View Full Version : Help Bears in the Wind Rivers

12-01-2010, 08:17 AM
Alright, I know there's a few people around here who have pretty extensive experience backpacking the Wind Rivers. I'm wondering what the bear situation is like up there, particularly in the backcountry. Lots of grizzlies? What kind of precautions are necessary? Any fun/scary stories to share?

Thanks in advance.

12-01-2010, 03:29 PM
I've done 7 trips into the Winds with an average of 5 days each and have never seen a bear. However, I always carry bear spray and hang my food.

12-01-2010, 04:30 PM
I've been twice, no bear sightings.

12-01-2010, 05:59 PM
the one tiem i visited the winds rangers said grizzly were along teh roaring fork, but i didn't see any. i had friends trapped in a tent for about 10-20 miutes as a black bear wandered thru lookign for goodies and would not be scared off. they were somewhere around cott i believe

12-01-2010, 06:25 PM
As a Wilderness ranger and rock climber by far the most sightings and sad encounters were black bears in the southern Winds. Mostly around Cirque of the Towers, I have seen Grizzly prints in Green river lakes but no problems. Being a Ranger out by my self for 10 days at a time I was most nervous when I was in the Northern parts. Though in 3 years Rangering and many private trips the only problems were with bears stealing my food. Never aggressive towards me. Carolena

12-01-2010, 06:29 PM
I slept with a loaded 357 last time. No sightings. :haha:

12-01-2010, 07:22 PM
Dont go with accu he'll shoot u while you sneak out to pee late at night LOL

12-01-2010, 10:25 PM
I've been into the winds 4 times in the past 4 years (Boulder Canyon, Cook Lakes, 2-Big Sandy). I've seen signs of bears, but never seen a bear in the winds. The grizzlies are rumored to be in the northern part. I know the green river lakes campground area was closed for a week last summer because of a grizzly problem (http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/wyoming/article_80ad5eb0-8bd3-11df-92dd-001cc4c03286.html). I have a friend that had a run in with a black bear in the far south part of the range ( a few years ago. The bear came in and climb the tree and got their food. The scariest thing my friend said was when the bear was sniffing around his tent in the middle of the night and all he had was his glock 40 cal. I've always carried pepper spray, hung my food (I use these HUGE zip bags that helps seal in the smell), don't wear clothes you've cooked in to bed, etc., and we've always been in groups of 3 or larger (usually 5-6).

12-02-2010, 08:36 AM


12-03-2010, 03:29 PM
Thanks for the info everyone. It's a little too early to be getting stoked for July/August 2011 but I can't help it. Can't wait to get up there.

12-22-2010, 04:40 AM
I went in on the fort washakie side 2 years ago on my first trip. On the way in we came across two people hiking out. They warned us their tents were ripped apart by bears looking for food while they were hiking. I am not sure how clean their camp was but it made me really nervous going in. The other people I was with seemed too unconcerned. They were up by hatchet lake when they had the bear problem. So we were camping at steamboat lake which is just 5 miles down the hill from hatchet. While every night I slept waiting for the terrible sound of something coming into camp nothing showed up. Until the last morning that is. While we were making breakfast on the campfire a big brown black bear strolled across the meadow 50 feet above us. He certainly smelled breakfast and was liking it. We immediately started arming with pepper spray and was shouting and hollering and once it left we decided to see what it was doing up there. There were three bears two brown one black. They went after the poop holes. While my plan was to leave a day early to avoid a night encounter with the beasts it was no in the interests of my fellow backpackers. So nightfall came and somehow I slept more soundly than I had the whole week I was in there. Sure enough I woke up to people screaming BEAR! open my tent and the black bear is 10 FT away in a small tree in front of me going at some tied up supplies. After enough yelling it jumped out of the tree, but it held it's ground and was not frightened by any yelling or movements but after an eternity it strolled slowly back up the hill and saw we were displeased with it's visit. So it's 2am and I decide it's not worth going back to sleep, It's by the campfire for me. As I am by the fire I don't have too much light but trust me I am throwing the wood on so I can get more light and watch camp with bear spray in hand. Cause at this point I know that there are bears that aren't as afraid of us being there as I would think. I decide to see if there were signs of him coming through camp sure enough he layed turds and footprints all through camp looking for an easy meal. I was gone from the fire no longer than 60 seconds and as I stroll back the bear is happily walking it's way back down the hill into camp. He looks at me and I look at him and I start to sound the bear alarm and after enough hollering he retreats again. By now It's starting to get light and I pack my shit up and head out. Last year we went and the bears were not there fortunately. Wind Rivers are an incredibly beautiful rough place. I had the most incredible time there and the memories of its beauty make me thing about it everyday no joke. You probably won't see a bear or anything but readup on what to do with encounters and always be prepared.

12-22-2010, 06:53 AM
Wow, crazy story, driverfound337. Thanks for sharing. Did you have any dogs with you?

12-22-2010, 08:51 AM
No dogs on that trip. I will put up bear pics soon

Brian in SLC
12-22-2010, 12:31 PM
I've done a number of trips into the Windy's over the years. Should go every year, but...don't.

A few years ago, we were on a 5 day climbing trip to the Shadow Lake area, on the backside of the Cirque of the Towers. I'd heard there'd been some bear issues, so, called the ranger. He said they'd been taken care of, so, I didn't pack.

First night, we heard something around camp, but, wasn't sure what it was. Had the food hung really well. Next day, left camp to climb, came back, and, food bags on the ground, torn apart, not a stitch of food left. Looked around. Little bugger was snoozin' his hangover off, on top of a rock. Woke up and snapped his jaws at us. Had to have jumped out 5 or so feet, and, at least fallin' 10 feet to the ground to rip those food bags down. Crazy. What he didn't eat outright, he'd gummed and drooled over, and, his drool smelled like the foulest garbage.

So, we're in camp, wondering what to do with no food. The little guy just strolls on in. Until we pitched a few rocks at him (one of which finally bounced off), he gave us no mind. Really bold. So, we hiked out, sans food. Cute little feller. Black bear, had to be an adolescent.

But, out of all the trips to the winds, that's the only bear I've seen.

12-23-2010, 09:45 AM
I've done a few trips to the winds and like most others have not seen bears. As was mentioned, there are habituated black bears in the vicinity of the Cirque, and Grizzlies up north. I was in the Green River Lake area last August and the FS people were concerned about grizzlies. A young grizzly was shot near Big Sandy in 2007, and according to the locals they have been confirmed throughout the range.

I keep a clean camp and hang my food in an Ursak. I'm a freezer bag cooker, so I don't send out wafting clouds of food aroma. I don't cook fish in the Winds because I don't want my gear reeking of enticing smell of fried fish, and I don't want to have to carry the bones - I don't do fires. My primary concern is always with those who have come before. Because of that, I tend to stay away from the higher traffic areas. So far so good. :cool2:

I have enjoyed reading about the others encounters however. Looking forward to the bear pics.

01-02-2011, 08:24 AM
I'm looking for the pictures, since we moved out of utah this summer I lost sooo many things. I will continue the search until I find them, sorry.

01-09-2011, 08:55 PM
Just to echo what carolednalena said. Green rivers and cirque of the towers is where they are, but it depends on the year if they show up at these places. Go prepared but they aren't nearly as common or aggressive as other places.