View Full Version : News Man's companion dog taken away over danger dispute

02-03-2011, 10:08 AM

SALT LAKE CITY -- A snowboarding accident changed his life nearly five years ago. But thanks to a service dog, Dr. Gael Yonnet got his life back.

Then last week everything changed. That's when the organization that partnered him with Elon, a yellow Labrador retriever, took the dog back, saying Yonnet's lifestyle and job were endangering the animal.

Now there's an online petition (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/returnelon/) to reunite the two.

Yonnet received Elon in August 2009 from the Canine Companions for Independence (http://www.cci.org/site/c.cdKGIRNqEmG/b.3978475/k.3F1C/Canine_Companions_for_Independence.htm). The organization provides highly trained assistance dogs for children and adults with disabilities, free of charge. The organization said after a two-week training program, the participant is given "custody" not "ownership" of the dog.

"You do get depressed at times," he said, "and having the constant companionship of the dog -- and he knows when I'm sad, and he knows what I need -- it's really comforting."

Since he got Elon, Yonnet regained the active lifestyle he had before he got hurt. He said Elon helps him at home and at work. With the dog's help he went mountain biking for the first time last year and in October 2010 he was able climb the top of Snowbird with Elon by his side.

"When I look back over the last 18 months of my life, he has always been a part of my life, so he's a part of me," Yonnet said.

Yonnet, who is a senior resident at the University of Utah hospital's neuro-rehabilitation department, said Elon also gives his patients hope. He said patients see that it's possible to live a full and active life.

But recently, his life became much harder. CCI met with Yonnet and Elon, for what he thought was a normal follow-up visit.

"They said, actually, 'Thanks for taking the whole day off, but we are just here to take custody of the dog for his own safety.'"

Yonnet said he was upset, holding Elon and crying. "I stayed 10 minutes holding him, and they said, 'If it's easier, we can call the police to take him from you.'"

"It's extremely rare for Canine Companions to ask for a dog to be returned from a team," said Jeanine Konopelski, spokeswoman for Canine Companions for Independence, said in a statement sent from their headquarters in Santa Rosa, Calif. "We've had many conversations and visits with Dr. Yonnet to help resolve numerous safety issues over the past year. We finally had to intervene to ensure the dog's health and safety."

The statement did not comment on the online petition.

Yonnet said he understood their concern, especially after hearing the dog was not on a leash at all times. But he claims Elon was never in danger. "He was off the leash, and I agree to that, and I apologize, but he was never in danger. I would never allow that."

The organization said, in a written statement, that over the past 35 years, it experienced the loss of 53 dogs due to traffic accidents and being off leash. It said that was why it placed restrictions on dogs.

"If all it takes for me to get my baby back is to put him on a leash, then I will do it," he said. "It's an easy solution. I just want my baby back."

For now Elon remains in a California kennel.
Story written with contributions from Alex Cabrero (acabrero@ksl.com) and Viviane Vo-Duc (vvo-duc@ksl.com).


02-03-2011, 02:25 PM
you have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!! canine companions are cold hearted a...holes. 18 months, they have bonded together. it is just as cruel for the dog to have its master taken away. what about the dogs feelings? in 35 years they have lost 53 dogs? big deal. how dogs were put down by your local spca last year? at least this dog has someone who loves and cares for it.

02-04-2011, 07:22 AM
you have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!! canine companions are cold hearted a...holes. 18 months, they have bonded together. it is just as cruel for the dog to have its master taken away. what about the dogs feelings? in 35 years they have lost 53 dogs? big deal. how dogs were put down by your local spca last year? at least this dog has someone who loves and cares for it.

Brian in SLC
02-04-2011, 08:22 AM
I dunno. I watched the news story last night, couldn't help but thinking there was more here than meets the eye. Sounds like they've warned him numerous times in the past, and, this was the final straw.

Pretty simple rules to play by, and, the guy continued to ignore them. Now, after actually losing the dog, he's willing to finally comply?

Like you said, no shortage of dogs out there to not have on a leash. He can pick up and bond with a pound puppy.

02-04-2011, 09:10 AM
I dunno. I watched the news story last night, couldn't help but thinking there was more here than meets the eye. Sounds like they've warned him numerous times in the past, and, this was the final straw.

Pretty simple rules to play by, and, the guy continued to ignore them. Now, after actually losing the dog, he's willing to finally comply?

Like you said, no shortage of dogs out there to not have on a leash. He can pick up and bond with a pound puppy.

02-04-2011, 12:02 PM
how long does he need to have the dog before it is his.
How do they know that he was off his leash that much?
Do they send out the secret police to watch, keeping you always looking over your shoulder.

It's just not right. :nono:

02-04-2011, 12:08 PM
how long does he need to have the dog before it is his.
How do they know that he was off his leash that much?
Do they send out the secret police to watch, keeping you always looking over your shoulder.

It's just not right. :nono:

Terribly cruel. Very unfortunate that he chose to not keep his agreement, and therefore the sweet doggy is now sitting in a kennel, awaiting placement with a more-responsible individual.

Tom :moses:

Brian in SLC
02-04-2011, 02:41 PM
how long does he need to have the dog before it is his.
How do they know that he was off his leash that much?
Do they send out the secret police to watch, keeping you always looking over your shoulder.

Go to their website and see what they do. I think the dog is in service for something like 8 years, then, it "retires" to petdom.

These are free to folks with disabilities. But, they come with strings (leashes, ha ha) attached. To get a dog, you have to apply and agree to the requirements for having a service dog.

Instead, this guy didn't live up to his end of the bargain, and, when he lost the dog, cried to the media, who, was having a slow news day. They spun these folks who provide FREE service dogs as the bad people. That's just silly.

You're correct: it isn't right. Get the dog to someone who'll appreciate it and follow the rules for keeping it.

What good can come of this newstory? That a not for profit bunch of folks won't provide free dogs any more due to this negative publicity? Geez, that's a win win for everyone...

You want a highly trained dog for free? Follow the rules. If you can't, then don't go whining to the media about it.

Edit to add: actually, I hope he gets his dog back, but...

I wonder if he got in trouble for posting video of he and his off leash dog in Little Cottonwood, which, is a watershed area and dogs aren't allowed. He had a very highly publicized climb up Hidden Peak at Snowbird, and, in the video, you can see the dog running along.