View Full Version : Box Elder Peak

04-03-2011, 03:23 AM
I'm going to hike Box Elder Peak on tuesday the 5th. It looks like a good one to climb in the snow. Is anyone interested in coming along? I will be bringing snow shoes, crampons and an ice ax as well as an ave probe and beacon. E-mail me if your interested. Also, if anyone has advice on summiting Box Elder in the snow I would appreciate it.

Brian in SLC
04-05-2011, 12:14 PM
Also, if anyone has advice on summiting Box Elder in the snow I would appreciate it.

I've only done it on skis in the winter, but, its routinely done. I think with the Hanscom/Kelner books (Wasatch Tours) outlines a safer route. Maybe Tyson Bradley's too.

I don't recall our exact route, and, the weather was poor so I didn't get any photos...

Quick net search...here's a frightening little trip report:


Another TR here:


See you're going today. Hopefully it went well!

Stay safe...

04-20-2011, 07:06 PM
How was Box Elder? What route did you take?