View Full Version : left a pair of shorts near zero g trailhhead :/

07-31-2010, 06:41 PM
If anyone is don't zerog soon, I think I left a pair of tan mountain hardwear shorts down the slope by the trailhead to the right on the back of a tree... I ordinarily wouldn't care, but I just BARELY bought the stupid shorts :p

Btw, Zero G is full right now and is a lot of fun.

If anyone manages to get the shorts before a wild animal starts wearing them and wants to get them back to me... I'm right off highway 6 in Spanish fork so I'd be on your way back... I'd even come out to meet you :)

07-31-2010, 07:48 PM
hope they weren't full of ..................oh never mind...

other thoughts spring to mind as well. like didn't you notice when you got in the car in you underwear?

just random thoughts..................

07-31-2010, 08:20 PM
hope they weren't full of ..................oh never mind...

other thoughts spring to mind as well. like didn't you notice when you got in the car in you underwear?

just random thoughts..................

1) take off shorts, leave on trailhead
2) slip on wetsuit
3) hike out in wetsuit
4) remove wetsuit and remain in underwear or birthday suit and drive home.


08-01-2010, 10:00 AM
What I do in the bushes in the desert STAYS in the bushes in the middle of the desert. ;)

The real story is much less exciting. I wore them in the canyon so they were wet. I changed and hung them on the tree. When I got done changing I ran back to the car. I thought I had put them in my pack with my other clothes, but when I got home I realized I hadn't. Woops.

When I left them there, there was nothing dirty about them, just wet and a bit sandy.

08-01-2010, 10:49 AM
For those thinking 'neat; free gear at zero g' what size are they? :haha:

08-01-2010, 11:50 AM
MODERATORS - SHOULDN'T THIS BE IN THE RUBBISH BIN????? Certainly seems to be headed that way.

POSTERS: in this case, we do NOT need pictures.


08-02-2010, 08:59 AM
You seem to have us confused with the dinosaur/old geezer forum..... :haha:
