View Full Version : Trip Report The Wave, Coyote Buttes North

04-08-2011, 09:54 PM
I had been dreaming about a trip to The Wave for quite some time and really thought it was going to be some distant date that it might become a reality but a couple weeks ago a friend called and said she had an extra permit and wanted to know if I'd like to join her family for the day. It didn't take much considering to jump on the invitation even tho it was on a Wednesday and I'd have to get down there on my own (280 miles each way in a diesel pickup with fuel at $4.00 a gallon) and I'd have to get home that night to get back to work the next day but what the heck - how often does a guy get an invitation like that? So I busted down there on a Tuesday afternoon, stayed the night in Kanab, started early on Wednesday with my friends to head out to the Wirepass trailhead and on a beautiful crisp morning hiked into The Wave. Skies were clear with little or no wind all day. The shooting started about 10am and I didn't stop until after 5 that afternoon. More than 500 photos. It was interesting how the light changes the look of the place thru the day. I climbed all over that place, even up to the arch and alcove way up above The Wave. And I was glad that only 20 people are allowed in each day cause even at that, you had to do some waiting for people to get out of your shot as The Wave is a relatively small area. I shot almost everything with my 11-22 on a tripod with cable release. I was back to my truck at 6 and home by 11:15 and off to slumberland. I'm a happy camper cause I got to see The Wave.

04-08-2011, 10:42 PM
Nice :2thumbs:

04-09-2011, 07:31 AM
Not fair... everyone should be forced to endure that hellish wind I encountered out there.

04-09-2011, 10:08 AM
Nice pictures. While JPEG compression can mess up things, there's also the issue of color space. Do you shoot in a-RGB? And if so, did you convert them to s-RGB before web display?

04-09-2011, 02:18 PM
Not fair... everyone should be forced to endure that hellish wind I encountered out there.


But you got so awesome shots, Bill. Even with that sand storm.

By the way, really nice shots, remoteman. That place is so awesome, the the pattern of the sandstone is always an eye catcher.

04-09-2011, 08:43 PM
They look great on my iPad. Excellent shots!!! :popcorn:

04-28-2011, 05:22 PM