View Full Version : ‪GoPro HD: Whistler MTB Experiment‬al Array

08-22-2011, 06:38 PM
This just proves again that GoPro has their shtuff together when it comes to helmet cameras. Almost zero changes have taken place with the HD Hero camera since it came out, except for the accessories.

eets the bayst.

This array stuff is pretty sweet, the only downside is you need a separate camera for each frame step.....


08-22-2011, 06:42 PM
how do they genlock 'em? must be the same technology that genlocks the 3d camera too... but i don't think this is the basic "gopro" all linked up. there must be some sort of hardware connection to genlock all the frames.

08-22-2011, 08:53 PM
Yeah, probably something like that. Although it could be done manually during edit, probably linking them together with the cable.

08-22-2011, 09:03 PM
it can't be done manually during edit, because every camera doesn't record the same frame at the exact same instant. it could be off each frame by as much as 1/60th of a second in 30fps footage, which would make the motion jitter and unsynced when you try to make the move across the array's frames. the aren't capturing the same exact instant on every camera, unless all the cameras are started at exactly the same moment (this is called genlock).

watch the gymkhana video and you can see the array is linked up with some crazy hardware too in the credits. no way you or i could just go buy 30 gopros and make this work. there is some sort of hardware manipulation going on to genlock 'em between each camera. you pay big money in the broadcast world for genlockable cameras.

consumer priced genlock cameras would allow people to shoot cheap, but high quality 3d footage, and that is still not possible, because of the syncing issues between multiple cameras. gopro seems to have figured something out though, and i wanna know when i can have 'em!

08-22-2011, 09:07 PM
wonder if it's done through their port on the back. that would be sick. now, if they'd just give us 1080 60p or 120p, i'd really lose my shit...

08-22-2011, 09:10 PM
also wonder how they cure the rolling shutter issue of a gopro. this has got me all puzzled now. i guess genlock could solve the rolling shutter issue too, since it would be identical across all sensors.


08-23-2011, 09:05 PM
Nice video. I wonder how many guys go big with the gopro rolling :lol8:

08-24-2011, 09:30 PM
no way you or i could just go buy 30 gopros and make this work.

Do you underestimate my powers?