View Full Version : Lunar Eclipse :( (Full cloud cover)

12-20-2010, 07:39 AM
So cleardarksky.com makes it pretty clear that there's basically nowhere in Utah with a decent view of the eclipse tonight.

MAYBE Goblin Valley - but even that is going to have a lot of cloud cover.

I'm not seriously considering it - but anyone know how to tell if Timp's summit is covered in clouds or not? If the summit of Timp was above the clouds I MIGHT be willing to consider a crazy expedition this evening to set up a timelapse of the eclipse since it'd be pretty cool to get a shot of an eclipse above the clouds...

12-20-2010, 08:00 AM
timp summit? i'm not in utah right now, but didn't it snow like multiple feet today?

12-20-2010, 08:06 AM
timp summit? i'm not in utah right now, but didn't it snow like multiple feet today?

yes and the avalanche danger is extreme, level 5, black, the highest danger rating.


Ryebrye, the information you are looking for I believe is the cloud cover ceiling. If it's 10K ft. then the summit is probably out of the clouds. If it's 14K then no.

12-20-2010, 08:09 AM
yeah, figured the conditions are nuts on the peaks right now...

what about wendover?

12-20-2010, 08:48 AM
Yeah, my process was going to check 1) "Is there any place above the clouds" and then 2) "is that place reachable without serious risk of death"

Sounds like #2 rules out timp (and basically any other mountain top in the area)

I don't see any astronomical observing stations near Wendover so I can't get a point forecast for it - but places in the general vicinity of Utah all seem pretty bad for tonight:


The only place that even seems marginal is Goblin Valley - which would be a cool shot for an eclipse (except they officially close the park at dusk)

http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/astro/imageview/viewImage_e.html?urlpath=/data/prog/regional&Type=ANIMATE&start=3&end=48&format=png&imagename=00_054_R1_north@americaSouthwest_I_ASTRO _nt in looking at that - it looks like the best bet is one small spot on the scenic drive in Capitol Reef National Park - and that's only if the forecast is accurate.

So... in other words... No lunar eclipse for those of us in Utah :)

Dan, Are you in Alaska now? The lunar eclipse should be visible up there as well - but the cloud cover might be just as bad

http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/astro/imageview/viewImage_e.html?urlpath=/data/prog/regional&Type=ANIMATE&TITLE=Western_Canada_Cloud_Forecast&start=3&end=48&format=png&imagename=00_054_R1_north@america@northwest_I_ASTR O_nt

12-20-2010, 08:54 AM
i'm in kathmandu. can't see it because it will be daytime here...

i know the ranger at goblin valley pretty well. tell him what you are up to, you'd have no problems. long way to go for a marginal chance though...

12-20-2010, 09:04 AM
i'm in kathmandu. can't see it because it will be daytime here...

i know the ranger at goblin valley pretty well. tell him what you are up to, you'd have no problems. long way to go for a marginal chance though...

Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't think it's worth the drive. If it was a totally clear forecast for the area I'd probably do it - but driving a few hours for what looks like a forecasted small blip in cloud cover probably isn't worth it.

I've looked at the Provo airport aviation forecast data - it says OVC024 which according to the wikipedia means an overcast (100% coverage) cloud layer at 2400 feet above ground level.

Heber has OVC006 - so it's overcast 600 feet above the heber airport right now.

They don't seem to give the tops of the cloud layers (at least not that I can see)

I'm guessing that the highest place I could safely get will still be covered with clouds. Oh well... I guess there is another one next year (though not supposed to be as good) and then an annular eclipse around sunset in Utah in May 2012 that might be good.

12-20-2010, 09:12 AM
be as good? next decembers is a full lunar eclipse in utah, right? i didn't realize quality varied between them... seems like full is full. is it length of full eclipse or what?

12-20-2010, 09:23 AM
Well, I haven't plotted where exactly it will be next year - but I think it will be lower in the sky (so it might in fact be better to shoot pictures of if you can find an interesting thing to put under it in the frame)

According to an article on KSL:

This eclipse was supposed to be the best one for awhile. "This is going to be our last eclipse until December 2011," said Wiggins. Even then, he explained, the circumstances around that upcoming eclipse won't be as good as the December 2010 eclipse.

"It won't be as high in the sky. It won't be in the middle of the night," said Wiggins. "So this is really kind of our best eclipse hope until 2012."


December 10, 2011 is the date of the next one - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Visibility_Lunar_Eclipse_2011-12-10.png it looks like it will be happening around moonset here in Utah.

From a photography / timelapse standpoint - the one next year could be a more interesting subject if you frame it right. If you get stuck in Khatmandu for another year - next year the lunar eclipse will be fully visible to you :)

12-20-2010, 09:37 AM
hahaha. i feel like posting about my eclipse experience back in 2008, but it was clear then... and it will make you guys mad!

seriously though, i feel for y'all. they are rare occurrences, and i hate missing out on awesome photo opportunities.

12-20-2010, 09:48 AM
The only place that even seems marginal is Goblin Valley - which would be a cool shot for an eclipse (except they officially close the park at dusk)

only if youre a day visitor
if you pay for a spot in the campground you can stay out there all night.... at least when I last checked that was how it worked.

12-20-2010, 09:51 AM
shoot, after looking at the graphic, no dice for the eclipse next year then...

12-20-2010, 08:58 PM
it will make you guys mad!

this one?
