View Full Version : Did you get the Flu Shot yet?

11-04-2011, 06:19 AM
I was at the Dr yesterday drawing blood and getting my tetanus shot, so I decided they might as well stick me a third time with the Flu shot.

Dang that one stung.

The ironic thing is I often get ill within a week of getting my Flu shot each year and my RN wife tries to convince me it's just a coincidence.

11-04-2011, 06:50 AM
I never get one.....I rarely ever get sick, though

11-04-2011, 08:44 AM
A guy at my work got the flu shot and he's the walking dead right now. Looks and sounds like he's gonna keel over at any moment. Flu shots = bad.

11-04-2011, 08:50 AM
I got one...and for the last 5+ years. Rarely sick...

11-04-2011, 09:00 AM
The ironic thing is I often get ill within a week of getting my Flu shot each year and my RN wife tries to convince me it's just a coincidence.

And you know why, right? A flu vaccine is a partially-dead virus. So yes, the virus can still give you the flu, depending on your immune response.

And your chances of getting sick compared to the full on active virus compared to a partially or mostly dead virus is much much lower. That's why those who have weaker immune systems are highly encouraged to do so (again, if had a compromised immune system would you rather have the full blunt or a partially dead virus so your immune system has a fighting chance). People don't realize that MANY people die from influenza every year

I'm a type 1 diabetic of 15 yrs, and I get a flu shot every year, and for the past 15 yrs I have never had the flu. My immune system is very active and kicking, however, that's why they say I got diabetes in the first place - my immune system thought my pancrease as a disease or foreign object and killed it.

Anywho, a flu shot isn't for everyone. But it's great knowing people can cough on me all they want and know I won't be down for a week.

11-04-2011, 10:06 AM
The last time I had one was in 97, while still in the army and you have to have one. I was sick for a month. Since then, no flu (14 years) and counting. Did I just curse myself?!?!?!

11-04-2011, 10:13 AM
I get one every year now days.... the last time I skipped the flu shot I ended up sick for a week with the flu. To me it's just not worth skipping, the flu sucks big time.

I've never had a reaction of any type to the shot.

If it stings going in tell whomever is administering the shot to slow down a little on the plunger and they will not sting.

Scott Card
11-04-2011, 11:55 AM
I am just the opposite of Ice. The only time I ever got a flu shot I was more sick that winter than every before or since. Since I got the flu that winter, I haven't had a shot or the flu since. (knock on wood :haha:)

11-04-2011, 12:42 PM
And you know why, right? A flu vaccine is a partially-dead virus. So yes, the virus can still give you the flu, depending on your immune response.

I'm a type 1 diabetic of 15 yrs, and I get a flu shot every year, and for the past 15 yrs I have never had the flu. My immune system is very active and kicking, however, that's why they say I got diabetes in the first place - my immune system thought my pancrease as a disease or foreign object and killed it.

Anywho, a flu shot isn't for everyone. But it's great knowing people can cough on me all they want and know I won't be down for a week.

That's interesting. I'm also a type 1 diabetic (of 20+ years). For many years, I got the flu shot, and didn't have any problems with it (and I stopped getting the flu). A few years ago, I read about a study some doctor did, and he noticed that all of his patients who had high levels of vitamin D in their blood never got the flu. I thought I would try taking it, and for the last 3 years I have taken supplements of vitamin D, and skipped the vaccine. So far no flu (though I'll probably get it this year :haha:).


Scott Card
11-04-2011, 03:29 PM
Let's see, Nat, you and me, bigred and Intrepid, may have just jinxed ourselves. Quick, rub a red headed feller. I understand that undoes any hex or jinx. Where's Rich when you need him. :lol8:

11-04-2011, 03:35 PM
Beech, you get sick because its cold season! You would have got sick without the shot.

Just make sure its a shot instead of a live virus.

I always get a flu shot, along with my all kids and we might get a cold now and then and stomach flu, but we don't get the types of flu the shot covers.

greyhair biker
11-04-2011, 03:42 PM
Haven't had a flu shot in about 20 years or so and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I guess I'm due eh?:ne_nau:......wait...does stomach flu count 'cause I've had that a few times I think. Mostly a 24 hr thing and it's over.

11-04-2011, 09:40 PM
And you know why, right? A flu vaccine is a partially-dead virus. So yes, the virus can still give you the flu, depending on your immune response.

And your chances of getting sick compared to the full on active virus compared to a partially or mostly dead virus is much much lower. That's why those who have weaker immune systems are highly encouraged to do so (again, if had a compromised immune system would you rather have the full blunt or a partially dead virus so your immune system has a fighting chance). People don't realize that MANY people die from influenza every year

I'm a type 1 diabetic of 15 yrs, and I get a flu shot every year, and for the past 15 yrs I have never had the flu. My immune system is very active and kicking, however, that's why they say I got diabetes in the first place - my immune system thought my pancrease as a disease or foreign object and killed it.

Anywho, a flu shot isn't for everyone. But it's great knowing people can cough on me all they want and know I won't be down for a week.

Jman--Thanks for sharing.

My wife and i have three sons, two of them are type 1. Crazy thing is that there is no family history. The Docs advise us to get flu shots in addition to our boys to help minimize the chances of them getting sick (catching something from us).

I've got a close friend who is a 72 year old type 1. You should here his stories of what it was like when he was young--peeing on a strip and boiling syringes. Great advances to where we are at today with the glucose meters and insulin pumps.

11-05-2011, 06:41 AM
This is the first year that Intermountain has made the flu shot a mandatory requirement of employment. But I get one every year, haven't analyzed the correlation I usually don't get sick too much?

11-06-2011, 05:05 PM
Haven't had a flu shot in about 20 years or so and can't remember the last time I had the flu. I guess I'm due eh?:ne_nau:......wait...does stomach flu count 'cause I've had that a few times I think. Mostly a 24 hr thing and it's over.

I am the same as above, Some of the sickest people that I know, including some of my family started getting the flu shot for the past 5 years. Of course I pass when it comes to needles. I would be a dead man if I ever became diabetic.

11-07-2011, 03:22 PM
This is the first year that Intermountain has made the flu shot a mandatory requirement of employment.

My wife is an EMT and is required to get a flu shot every year.... that should tell everyone something, when the health care professionals that deal with the flu every day require it.