View Full Version : Trip Report Ski Vacation December 2010

01-09-2011, 06:00 AM
With the kids out of school for two weeks we headed north to spend time with family and play in the snow.

Day 1 The Canyons Dec 21

Spencer has skied Canyons before but I have not had the pleasure. It took us 1 1/2 to drive up Weber and Echo Canyon. The roads were awful! Usually only takes me 45 min. The snow was heavy and wet. We parked the car in the Canyons lower lot and met our friends from Park City Laurie and Greg. After two cups of coffee and that long drive I desperately needed to use the little girls room. Only thing they had down there in the parking lot was outhouses! Surprisingly they were nice. They were heated! Better than the restrooms up at the resort.

It was a rough day all the way around. Spencer had equipment issues, the snow was less than perfect and the kids were not ready for this. In years past they have been on the ski team and did conditioning for 8 weeks prior to starting on the snow. They tuckered out fast and it frustrated them. With the snow being so wet we were soaked rats by the time we were done skiing.

Overall impression of the Canyons... they have a ton of runs to ski and I only saw a very small part of them being with Sarah. Love to go back with out kids and ski with Greg. Food sucked! Can not remember what lodge we stopped in but they didn't even have pizza and the prices were awful. Lack of bottled micro brew beer didn't help my impression either.

Day 2 Snowbasin Dec 27

Fun day with the Braunberger family. I love skiing with my nieces and nephew. Me and Jenni (sister-in-law) took the 5 cousins skiing. With the littlest one with us I needed to get my skiing in early in the day so I could hang with her after her second ski lesson ever. So the boys and I took off to Strawberry. There was a little bit of fresh powder that Keenan and I took advantage of. Spencer is not a fan of powder yet. He is too obsessed with screaming down the packed runs as fast as he can, I can not keep up with him anymore. He has good control and form... my money was well spent putting him on the ski team. Now I just need to get him to see the reason you ski. POWDER! Someday he will get bored of the groomers.

Keenan was a willing accomplice. We took it slow as he was struggling a bit in the powder. After three runs his legs were tuckered out and he joined Spencer on the groomers as I continued to play where ever I could find powder. Around 1:00PM we headed in for lunch and I spent the rest of the day with Kaylee my littlest niece skiing. She is 4 and simply adorable on skis. Only two lessons and she was doing fantastic! We took her up on Becker. I did video her but it makes me sick to watch the whole thing. So if I figure out how to edit and shorten it down to the good parts I will post. My absolute favorite thing skiing is the little kids on skis. LOVE IT!!!!!

Skiing Snowbasin is just playing in our back yard. The kids know the mountain so well I don't worry about them anymore. To our surprise Sarah and Kyla by themselves road up the gondola and came down. No problems either. Previous to this year we would take the girls up and that is such a long run and both were a bit whinny and annoying to deal with. Another proud moment.

Day 3 Snowbird (Mom gets to play by herself) Dec 29

What can I say about this day? PHENOMENAL

I started at 9:20 and didn't stop skiing until 3:30 with only one quick stop to pee and grab a snickers bar. The powder was plenty and that mountain is a blast! Mothers always know best and mine was right. Ski the Bird and you won't want to ski anywhere else. I only saw a small fraction of this resort as I had no need to go exploring. So I am looking forward to going back. I did meet up with my old boss and his boys. At the end of the day we were the last 4 the mid lodge served lunch to. I had a Ruben and beer. It was a well earned lunch!

Day 4 Snowbasin Dec 31

I sat in the lodge recovering from a hell of a hangover while Sarah skied with the cousins and Spencer stayed home to play the Wii. I went out the night before with friends and drank one to many. The weather changed and it was too cold for this girl to deal with.

Best part of this trip was I didn't pay for a single pass. Would loved to have skied more but too much going on this time of year. Next year I will do all my shopping online and reserve my days for skiing.

Didn't take many pictures because I was having technical difficulties with the camera. We will be popping up north soon to enjoy the snow again.


01-10-2011, 02:04 PM
:2thumbs: great memory maker

01-11-2011, 11:48 AM