View Full Version : Perseid Meteor Shower

08-06-2010, 10:11 AM
Anybody shooting? The peak is coming up I think.

Do you have a favorite technique?

Maybe I'll venture out this weekend...then again on Thursday night.

08-06-2010, 11:15 AM
We'll be in Escalante on the 13th, peak is on the 12th. Need to read up on the best way to shoot these. Would love to have those in a few of my shots.

08-12-2010, 12:17 PM
Tonight is the peak! With the crescent moon setting early, viewing conditions should be great. Weather looks good for my area too.

And a link for all you night sky people....


08-12-2010, 12:21 PM
Does anyone know how the flow of Perseid goes? Tonight is the peak but will tomorrow night still be really good or does it drop off quickly? All I've been able to find is the range of dates in which it can be seen but that is nearly a month.

08-12-2010, 03:00 PM
What time can they be seen? Is there a certain time of night that is best?

08-13-2010, 07:57 AM
Does anyone know how the flow of Perseid goes? Tonight is the peak but will tomorrow night still be really good or does it drop off quickly? All I've been able to find is the range of dates in which it can be seen but that is nearly a month.

They'll taper off gradually between now and the 22nd. So over the weekend should still be good.

I watched for a few hours with my kids, but didn't do a lot of photography. Saw some really good ones. :clap:

Shan - anytime after dark. Better once the moon goes down. Even better later (12-3) when it gets really dark.

08-14-2010, 07:02 AM
This is good news. The kids and I are headed up to Navajo Lake today so guess we will just plan to stay up there late and then come home. :clap:

08-14-2010, 11:21 PM
Friday night I sat out for about 90 minutes under optimal conditions and only saw 10 or so. That was from about 10:15-11:45... maybe they are better later?

08-15-2010, 02:39 AM
I was out last night for almost 2 hours taking photos and I saw probably 30 or so in the ninety minutes of watching when I wasn't screwing around with the camera. There were only a couple that blew me away and most were just a flicker. There was one that covered 75% of the sky and left an orange/yellow trail. It looked more like fireworks than a meteor. This was all between 2 and 4am. I think I read that between 12 and 5 is the best.

08-15-2010, 06:53 AM
We didn't take jackets with us yesterday and it was too cold to sit outside of the car and watch. Plus the boys were very tired and wanted to go home. I did see two small ones while driving back.

08-15-2010, 08:38 PM
I ran the Cache to Teton Epic Relay over the weekend with some friends. I almost ran right into Soda Springs Res. during my second leg cuz i was watching the sky and not the road. I saw around 7 meteors in 41 mins and saw several more throughout the rest of the night. Had loads of fun and took home a W. Cant wait till next year to do it again.