View Full Version : Kindle Fire

11-26-2011, 11:33 PM
I picked up a Kindle Fire yesterday and I must say that I am very pleased. I've played around with the ipad quite a bit and I must admit that aside from the smaller screen, I don't see the difference. At just $200, I'm stoked. I would highly recommend it to anyone who's interested.

11-27-2011, 02:56 AM
Nice, :) it is 'only' a E-Bookreader or a tablet too? I've non information about in German. The dev will sold only @ amazon.com. thx

Sent from my HTC 2 Transformer using Tapatalk

11-28-2011, 08:10 AM
It's a tablet with a 7" screen. I bought mine at Sam's Club, but from what I understand they are also sold at all major electronic stores.


11-28-2011, 08:39 AM
I've been thinking about it, but it dosen't seem to have access to Google's Android Market.

11-28-2011, 09:00 AM
I guess not. I've never used the Android Market (didn't even know of its existance) so I am unaffected. If that's something that is important for you, you may want to consider the Nook (if it supports the android market). I think it's only $50 more than the Fire but still half the price of the iPad 2.

11-28-2011, 09:18 AM
but it dosen't seem to have access to Google's Android Market.

Yes and No.... at least if I understand things correctly.

The Fire forces you to get all your apps through Amazon, same as the iPad forces you to get your apps through the iStore. So most of the Android apps are avaiable, you just get them at Amazon.

Here are the Kindle Fire apps

Easy enough to check out what is avaiable.

While I don't like being forced into anything its a small price to pay for such a high powered tablet at a rock bottom price.

I'll probably buy a Fire in the near future.


11-28-2011, 10:19 AM
Just looked at the Kindle Fire apps, and while they have one called CacheMate, it is NOT the real one. I have been using CacheMate on my Palm, which is dying, for quite awhile. So I am looking for something to replace the Palm. A smart phone would work, but I don't WANT a smart phone. And a lot of the time I am caching where a phone of any kind is useless, so it wouldn't do me any good anyway.

11-30-2011, 12:24 PM
I've been thinking about it, but it dosen't seem to have access to Google's Android Market.

Most of the time you can download the .apk of anything you want from the Android apk repository, there are a few of them on the net that have decent sorting\searching options.

11-30-2011, 01:54 PM
Thanks for the info.
However, the fire is not the right one for me.
Unfortunately none 3G. :-(
I look for an device with fast internet-access, music, etc, as substitute for my HTC HD2 (WM6.5 + Droid 2.3.3 with Sense 3.0).
The Screen of the HD2 is for me to small and only the HTC Titan has a bigger Screen - however unfortunately WP 7.5.
I looked at the HTC Flyer. 3G + WIFI, enough memory and good handling.

12-28-2011, 10:15 AM
I bought the wife a Kindle Fire for Christmas and after having it around the house for a few days I'd have to say it's a bargin at $200 and I am happy with the purchase. I'd make the purchase again without a second thought.

Many of the early complaints about the Fire have already been addressed with a firmware/software update that came out a few days before Christmas. Just click your SYNC button and the update is automatically installed for you. I understand that first update was rushed to market to silence most of the early complaints and anther update is in the pipeline to address many of the remaining complaints.

If you buy a Kindle Fire download the free app "ES File Explorer" which will allow you to work around the video naming problem. I assume Kindle will get the problem worked out where the video's you download from your computer are not named, but until that day we have just been using the ES app, which is much better at file management then the one built into Kindle.

My only real complaint with the Kindle Fire is that it's a giant "Time Suck".... you pick it up and before you know it a couple hours have passed, which is really a hard thing to bitch about as that is a result of its being a very successful entertainment device.

Sun Dance
12-28-2011, 10:33 AM
Just looked at the Kindle Fire apps, and while they have one called CacheMate, it is NOT the real one. I have been using CacheMate on my Palm, which is dying, for quite awhile. So I am looking for something to replace the Palm. A smart phone would work, but I don't WANT a smart phone. And a lot of the time I am caching where a phone of any kind is useless, so it wouldn't do me any good anyway.

You might want to try c:geo. Not sure of its support on kindle but it works on my android phone. At the very least you could download caches when in wifi range and then access them and plug them into your gpsr in the field. Kindle has no GPS. Does your palm have GPS? You might be better off just printing off the coordinates and then manually entering them into your gpsr. Kindle is not really built for geocaching. It's mostly for streaming entertainment, surfing the web, games, ebooks, etc.

My wife got one for Christmas and likes it. I use it in the living room for reading online guitar tab.

12-28-2011, 11:42 AM
Kindle is not really built for geocaching. It's mostly for streaming entertainment, surfing the web, games, ebooks, etc.

The Kindle Fire is built for entertainment while sitting at the home/office/motel/ect.... if you plan to use it for working or other things you will be disappointed.