View Full Version : Conditions Hidden Splendor?

hank moon
06-10-2011, 08:32 AM
Hey y'all

Has anybody been through the Squeeze, Knotted Rope or Quandary (regular and/or direct) recently? Looking for pothole escape difficulty and water levels (i.e. suit needed?). I haven't done Squeeze in a few years, but last time I did the pothole escapes were fairly trivial. Any current info appreciated.



p.s. info on Cable or Music also welcome!

06-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Hey y'all

Has anybody been through the Squeeze, Knotted Rope or Quandary (regular and/or direct) recently? Looking for pothole escape difficulty and water levels (i.e. suit needed?). I haven't done Squeeze in a few years, but last time I did the pothole escapes were fairly trivial. Any current info appreciated.



p.s. info on Cable or Music also welcome!

Green Fly season. Flies likely brutal. Bring extra blood.


Scott P
06-10-2011, 09:01 AM
If you do Music, keep in mind that Muddy Creek is really flowing right now. If you attempt it, bring a life jacket for sure.

Unless it has really rained recently, Quandary should be pretty dry, at least friends that did it two weeks ago. It was also almost bone dry when we did it in April, but there was apparently a rainstorm in the area just before Memorial Day (June has been dry), so there might be some more water in there.

06-10-2011, 09:01 AM
squeeze on may 21st there was deep wading and swims in the upper portion of the canyon. but the flood a few days before I went didn't make it all the way through the pothole section. early potholes full with the later potholes dry. suit recommended for the wet stuff. not needed when the potholes became dry or have minimal wading.

06-10-2011, 09:09 AM
I had friends that went though quandry and knotted rope over memorial day. I'll hit them up for conditions. Jaxx, Boots, Corpse?

hank moon
06-10-2011, 11:17 AM
Thanks for all the replies, y'all - much appreciated! Shaun, how difficult were the Squeeze pothole escapes? Any bag-tossing or the like, or just partner-assist type stuff?

06-10-2011, 03:34 PM
hank just partner assists. some early potholes I swam right over lip and then suddenly the previous pothole was a swim and the next one was waist deep and from there out it was dry.

in the past few weeks there may be a possiblity water has gone down in an early pothole where it could be in keeper stage and a pack toss needed.

06-12-2011, 05:25 PM
We did Quandary just last Saturday (the 11th). There were a few swims early on, but the keeper potholes were pretty dry.