View Full Version : Friends in Afghanistan

08-15-2010, 10:38 AM
A lot of you know I spent two years in Iraq. Some of you know the first year was more difficult than the second. On that first tour we didn’t have many conveniences and spent some time doing some risky shit. Now I’ve got friends from both Iraq tours in Afghanistan.
This morning two of my best buddies from the first tour, twin brothers, Chris and Shad are on a plane heading for Afghanistan. They’ll spend the next 11 months doing that risky shit.
I already have a couple books ready to send and plan to send regular packages. And I thought some of you might be interested in sending something.
I’ll be bringing this up again in a couple months to push for Christmas love for these guys but for now if you want to send something to my buddies or want to adopt a soldier who isn’t getting a lot of mail I’m sure my buddies could come up with a soldiers name for you.
Hit me up in a PM for the address.







08-16-2010, 03:08 PM
I remember when I was in Iraq and Bogley (UUtah at the time) "sponsored" my platoon. I can't even describe how great it was when you got 2 giant boxes in the mail. I'd break em open and it was a free for all for the whole platoon. Let me know Don. I don't have much but I'll pitch into the packages.

09-09-2010, 12:08 AM
Got a call from Shad tonight (bastard woke me up :haha: ). He's still getting settled but things seem to be going well. Sounds like they're already deep in it though. He got the book I sent so mail seems both reliable and pretty quick. Made me want a beer talking to him though.