View Full Version : Where were you 10 years ago today?

09-11-2011, 09:10 AM
I had the TV news on as I was geting ready for work (same as every morning). When the first plane hit everyone just assumed it was an simple plane crash. Than as I was watching the second plane hit and you instantly knew someting BIG was happening.

09-11-2011, 09:45 AM
I was driving to Provo for work, and stopped at Soldier Summit to take photos of the sunrise. I wasn't aware anything had happened until I got to the office and everybody was gathered in groups around computer screens reading the news.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6178/6136818954_caa0fef561_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/udink/6136818954/)
The When and Where (http://www.flickr.com/photos/udink/6136818954/) by Udink (http://www.flickr.com/people/udink/), on Flickr

09-11-2011, 09:59 AM
Woke up late, turned on the TV saw the first plane hit.. dozed woke up to see the second plane hit.. thought it was a stupid movie, Took a shower, drove to SLCC where I learned that what I saw wasn't a movie...:crazy:

Dr. Nebz
09-11-2011, 01:51 PM
I was just about to head in to work, when my boss called and said "turn on the TV." I had one of those (TV's) back then, so I did as he asked. I saw the second plane hit just as the image appeared on the screen. Long silence between us, then he said "nobody needs to come in to work today," he was shutting us down for safety reasons. I just sank on my couch and wondered if WWIII had just begun. Glad it didn't, but at the rate everything is going, this all probably will be a catalyst for it.

I still think there are a lot of unanswered questions about the events that happened on 9/11. There is some fundamental science that has been ignored and information suppressed by our government. Why? I am not going to pretend to know why a proper investigation was not done. But I do remember Donald Rumsfeld explaining just a couple of days before the attacks that the Pentagon could not account for 2.3 trillion in assets in a White House Briefing. Why was that never investigated? Why were only 5 frames of security footage released of the impact at the pentagon, and where was the plane wreckage? There are a laundry list of things that were not properly executed as is required by law. Why was the Secretary of Transportation's testimony thrown out of the 9/11 Commission Report? The Building science surrounding the WTC collapse and WT #7 collapsing 5 hours after the WTC collapsed and appears by all engineering opinions that it was a controlled demolition. And the testimony of graveyard workers who were in the towers weeks before the attack hearing strange noises coming from in the tower at night. What were they hearing? Until a full truth is revealed, then there is no real closure for anyone. We have become a culture of fear. Sad but true.

I think as a matter of due process, the investigation into 9/11 was not given due process. This is law in this country- why was the letter of the law not followed on such a huge crime as this? If you are going to seek the truth, you have to ask the real questions which bring about the whole truth. I think the American public does not like to think that they had been duped. It gives you a creepy feeling to think your government is capable of such diabolical behavior. No one would want to admit that. In the end, it was innocent human beings all over the world who were made to suffer in the name of structural violence.

But my concerns for the facts should never take away the loss that thousands of people have felt because of losing a loved one. Those who died on 9/11 or in the years after in the wars and other acts of violence are the real victims of this tragedy. No matter what the truth, there is only one truth that in the end needs clarification- a lot of people died. And more continue to die. War is obsolete. We need a better way for all humanity. Blessings to those who survived and those who were left behind. May we find a better way.

09-11-2011, 02:01 PM

09-11-2011, 03:27 PM
I was in College. I woke up and got ready and left for school like normal. Some people on the bus were talking about planes and it sounded like one was missing... I wasn't really paying attention and still half asleep. I didn't realize what was happening until I was at class. As soon as my class was over I went home and turned on the news and ditched the rest of my classes that day.

09-11-2011, 04:23 PM
I was in my newswriting class at the U of New Hampshire when it happened. The class ran from 8-10AM and when it first happened, my instructor was reading the updates, and we all assume some drunk idiot flew a cessna into the first tower. That in and of itself would have been a bad day for some people, but as we got the details, we stopped running class and she let us leave early. I went upstairs to the English Department office where I worked that summer and everyone in the office was gathered around an old radio listening in silence. It was very old school. After spending some time there, I went over to the athletic department where I currently worked, and checked in with people there to see what details they had, and then I drove home.

The first thing I did when I got home was try to get in touch with my mom who lives/works in southwestern Connecticut, about an hour from NYC. The phone lines were all jammed up, and I couldn't get through to her phone at work, or her home phone, not even to leave a message. I didn't suspect anything was wrong with her, I just needed to hear from her, and my family. My academic adviser, who had retired the previous spring, was on one of the planes, which we learned the following afternoon in class.

This morning I photographed a very well done remembrance ceremony at our state house:
NH State Remembrance Ceremony

09-11-2011, 05:00 PM
Ft. Lewis, Washington. In the Army. My unit was mobilized shortly thereafter.

Dr. Nebz: BITE ME. Many of my friends died shortly thereafter. I don't think that was some conspiracy! What did YOU DO do retaliate? At that time, I was in the Army 6 years already. My father and my brother were already in the sandbox before I was ready..

Scott P
09-11-2011, 05:26 PM
My wife and I were working at the Kremmling Airport (Colorado). We were working a 17 hour shift so didn't really know what was going on until midnight.

After Kremmling we headed to the Jackson Airport (Wyoming) to work on a project there. We had to get special security badges because Dick Cheney would fly in and out on weekends to go fishing or hunting. On the project (the airport is small) we actually had to drive under the wing of Air Force 1 (or more acurrately Air Force 2 when the VP is aboard) to get to the work site. We had to have escorts and there was always a lot of security!

09-11-2011, 05:38 PM
I was at work in Oakland, CA. I didn't hear about it until my wife called. Then we spent the rest of the day watching TV on the computer screens.

09-11-2011, 05:39 PM
when it first happened, my instructor was reading the updates, and we all assume some drunk idiot flew a cessna into the first tower.

I forgot about that.... When I turned on the news it had just happened and they were reporting that a Cessna had hit the WTC. It took about 15 or 20 minutes for them to identify the plane as a passenger jet.

We had to get special security badges!

At the time I was designing Approach Lighting Systems (ALS) for a bunch of regional airports through the country, we also had to pass a security check. I also end up with additional work because they forced all the crop dusters in the US to be hangared because the feds were afraid they would be use to deliver chemical warfare.

Dr. Nebz
09-11-2011, 06:14 PM
Dr. Nebz: BITE ME. Many of my friends died shortly thereafter. I don't think that was some conspiracy! What did YOU DO do retaliate? At that time, I was in the Army 6 years already. My father and my brother were already in the sandbox before I was ready..

Bite me? WTF? How American of you. I have a good friend and brother in law who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. My good friends 19 yr old son was killed over there. But you do not answer the points that I made. Where was the due process in this investigation? Like you are saying it is not ok for me to question my government and the lack of competence displayed by those who were running the show? Go bite yourself. If our government had acted on the Intel they received prior to 9/11, your friends would probably still be alive. I don't retaliate because violence only begets violence. So BruteForce, maybe you need to just chill out and accept that there are people, not just me, who do not buy the bullshit story that was given by our government for 9/11. And if you had read my entire post, you would have read my closing comments that it all ended up with people dying. Trying using your brain and not your emotional content when having a discussion. :facepalm1:

I ask you one further question, have you read the 9/11 commission report? If the answer is "no" your response is blind anger.

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive."
-Thomas Jefferson

09-11-2011, 06:29 PM
My good friends 19 yr old son was killed over there.

I asked where you had skin in the game, not your good friends son or your nieces best friends mother. Just as I thought, another democrat that has put NO SKIN IN THE GAME, but has conspiracy theories.

09-11-2011, 07:10 PM
I was picking up donuts for the office when I got a call from my wife to turn on the radio.

Dr. Nebz
09-11-2011, 07:12 PM
I asked where you had skin in the game, not your good friends son or your nieces best friends mother. Just as I thought, another democrat that has put NO SKIN IN THE GAME, but has conspiracy theories.

Skin in the game? I don't want this game and never did. I am not a Democrat, I hate all politicians equally. Shows how little you know. I question everything, because the truth does not lie but politicians do. And there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq right? So if you are proud of yourself for being a sponge and sucking up all those lies, then all power to you. But your "try to make him look unpatriotic" because I just don't "get in line" fails miserably. Just because you made the choice to be in the military does not give you the right to treat other Americans however you choose. It was probably every Muslims fault too that 9/11 happened right? Stop being a douche bag because you do not like my opinions. And my opinions will never change no matter what comes out of your pie hole.

09-11-2011, 07:25 PM
Nebz have you read the work done by popular mechanics? They published quiet a bit of peer reviewed information and should answer many of your questions. Here is a link I'm assuming you can find more info about their published works from the website http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1227842

Healthy skepticism, it seems, has curdled into paranoia. Wild conspiracy tales are peddled daily on the Internet, talk radio and in other media. Blurry photos, quotes taken out of context and sketchy eyewitness accounts have inspired a slew of elaborate theories: The Pentagon was struck by a missile; the World Trade Center was razed by demolition-style bombs; Flight 93 was shot down by a mysterious white jet. As outlandish as these claims may sound, they are increasingly accepted abroad and among extremists here in the United States...To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military.

In the end, we were able to debunk each of these assertions with hard evidence and a healthy dose of common sense. We learned that a few theories are based on something as innocent as a reporting error on that chaotic day. Others are the byproducts of cynical imaginations that aim to inject suspicion and animosity into public debate. Only by confronting such poisonous claims with irrefutable facts can we understand what really happened on a day that is forever seared into world history. .

Dr. Nebz
09-11-2011, 07:55 PM
Nebz have you read the work done by popular mechanics? They published quiet a bit of peer reviewed information and should answer many of your questions. Here is a link I'm assuming you can find more info about their published works from the website http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1227842

This still does not account for why a proper investigation was not conducted. Due process is law when it comes to a murder investigation. Which this was mass murder according to the account given by the 9/11 commission. There was no due process, and there is a ton of scientific evidence that does not support the conclusion of the 9/11 commission. I am not an extremist as this article would like to label me as. I only seek the truth. Does it make you an extremist to question your own government? Our founding fathers of this country wanted you to question everything. It was their intent that there never be the reign of tyranny ever again here.

How can you debunk the Pentagon with 5 frames of film? Why not release the rest of the video footage? Why did it take years of law suits to just get those 5 frames? Sorry, but this article is clearly bias, and not seeking the truth. And why was the Secretary of Transportation's testimony thrown out by the 9/11 commission? Scientifically explain WT #7's collapse? Is this article claiming to have more knowledge than the best demolition experts in the world? I find it funny that the sources in this article are all in bed with our government. Bias to say the least. And there is the two days prior to 9/11 where Donald Rumsfeld in a public announcement told the public that the Pentagon could not account for 2.3 trillion in assets. Extremely convenient that the part of the building that was hit held all the financial computers which would have shown the paper trail for this missing asset claim. And then there is the wars, and the lies. Sorry, but one lie always leads to more lies, and I have yet to see one truth come out about this. The government lies, plain and simple. Wait till the next one they pull on you, and take away more of your rights. The saddest part, is that we economically hit Iraq, on the blood of American soldiers. And all the families who lost loved ones because we had an administration who in August 2001 received Intel stating that the United States was to face a serious attack in the realm of what transpired that day. Why did they sit on their hands? Why did they not take precautions and follow up on this Intel, it could have saved so many lives. You see, as much as anyone wants to try to debunk all of this, the fact remains that the whole truth has never been revealed. Until that day comes, I will not be satisfied with what a bunch of corrupt politicians try to tell me what happened. My choice, like it or leave it.

09-11-2011, 09:41 PM
i was camped on a small lake on the tundra in the wood-tikchik state park in alaska. woke up the morning of 9-11 oblivious to what was happening 5000 miles away. i opened the door to the tent and saw a moose on the other side of the lake. well i got up and went out and shot the beast. didn't see another plane for 4 days until i was picked up. i couldn't believe the news when they told me. i thought for sure they were just having me on.


09-12-2011, 05:53 AM
And my opinions will never change no matter what comes out of your pie hole.

I obviously over-reacted and apologize for the "BITE ME" comment. It was uncalled for. As for your opinion, you are entitled to it.

Dr. Nebz
09-12-2011, 06:18 AM
I obviously over-reacted and apologize for the "BITE ME" comment. It was uncalled for. As for your opinion, you are entitled to it.

It is a sensitive subject 9/11. And there has been a lot of pain, anger, suffering and heartache associated with this tragedy. I admit I am passionate about it too.

Thanks for the the apology and I apologize too for anything I said that was offensive to you. And thank you for your service to our country. The soldiers get all my respect, I save none for the politicians shinning their rear ends on leather seats back in Washington while our military does all the work.

09-12-2011, 06:56 AM
This still does not account for why a proper investigation was not conducted.

Al-Q blatantly took credit for the attack, and 10 years later is still claiming it even through the sheer hell we've reigned on them. They're pretty committed to it still.

How can you debunk the Pentagon with 5 frames of film? Why not release the rest of the video footage? Why did it take years of law suits to just get those 5 frames?
I'm speaking without a ton of knowledge on it also, but where were the other cameras? Do we know there is other footage?
Plus, there were HUNDREDS of witnesses driving down the highway as they saw the low flying passenger jet flying overhead. To dismiss their witness and statements because of what 5 frames of grainy video shows is probably a less logical way to go.


Dr. Nebz
09-12-2011, 09:28 AM
Al-Q blatantly took credit for the attack, and 10 years later is still claiming it even through the sheer hell we've reigned on them. They're pretty committed to it still.

I'm speaking without a ton of knowledge on it also, but where were the other cameras? Do we know there is other footage?
Plus, there were HUNDREDS of witnesses driving down the highway as they saw the low flying passenger jet flying overhead. To dismiss their witness and statements because of what 5 frames of grainy video shows is probably a less logical way to go.


I never said Al -Qaeda did not attack the US. What I am saying is that the investigation was not handled properly, and there are a lot of questions that were not answered and information suppressed post 9/11.

Remember, Al-Qaeda was a CIA operation during the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. We started the fire with this group, just sayin............

There were hundreds of cameras on the Pentagon. And all of the footage was classified minus 5 frames from one camera which everyone has seen. Why? We all saw the planes fly into the towers, why can we not see the Pentagon footage? If you are going to seek the truth you have to be willing to ask all the questions, not just settle for a half-ass response from a bunch of politicians.

IMHO there are a lot of unanswered questions. I think the American people deserve to know the truth about this day since it robbed us all of a lot of civil liberties and has cost the lives of thousands of American troops since.

09-12-2011, 09:49 AM
There were hundreds of cameras on the Pentagon. And all of the footage was classified minus 5 frames from one camera which everyone has seen. Why? We all saw the planes fly into the towers, why can we not see the Pentagon footage?

True, I'm not making excuses for them either, but the footage we're all familiar with of the Towers isn't from Government agent cameras.

What would be gained if we saw an HD clip of the Pentagon attack? Would that be to remove doubt that it wasn't the passenger jet? And if THAT wouldn't stop the accusations, maybe they don't see a motivation to publish it - if the conspiracies would remain, which they would. Seriously, what would the gov't gain by publishing a slo-mo high def version? True it would make a lot of us fell better, but maybe they don't see that as their responsibility.

I'm just not sure why people feel it wasn't the passenger airline when so many witnesses saw it.

This is a 9/11 conspiracy thread now.

09-12-2011, 11:40 AM
Dentist in St. George...

Baby Number 5 was 1 year old and had 3 more very young girls at home.

Dr. Nebz
09-12-2011, 11:54 AM
This is a 9/11 conspiracy thread now.

A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cover-up) to the general public.

I am not saying there were any plots, agendas or organizations implicated. There is just not enough evidence to show that at this time. What I am saying is this investigation was not handled by the letter of the law and the actions of our government in all branches were suspicious to say the least. I say if you are going to release information then release the truth. If they have nothing to hide, why not let the truth come out?

When me and you and millions of other Americans were not allowed to fly post 9/11, why was the family of a man (Bin Laden) who was implicated as the master mind of 9/11 allowed to fly out of the United States without any interviews which could have lead to his capture under federal law? If I blew up a building I am sure my family members would not be allowed to leave until they were at least interrogated. 5 FBI and former FBI agents testified under oath that the Bin Ladens were not investigated and allowed by executive order to leave the country. Again, why?

You see, none of any of this makes sense. There is so much more, but I would not like to be marked as a extremist since that is not the point for me. I see poor investigative procedure by Federal Law enforcement and our top branches of government. This incompetence portrayed is outrageous to say the least. And tax payers should be pissed, when a job under law is not done correctly. Imagine the intel we lost by not following through. Especially about an event as huge as 9/11. Food for thought.