View Full Version : News Denzel washington a true american

11-29-2010, 09:18 AM
The Media (Accidentally?) missed this one!

Subject: Denzel Washington, and Brooks Army Medical Center.

Don't know whether you heard about this but Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center , in San Antonio , Texas. This is where soldiers who have been moved from Germany come to be hospitalized in the United States, especially burn victims. There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a Hotel where soldiers' families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying in the Hospital. BAMC has quite a few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time.

While Denzel Washington was visiting BAMC, they gave him a tour of one of the Fisher Houses. He asked how much one of them would cost to build. He took his check book out and wrote a check for the full amount right there on the spot.

The soldiers overseas were amazed to hear this story and want to get the word out to the American public, because it warmed their hearts to hear it.

The question is, Did you here about it already or is this the first time hearing about it. - why do:

Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise and other Hollywood fluff make front page news with their ridiculous antics and Denzel Washington's Patriotism doesn't even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except the Local newspaper in San Antonio .

A true American!

11-29-2010, 09:44 AM
I don't mean to take away from what Denzel Washington did do, but this story is only "mostly true", according to snopes.com

According to the Fisher House Foundation, the actor did visit the facility's Fisher House and learn of its need for additional facilities, and he did later make a substantial donation to the Fisher House Foundation. However, the story became a bit exaggerated with the addition of claims that Mr. Washington "got out his checkbook" on the spot and wrote a check for the full amount needed to construct a new building:

The problem, according to Fisher House President David Coker, is that while Washington did make a 'sizeable' donation to the program, the e-mail claim is almost entirely bogus.
Coker said Washington did in fact make a sizeable donation to Fisher House several months after his visit to BAMC. He declined to comment on the size of the donation, but it was not enough to build a new Fisher House.
[Coker also] said the fact that Washington, 49, did not write a check 'on the spot' does not diminish his contribution to the Fisher House and his support 'for the men and women who serve our country.'

Full text is here:


I also find it interesting that someone making a contribution to the recovery of wounded soldiers is assumed to do it for love of country, rather than for compassion for people who are injured and need help. I guess that a generous act can be spun many ways...

11-29-2010, 09:56 AM
Denzil.... :slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slob ber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber:: slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobb er::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::s lobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobber::slobbe r::slobber:

Looks, sexy and KIND too. Thanks for posting that. I have never been into stars at all, but when I see he is in something I have to watch. There is just something about that man!

11-29-2010, 03:48 PM
actually he meant to send that check to the irs. it just got mis-addressed

11-29-2010, 04:24 PM
By the way Denali... you are far hotter.... :slobber::slobber::slobber: