View Full Version : Can't post photos to Bogley

Scott P
08-26-2011, 08:50 AM
Even with low resolution/compressed photos/links, I can't post them to Bogley any more for some reason. It says I've exceeded my quota. Any idea what's up?

08-26-2011, 07:25 PM
Even with low resolution/compressed photos/links, I can't post them to Bogley any more for some reason. It says I've exceeded my quota. Any idea what's up?

What browser are you using? Are you using the "Insert Image" method http://www.bogley.com/forum/images/editor/insertimage.png or the "Attachment" method? http://www.bogley.com/forum/images/editor/attach.png

Whichever method you're using, do you get the same error the other way?

I just had to upload one just to make sure there wasn't something wrong in general....

Anybody else having this issue?


08-26-2011, 07:32 PM
oops.... I found the problem. You should be good to go now :cool2: Thanks for the heads up