View Full Version : My beautiful new christmas-present 42 inch plasma TV - Broken -

02-09-2012, 06:52 PM
On Thursdays my wife babysits her twin sister's little daughter. Katie is 4, and autistic so she doesn't talk. She's the cutest and happiest kid ever, and most of the time perfectly well behaved.
Today she was left alone in the living room for a few minutes while lunch was being prepared in the next room, and to be honest we don't even know what happened. Maybe she threw something; she didn't have a baseball, but the TV has a baseball size star-shaped crack that appears to have come from an impact.
Kyla didn't have my account information for the Armed Forces Exchange, where we purchased it and she didn't want to call and break the news while I was working because she thought it might hurt my rep if I cry at Army. (Little does she know; any guy in the Army would probably shed a tear if their month-old 42 inch was killed by a child, and anyone around might shed an honest tear of sympathy.)
So she hasn't had a chance to call anyone about a warranty, and I worked late so it's too late to call tonight. But I can't help thinking; if it were defective sure, but why would they take back or repair a TV with obvious impact damage?
So, anyone know if it's possible to repair a Plasma TV?

And, a follow-up question. Kyla didn't tell her sister what happened. Of course my first thought was 'her kid, her responsibility' because if my kid broke my brother's TV I would sure as hell buy him a new one. Especially when she doesn't pay for the babysitting; I was pissed that we do a favor and get stuck with this bill. But, when I got to thinking about it; if my brother's young kid broke my TV I doubt I would ask him to pay for it. If he didn't know it happened I doubt I would tell him. So I was being biased against her sister, but I am still in the grieving process. So I guess we won't be telling the sister. What would you do?






02-09-2012, 06:59 PM
Oh, and Kyla is pissed that I actually used the phrase 'this is why we don't have nice things'. So my TV is broken and at some point I'm going to have to apologize.

(Good thing she doesn't read Bogley.)

02-09-2012, 07:02 PM
I am really sorry man. I feel your pain. I got a new plasma last November and I would be crying my eyes out if that happened.

You can try the warranty route through Panasonic (and should), but they will likely reject the claim due to obvious external damage. You can try through where you bought it, but you will likely get the same result.

Homeowners insurance would be your last and best recourse, if available, but that may not be worth it.

That really sucks! I'm sorry.

02-09-2012, 07:36 PM
You could play the less than honest "I've been out of town for a while only now had the chance to celebrate Christmas as a family and this is how it looked when it came out of the box" route.

I think you're screwed man. I'm sorry for your loss. I think I might be a little angry about it if it were me. Glad it's not though. Good luck.

02-09-2012, 07:55 PM
you could sell the kid. just kidding. kinda.

02-09-2012, 08:09 PM
you could sell the kid. just kidding. kinda.

That seriously sucks Don and it's one of my worst nightmares. You seem to be taking it very well and are showing some real maturity...we'll see if if lasts. :lol8:

Good luck.

02-09-2012, 08:47 PM
Oh Don so sorry! I would cry if something happened to my new TV! There I even shed a tear for yours.

Autistic child has a soft spot in my heart as well as the parents that raise them. Sis needs to know what happened. Leave it up to them to decide what they need to do about the TV. If it were my child I would offer to pay to have it fixed or replaced. However if they don't offer you have to decide if staying upset about the TV is worth the strain on relationship. Things happen... it sucks but it just happens. As for Kyla just grab her give her a big hug and tell her you were sorry for saying what you did. You just really loved your new present and your mouth spout off before you had a chance to sensor it.

02-09-2012, 09:08 PM
your mouth spout off before you had a chance to sensor it.

Really? Don does this? Spouts off? :lol8: *teasing*

Damn Don. This really sucks and I feel your pain. I agree with Chere though in that you need to tell sis. Be prepared to pay for it but she should know. If my kid did something at my bro's house, I'd want to know.
For the record, I'm glad I'm not the only one that says, "this is why we don't have nice things".........only difference is that I'm a bitch and I don't apologize. I may even yell it at my husband. HAHA!

02-09-2012, 09:23 PM
OK thats sucks, but does it affect the actual picture of the TV? If not, you could try try to rub Vaseline petroleum jelly in the cracks as that can sometime work so that when its on you dont see the damage. Of course try this on a very small area and see if it works before you smear a tub of the jelly on the screen. Wipe the excess off with a very clean towell or coffee filter.

Whatever you do, tell the owner of the kid and then let it go. We had some cousin kids over and they put a huge hole in a door. Just let it go. Aint worth it, its just a thing.

02-09-2012, 09:29 PM
"this is why we don't have nice things"
I say this ALL the time...so true. :lol8:

02-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Except it is family and the child is autistic so they need to know about the behavior... especially if this starts happening a lot. Needs to tell them but not with the expectation they will do anything and let it go at that.

Scott Card
02-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Falcon.... PUNCH! No baseball needed.

Dang, I am shedding a tear for you and I am not in the army. March Madness is coming.

I don't know if I would tell "the sister". She is probably understandably a little sensitive having a child with special needs. This may really make her feel bad, but then again, if I were the dad, I would want to know to make it right. Tough call. You know her best.

02-09-2012, 09:47 PM
It doesn't even turn on. The little red light blinks like it too is trying to hold back tears. But nothing else happens.

02-09-2012, 09:55 PM
Maybe 10 years down the road, well past the statute of familial obligations, we'll tell a funny story at a family dinner party about when Katie killed my brand new plasma TV with a baby-punch. And maybe by then a 42 inch plasma will cost like 18 bucks and they can get me a second one for the garage, but I don't think we'll say anything sooner.

02-10-2012, 05:21 AM

02-10-2012, 09:31 AM
That is too bad, sorry.

I have no idea what you should do....

I have never been put in that situation, so just have to assume what I would do....which is this & doesn't really change due to the child having some challenges. I would replace the television, then tell my sister. Now depending on their financial situation, I may or may not accept financial compensation. If they were relatively wealthy, I'd let them pay for the replacement if they REALLY wanted to. If they were in a good situation, not wealthy or struggling paycheck to paycheck, I'd probably consider splitting the cost. If they were paycheck to paycheck, I wouldn't take their money, regardless of they offered.

02-10-2012, 09:55 AM
Well said E.J.

02-10-2012, 11:10 AM
I have no idea how, but apparently I have a profile at work and one at home... I am in fact, E.J.....:haha:

Can an admit deleate the E.J. account above all together....or lock it up or something....



02-10-2012, 03:25 PM
as a kid, whenever I had a similar problem my mom would say: "Don't worry, son. There's nothing so bad that it can't be fixed with a bottle of cheap Scotch and a couple of hookers." Or was that the old crusty guy who hung around the schoolyard? No matter - either way, it's terrific advice.


02-10-2012, 04:13 PM
you could try getting it fixed. sometimes it's cheaper that route or they will offer you a replacement at their cost.

double moo
02-10-2012, 04:18 PM
No Worries mate, just take it over to Techna-Glass - they can do that chip repair thing... then dump some new plasma in and you'll be good to go.

Or call Garbanzo, he is really good at fixing stuff... just look through his posts in the MC forum. (some JB Weld and a Pepsi can and he'll work wonders.)

02-10-2012, 04:56 PM
Or call Garbanzo, he is really good at fixing stuff... just look through his posts in the MC forum. (some JB Weld and a Pepsi can and he'll work wonders.)

02-10-2012, 05:13 PM
No Worries mate, just take it over to Techna-Glass - they can do that chip repair thing... then dump some new plasma in and you'll be good to go.

Or call Garbanzo, he is really good at fixing stuff... just look through his posts in the MC forum. (some JB Weld and a Pepsi can and he'll work wonders.)

Ah, funny! I am happy to entertain.

02-11-2012, 05:54 AM
Black Friday special? How much ya out on that bad boy don?

02-11-2012, 08:00 AM

Posted via Tapatapatapatalk

02-11-2012, 01:00 PM
Homeowners won't cover it unless a tree fell on it, or lightning struck. And of course the warranty doesn't cover impact damage. I am going to have a repairman look at it, but it's a long shot. $600, plus tax, out the window. :cry1:

02-11-2012, 04:35 PM
double moo and I found you a new screen today... :haha:


02-12-2012, 05:36 PM
I was wondering what you guys were messing with over in the motorcycle forum. Used tv screen for free, how thoughtful !