View Full Version : Best Anti-Virus Software?

01-17-2011, 04:57 PM
I've been using BitDefender for the pas year but my subscription is coming up for renewal in the next few days. I'm getting varying results for a google search of "best antivirus software 2011" but it seems to be BitDefender again along with Vipre and Norton. I've heard bad things about Norton so I'm not really considering it. I've been pretty happy with BitDefender but I don't know if I've ever even heard of Vipre.

I figured I solicit some advice from the many computer gurus on here and see what you're using or would recommend.

Thanks in advance.


01-17-2011, 05:03 PM
Microsoft Security Essentials

01-17-2011, 05:09 PM
Microsoft Security Essentials


Best one out there, and it's free.

...which I'm sure will bait the question "How do you define the best?"

They all block threats as good as the other, it's only a database of definitions that they all keep. None of them will stop human stupidity though :wink: This is why an updated version of Malwarebytes should be kept handy for those manual scans. This should go with ANY anti virus you have installed.

My definition of "best" is the low resources it demands from your system, how's the updating process, how much does it cost, how do you renew?

With Microsoft Security Essentials, it's integrated into the Windows OS. Updates come right along with Windows Updates. This also means it's not as much a "separate" program as the others, and you won't be prompted for renewals. :afro:

Norton, McAfee and others are HUGE resource hogs on your system, mainly because of all the backup stuff they offer along with the whole "suite" you purchase. These will not stop any threat that Microsoft Security Essentials does not.

The biggest RAM killer on your machine is the Anti Virus (for the average user).

01-17-2011, 05:39 PM
if you are talking about malware HitmanPro is much better then malwarebytes.

01-17-2011, 05:42 PM
X3. On Microsoft security essentials.

Although, if you want a objective software review site...toptenreviews.com is the best one out there. It's not a download site, but just a review site and side-by-side comparisons are awesome. Check it out. Then you can get an idea of the different AV products.

01-17-2011, 06:13 PM
Thanks tech guys. Helps us non-tech guys immensely.


01-17-2011, 06:20 PM
I use the free version of AVG.

01-17-2011, 07:38 PM
I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials but considering others like Avast and NOD32. AVG has had some issues on 64-bit OS's.

MSE offers excellent protection but can be more of a drag on the performance of some systems than it has to be.

01-18-2011, 04:59 PM
Thanks a bunch for the input everyone. I've removed BitDefender from my system and am now running Microsoft Security Essentials. I'm a big fan of free. It feels kind of wierd getting free stuff without the need to torrent it though.

01-18-2011, 06:53 PM
I've never seen MSE take up much resources on 4 of my machines, maybe it's set to an inconvenient time for scanning?

I've tried Avast for about 6 months and AVG for about a year. Avast always had something popping up in the corner asking me if something was OK, much like SpyBot. I hate that crap. AVG kept prompting for updates, then I'd have to uninstall then reinstall to the latest version.

I just need an anti virus that is virtually invisible.

01-19-2011, 07:05 AM
I used to have MSE set to run once a week, but after encountering some problems, now have it scheduled to run daily at 2:00am. It updates and runs without a hitch and I haven't had any problems since. I still run SpyBot manually once a week, too.

01-19-2011, 11:17 AM
Best Anti-Virus Software?

01-19-2011, 12:08 PM
I've never seen MSE take up much resources on 4 of my machines, maybe it's set to an inconvenient time for scanning?

Are they all glorified netbooks like mine? It's far from a gaming machine, but I manage to do quite a bit with it. It starts its scan late on Sunday nights as I'm on my way to bed. It's not a huge deal really. Just the odd few second lags where I suspect the AV is at work. A few posters on Acer forums have mentioned better performance with Avast but they could be imagining things. I figure odds are pretty good that I'll go back to MSE after trying Avast for few months.

Free AV's with breakthrough advances are regularly released as are pricey and disappointing versions of bloatware but overall, the fastest AV's cost a little extra. As long as I can continue to buy a computer/player/phone/iwhatever that's just as good for half the price 6-12 months down the road, I will remain a technology scavenger. Saving those extra 10 seconds just isn't that important.

01-19-2011, 12:42 PM
I run AVG on 7 of my computers and Avast on 3 of them. Both work great with few problems. Neither system is superior enough over the other that I've wanted to waste the time switching everything to the same system.

In both AVG and Avast you can go in and turn off any annoying pop ups and crap, both systems are now invisible on my computers.

As for the AVG update pop up you can select a box that installs the update on next boot up and then it becomes invisible (thats what I do). Your definition file is updated right away but the new software is updated the next boot up, which is the next day for me.

01-19-2011, 02:14 PM

Word. :nod:

01-19-2011, 02:50 PM


I use my computers for real manly work... not for girlie type shit like writing stories, managing my iPod, facebooking and myspace.....

There is not one useful engineering or structural analysis program in the world that will run on a MAC.

I require my computer to do some heavy lifting...

There is a legitimate reason why Apple only owns 10% of the worlds computer market share.... if it was really the best it would own a much bigger chunk...


01-19-2011, 09:18 PM
No viruses... :bootyshake: :haha:

02-03-2011, 07:45 AM
I used to run MSE but, my computer was a bit slow, so I moved to ZenOK free antivirus, which is a lighter and easier version. So far no complains on protecting my important files (music, and personal data)

04-15-2019, 03:15 AM
Of course, in 2011 it was relevant but now it is totally old-fashioned. There are a lot of new products on antiviruses market nowadays. Now I hear a lot about AVG and everybody asks "is AVG good (https://bestantiviruspro.org/review/avg-antivirus-review/)?" and I am quite confused cause I don't know for sure.

04-15-2019, 05:14 AM
Of course, in 2011 it was relevant but now it is totally old-fashioned. There are a lot of new products on antiviruses market nowadays. Now I hear a lot about AVG and everybody asks "is AVG good (https://bestantiviruspro.org/review/avg-antivirus-review/)?" and I am quite confused cause I don't know for sure.

AVG is good if you get


07-12-2021, 05:39 AM
can it be installed on smartphone android/ios and can it detect spy apps?

Yes, it can do everything but you must get "PLATINUM LEVEL"

It even can even detect covid on the microphone from just your speaking, no need for that silly testing.

A true "antivirus"

07-28-2021, 06:31 AM
I heard about Bitdefender. And heard that it is good enough.