View Full Version : Trip Report Lessons in Brutality

Scott P
02-07-2011, 07:10 PM
ntroductionThis is a brief trip report outlining our trip in the Colorado Rockies over Thanksgiving Weekend 2010. Our family climbing party consisted of Kessler (eight years old), Shaylee (six years old), Kimberly and me. A few other friends joined us part way through the trip as well. We had planned to climb several 12,000 and 13,000 foot peaks over a four day period (with the ultimate goal being a climb of Jacque Peak), but instead of camping we would stay at one of the 10th Mountain Division Huts located high in the mountains at timberline. When you have two small children, this makes multi-day mountain trips in winter conditions much easier. The only problem with staying at the cabins is that you must book them well in advance and long before the weather forecast is available, but we had had good luck in the past.

Usually we have friends or family joining us on our Thanksgiving weekend trip, but this year the cabin filled up too fast and only two friends were to join us.

Click Here for Previous Year's Trip (http://www.summitpost.org/buckeye-peak-thanksgiving-weekend-2009/580305)

The year previous it was almost too warm and dry before the trip and snow cover was spotty and slushy in places. We had hoped for more snow this year and a little colder temperature. Of course we have all heard the old adage:

Be careful what you wish for.

http://www.summitpost.org/images/medium/697109.JPG (http://www.summitpost.org/above-janets-cabin/697109)
http://www.summitpost.org/images/layout/abby/magnify.gif (http://www.summitpost.org/above-janets-cabin/697109)
Above Janets Cabin on November 26 2010.

Decisions, Decisions

We had hoped for more snow cover, and from early on in November, the snow piled up deep in the mountains. Prior to Thanksgiving, storm after storm pounded the mountains. Since we (just us four) were supposed to be the first people to reach the cabin of the season, trail breaking would be difficult, but the trip should go smoothly as long as we had a good weather forecast.

If only we did have a good weather forecast. The closer we got to the weekend, the worst the forecast became. Just prior to the trip, it sounded terrible. There was a blizzard warning out. Record breaking cold temperatures were predicted. The news predicted that this

02-08-2011, 09:12 AM
Wow! Sounds like an epic trip. Glad 2 of you got to make it to the cabin. Now that you have all that gear it will be easy to justify by all the trips you seem to take. I love the pic of you in the snow. Breaking trail is a pain.

02-08-2011, 08:00 PM
Cool pic. I know it's a pain but more would read/see the TR in bogley format. I know I would...yeah bogley snob. :lol8:

Scott P
02-19-2011, 02:37 PM
Bumping this up because it is now in Bogley Format.:wink:

02-20-2011, 08:16 AM
Wonderful! You have the best kids! They have the best dad!