View Full Version : Conditions Buckskin September Conditions?

09-24-2011, 06:47 AM
Hey, I hopped on a post along with NelsonCC earlier asking about Buckskin (April). We both had to abort, nelsoncc's due to an injury and mine because it started raining early in the AM, pouring later in the day after we thankfully aborted...

Anyone been down there recently? How is the cess pool? The two rock falls? Are ropes in place on the one fall or can you still crawl under it?

My wife and I are flying out this weekend and were hoping to beat another government shutdown and hike it on Friday(almost happened last time and evidently every time we fly out there now it will almost happen...my apologies to all).

Any other ideas for some nice slot canyons...sadly we are limited by not having technical gear but love a beautiful long quiet day (wanted to do the Grand Canyon Rim 2 Rim in a day which I've done before BUT we aren't in good enough shape for that intense of a day hike :cry1:

Thanks so much.

09-27-2011, 03:28 PM
85 views for buckskin gulch !!! anybody been down and out in August even as that at least might give me an idea? The rabbit hole was open last time I heard for instance? Any flashes recently even if you don't know how they've influenced Buckskin?

Any help would be appreciated :hail2thechief:

I called the ranger station and all they could tell me about were the roads. :facepalm1:

09-27-2011, 05:40 PM
85 views for buckskin gulch !!! anybody been down and out in August even as that at least might give me an idea? The rabbit hole was open last time I heard for instance? Any flashes recently even if you don't know how they've influenced Buckskin?

Any help would be appreciated :hail2thechief:

I called the ranger station and all they could tell me about were the roads. :facepalm1:

It rained hard about 2 weeks ago around here. Here's the ZBlog on that:


About 100 miles at most from Buckskin - likely similar precip = lots of mud.


09-27-2011, 05:41 PM
I was last through there in April. The rabbit hole was open. But even if it is not open 20 feet of one inch sling is more than enough to set up a hand line to get over the problem. Even in great condition, Buckskin gluch is a very strenuous hike. With the 12 hours of day light you will need to plan on staying overnight with overnight gear or pushing to complete it as a one day 21 mile trek from wire pass to whitehouse. Either way, I would rate it as very strenuous, perhaps not quite as strenuous as GC rim to rim but still a heck of a hike. The other option is to simply hike in from Wire Pass as far as you care to and then turn around. Hiking to the middle trail and then turning around is also a good objective.

There will be some water in there from the rains last week so you can expect some mud and some at least waist deep wades. This coming weekend, I believe there is some rain in the forecast. You might consider posting on the Yahoo canyoneering group board. Perhaps someone there will have some info. Also call the drivers who provide shuttles for the trailhead as they may have from information from recent hikers. Consider calling the Paria Outpost as they probably have some information on conditions.


09-27-2011, 06:48 PM
Thank you SOOOO much. It's tough to get out to all the beauty from the east coast and we'll have to re-evaluate. Cancelled last time with cloudy skies and the threat of rain and we will cancel again if the weather doesn't play nice. I don't feel like dying but thank you very much for the warning either way!

I've done the hike as a day hike before so I know what I'm getting into BUT we had near perfect conditions I'd argue. Sent an email to Paria Outpost but will call tomorrow.

EDIT Tom, I had to include I love your signature quotation :-)