View Full Version : Trip Report SUE2: Upper Gulch, Upper Muley Twist

05-30-2011, 02:45 PM
Southern Utah Exploring - Part 2

After hard rain made me change my pans and skip Capitol Reef, I ended up at The Gulch and did a 2-day hike up Upper Gulch and looped through Egg Canyon. Nice canyon and the petrified wood in Egg Canyon was amazing (though not as abundant as I expected.)

A rainy lower Upper Gulch

huge logs in a gully of Egg Canyon

The rain finally cleared out the next day and I headed back to Capitol Reef. I saw a bunch of Elk and Black-necked Stilts along the 4x4 road back into the Onion Beds area. Stopped before getting into the NP.



My goal from here was to find a back way into Upper Muley Twist Canyon from the west. I really should have done more homework on this before setting out, but instead just dove in somewhat blind and explored (more fun that way, though much more of a workout!) First gulley I explored went all the way down w/o a problem, but it put me in the heart of the narrows with no way out and up to the bypass route.

Descending the gully with snowy Henrys in background

[SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I had to backtrack and try the gullies farther south. I went two drainages south as the next one didn

05-30-2011, 03:06 PM
Nice pics.