View Full Version : Marysvale canyoneering?

10-04-2010, 11:30 AM
Has anyone explored this area? I was talking to a few folks who photograph (they ATV along the Paiute trail) the waterfalls in the spring months (as it dries up in the late summer) and they say there are a few places where they have seen people rapping down these canyons, and that some of the falls might contain some good sandstone slots. One example being Dry Creek Falls. http://www.marysvaleutah.org/images/stories/drycreekfalls.jpg

Anyone know anything about the area and possible routes, etc?

10-04-2010, 12:44 PM
That picture shows the only "canyoneering" in Dry Creek. There is a small pot hole on top before the falls. The rap may be 100ft or so. I haven't seen any canyons that I would say give you that type of experience down that way. There would be some interesting climbing in some though.

10-04-2010, 12:56 PM
One of the photographers said that hiking to the waterfalls (dry creek) would take awhile and that there are numerous drops along the way that lead up to the last drop in dry creek (pic). I dunno...

It sounds like you've done some exploring there?

Another guy, Sam, said that 2 Mile Falls near Henissey Point he has seen rappellers, and around that same area, that there is a canyon that has some potential slottiness and that ends with a 300ft rappel, and that Sam has seen people rappel down it.

Another fella said that Bullion falls is a nice alpine canyon, definitely not a slot, but has numerous waterfalls above it that could be rapped down too.

10-04-2010, 03:04 PM
The road in Dry Creek runs in the bottom of the canyon until just before this fall. Then switch backs down below the fall. Total length of the narrow section I would guess is less than 200 yards. The total distance between the entry point and the road at the bottom is maybe 400 yards.
Can't help you on the others. I haven't spent much time to the west of Marysvale.