom (and, at times, in the bedroom as well!), it definitely can have its advantages. But in the end I think the various woes of the high-T male considerably outweigh its benefits.
To make a final point here--and one that just may be the clincher--men high in testosterone also have higher mortality rates. . . . And with that, I rest my case.

03-02-2012, 08:51 AM
Nope, I would say I'm pretty mellow and low key. Try to avoid pretty much any conflicts in a relationship and drama of any kind. Usually to my detrement in that I don't communicate problems easily. I don't excel in any sports, pretty much average skill in all of them. My one skill I do have going for me though is I'm very "crafty" especially in work type scenarios. I would liken myself to a cowardly, but expert backstabber. High testosterone co-workers are very easy to eliminate as competition. They always bite off more than they can chew, and I simply encourage them to stress out and work themselves to death, one decisive strike when they are burned out or miss an important meeting, I can usually get them out of the picture pretty easily. So I never get passed over a promotion by an aggressive type. It's just simply seeing what motivates them and using it against them. I also have a huge following of shallow relationships, and can be counted on explicitly to follow through on what I say I'll do. So I'm the guy you can count on for that "one huge favor" when you need it. Then I'll disappear off your radar until needed. Seems to work for me well.

I've noticed that testosterone is very good for motivation, but tends to encourage narrow mindedness and shallow thinking. Tunnel vision if you will? They want to win without regard for others around them. The ultimate self preservation I guess. But very easy to determine and win against. It's like a huge bull that you have no chance to overpower, but this little red cape you "flash" can distract them indefinitely and maneuver them exactly how you want. :lol8:

03-02-2012, 09:16 AM

03-02-2012, 09:21 AM
Does this mean DC is really a high testosterone man? :mrgreen:

Should I move this to the political :lol8: section.

I would think that most high T men don't really think they are because they don't hit the extremes.

What I learned from a non-high T man - is that he shares life totally and completely with his woman. He does not need men to bolster his ego or porn to satisfy him or as a way to bond with other men. He is very happy with himself and in his relationship. He is the type of man that can make a woman happy in every way. He is not a man's man. He is a perfect partner. He is the type of guy that makes you smile because you know he is a perfect fit rather than something you have to fit in with.

03-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Perhaps secretly, haha.

I would argue that they do think, but their thinking is very narrow and focused. They are pretty much extreme all the time.

Now Tanya, I recall a convo we had a while back about you liking physically huge men. Wasn't it like 280lbs+? Do you find that "physical specimens" tend to be alpha type males? Granted I know they are not mutually exclusive, but they would seem to go hand in hand in my book. Glad you finally found a good one though. :2thumbs:

03-02-2012, 09:45 AM
Perhaps secretly, haha.

I would argue that they do think, but their thinking is very narrow and focused. They are pretty much extreme all the time.

Now Tanya, I recall a convo we had a while back about you liking physically huge men. Wasn't it like 280lbs+? Do you find that "physical specimens" tend to be alpha type males? Granted I know they are not mutually exclusive, but they would seem to go hand in hand in my book. Glad you finally found a good one though. :2thumbs:

I know those high T types so well!!!!

You are talking about Joey, 5'11 almost 300 lbs of muscle - shoots up testosterone and spent years in prison - but as I said I am attracted to those types, but after being with ONE that is not - I have learned what I need to be happy and it's not Joey types! He is still one of my best friends, but it will stay there! I am not with RD (the non high T guy) anymore, but I learned the type I want and need. FINALLY!

I am back home with my kids. This is for future reference after I outlive my husband - who is MAJOR HIGH T!

PS... I do really like a man with bigger biceps and triceps than me, but I am getting over that urge. Bad Joey picture, but oh well.

pictures: Hubby, me and Joey

greyhair biker
03-02-2012, 07:59 PM

03-02-2012, 09:33 PM
Hahaha. Lame...

03-03-2012, 05:20 PM


03-06-2012, 11:10 AM

LOL LOL! :lol8: Thanks for quoting, I had her on ignore. Now your earlier comment makes more sense.

03-06-2012, 11:24 AM

greyhair biker
03-06-2012, 04:51 PM
...i just like to watch:naughty:

03-06-2012, 05:35 PM
...i just like to watch:naughty:

I really doubt that. :lol8:

greyhair biker
03-07-2012, 10:17 AM
naw, you're right. I've never been a backseat sitter:mrgreen:

03-08-2012, 07:59 PM

03-09-2012, 09:04 AM
Maybe the issue isn't high T.. maybe the issue is women with too much E?

03-09-2012, 12:41 PM
I enjoy porn, does this make me a high testosterone kind of man???

I dominate in everything. Not because I feel driven to dominate, it just happens when you are better than everyone else...

03-09-2012, 04:26 PM
I enjoy porn, does this make me a high testosterone kind of man???

I dominate in everything. Not because I feel driven to dominate, it just happens when you are better than everyone else...

Haha exactly! And the downside of being better than everyone else, is that those people think you are being pretentious!

03-10-2012, 08:01 AM
I think I'm a nice guy. I'm generous and considerate and admired by friends. My girlfriends have always (uh, almost always) been satisfied with my behavior but none have ever been able to nail me down. My brothers and sister really look up to me. I'm the oldest and my life lacks drama and dysfunction, mainly because I concentrate on efficiency and minimizing waste. I don't waste my time with fools.
I'm definitely high-T. Some are put off by it, especially those that seem to have issues with self esteem or are highly sensitive. Sometimes it's tough being a male who gets things done, rallies the troops when everyone is spinning in confusion. Those who would like to contribute but have no idea what to do get all bent out of shape. I think it's a fine line between being a bully and a leader.

I must say, this whole "metrosexual" thing lately make me want to puke. I've never been able to understand the whole "get in touch with the feminine side" nonsense. Some women dig those wimpy mama's boy types but I think that most of them don't. Perhaps this "high-T sucks" thing is just another example of the vocal minority making their voice heard? How about just saying "meatheads are jerks"?

03-10-2012, 01:06 PM
I adore High T men, but I have learned that they are not the types that really make a relationship rock. It's not about being a meathead, jerk, getting in touch with your Fem side or any of that - it's about ..... well those that have it know.

03-11-2012, 05:02 AM
C'mon Tanya, you just can't leave it out there like that. What's the magic formula? I'm quite interested! Hey, does this make me a good boy 'cause I want to listen and learn? LOL...

03-11-2012, 08:04 AM
The magic - dancing while cooking together, late nights of hours in the jacuzzi with wine and fun, real sharing of thoughts, a man that cares for just one woman at a time, sharing everything from football to wine tastings, being the most important thing in the world to a man and he shows it, romantic dinners....

And all this on a nightly basis.... that is a good life! That is magic.

Torture for some men. Joy for others.