View Full Version : Intro to the ACA's Canyon Leader Program

06-28-2010, 09:10 AM
Join us at Out 'N Back in Orem Utah for a 2-hour presentation on the ACA's Canyon Leader Program. We will be scheduling canyoneering courses over a series of evenings, beginning July 13th and 14th. Learn more and register for the courses during the introductory meeting on the 6th.

Special discounted rates will be available to Boy Scout Leaders for the courses.

Visit our Meetup Group to RSVP:


06-28-2010, 10:56 AM
I'm signed up, Thanks Rich.

Scott Card
06-28-2010, 11:03 AM
What about discounted rates for guys who have been scout leaders for 15+ years but are not currently.... but who are called upon often to train and help out and who got Steve and Clark started in the sport? :wink: :mrgreen:

06-28-2010, 11:27 AM
What about discounted rates for guys who have been scout leaders for 15+ years but are not currently.... but who are called upon often to train and help out and who got Steve and Clark started in the sport? :wink: :mrgreen:

Just because you got Steve and Clark started ... I won't hold that against you. :cool2:

Join us next Tuesday evening, Scott. We'll work something out.

06-28-2010, 12:21 PM
Can you explain a little more about this. I am a Scoutmaster and would love to have training enough to take others through a canyon, but I am no where near that now. Is this an intro course? What exactly is being offered?

Scott Card
06-28-2010, 01:16 PM
Just because you got Steve and Clark started ... I won't hold that against you. :cool2:

Join us next Tuesday evening, Scott. We'll work something out.

:lol8: I was just joshin'. I hope to be there! Now to figure out how to sign up..... technology...:eek2:

06-28-2010, 01:30 PM
Can you explain a little more about this. I am a Scoutmaster and would love to have training enough to take others through a canyon, but I am no where near that now. Is this an intro course? What exactly is being offered?

Completion of the ACA's Canyon Leader program following a normal track involves 12-14 days of training, 10 canyon trips, 2 trips mentored by existing canyon leaders and Wilderness First Aid certification. We know that can be a lot to ask of someone, especially Scout Leaders whose time is already very taxed. So we are going to offer much of the coursework over a series of weekday evenings. Not all of it, mind you. There will still be a need to get out on the rock. We just want to make it as convenient as possible so more people have an opportunity to participate.

We will provide some instruction Tuesday evening (Jul 6th), but we will also use some of the time to survey the group regarding best evenings to schedule, etc. Hope you can make it.

06-28-2010, 01:32 PM
:lol8: I was just joshin'. I hope to be there! Now to figure out how to sign up..... technology...:eek2:

Hoping for RSVPs to get a handle on how many people to expect. But it's okay for Scott and other technology-challenged Scout Leaders to just show up.

06-28-2010, 01:55 PM
WOW that is alot of training, but for as much trouble as one can get into in a canyon, it suddenly does not seem like all that much.

How much $ are we talking? Are the 10 trips in Utah?

I am very interested.

Scott Card
06-28-2010, 02:27 PM
I think I did it! I think I singned up and RSVP'ed. This is a momentous day in my technology progression! :haha:

06-28-2010, 02:32 PM
I think I did it! I think I singned up and RSVP'ed. This is a momentous day in my technology progression! :haha:

Yep. Just received a notice that some guy named Scott Card RSVP'd. Woo hoo! Welcome to the 21st century, Scott.

06-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Oh, well if Scott is going I guess I can make time... :haha:

moab mark
06-28-2010, 03:35 PM
Is Spidey going to be helping out, I need to meet up with him and this might kill two birds with one stone. Get my trap back and learn something. Win win.


06-28-2010, 03:37 PM
Is Spidey going to be helping out, I need to meet up with him and this might kill two birds with one stone. Get my trap back and learn something. Win win.

Yep. Steve and Clark will both be there.

06-28-2010, 06:15 PM
What about discounted rates for guys who have been scout leaders for 15+ years but are not currently.... but who are called upon often to train and help out and who got Steve and Clark started in the sport? :wink: :mrgreen:
Sorry Scott, my Dad still get's credit for getting me into this. He was taking me through canyons 20 years and more ago. We just didn't know we were canyoneering. We called them Splores. You did however put together the first trip I went on with our current group. Which was more or less my first modern canyon descent. I had been exclusively a climber for a long while. You also definitely introduced me to the forums. Please don't hold this against Scott everyone.:lol8:

I look forward to helping with this class and meeting many of you. Tell any scout leaders you know in particular, and anyone else.

Scott Card
06-28-2010, 06:42 PM
What you and your dad did doesn't count. You didn't call it "canyoneering". You were just trying not to get killed and having fun. Also, I have been with your dad. He wears Levis. That is not proper. . . . . alright, alright, so I only taught you a new word and about the forums. Can I be your handler, marketing manager, agent? :lol8: Remember, you gotta throw a bone to the old dogs once in a while. We are trying to remain relevant. It ain't easy.

06-28-2010, 08:10 PM
What you and your dad did doesn't count. You didn't call it "canyoneering". You were just trying not to get killed and having fun. Also, I have been with your dad. He wears Levis. That is not proper. . . . . alright, alright, so I only taught you a new word and about the forums. Can I be your handler, marketing manager, agent? :lol8: Remember, you gotta throw a bone to the old dogs once in a while. We are trying to remain relevant. It ain't easy.
Of course, I've thought of you as my agent since you reported my Santhrax exploits. As for what my dad and I did. You're more right than you know.:lol8:

06-29-2010, 06:02 AM
I am studying the BSA "Topping Out" manual. The ACA curriculum addresses most of what is contained in the manual. With the additional of one additional field day that focuses on top rope rock climbing, Scout leaders will meet the requirements for Climb on Safely.

If anyone is interested, college credit will also be available.

06-29-2010, 12:51 PM
Mod Note: The discussion on Spam vs Public Service was split from this thread:

Spam vs Public Service

Please keep this thread on topic which is: ACA's Canyon Leader Program

06-29-2010, 02:47 PM
Do you get the topping out cert if we do the classes?

Steve and Clark talked to someone at the Utah National Parks Council and were told the ACA can issue the certificates. We don't normally include top rope climbing in our canyoneering curriculum, but will in an optional field day if enough people tell us they want the certificate.

06-29-2010, 10:25 PM
Rich thanks for doing this on. I'll see if I can attend. I want to. no longer a BSA leader at this time but probably will be again sometime in the future.

06-30-2010, 03:04 AM
Rich thanks for doing this on. I'll see if I can attend. I want to. no longer a BSA leader at this time but probably will be again sometime in the future.

I find training Scout leaders very rewarding. I know they are going to use their new knowledge and skills to serve others.

06-30-2010, 07:19 AM
So how much time & money commitment are we talking about for this course. Our Scout Budget is limited and I would be picking up some of the tab for this, so before I get all excited, how much time & money would this take start to finish?

Thanks in advance for your help.

06-30-2010, 07:58 AM
So how much time & money commitment are we talking about for this course. Our Scout Budget is limited and I would be picking up some of the tab for this, so before I get all excited, how much time & money would this take start to finish?

I honestly don't know the answer. We intend to use the meeting on Tuesday evening like a focus group to figure out how much time people have available. I'm confident we can put together a combination of online training, evening classroom and hands-on field time to make it convenient for almost everyone. For example, I think we can structure the normally three full day Technical Canyoneering Course in five evening sessions, plus one full day on a local cliff. Evening sessions would include:

1. Program Intro & Canyoneering Logistics
2. Anchors
3. Rigging
4. Techniques
5. Map Reading, Meteorology & Flash Floods

I think #1 needs to be mandatory. Others can be skipped if participants feel they have acquired SOLID skills by other means. Not looking to short-cut any standards; only interested in making participation more convenient.

I am starting to talk to ACA accredited training centers about roles they can play. Hopefully, participants will be able to do their field days with a variety of ACA instructors -- me, Rick Green, Matt Moore, Jared Hillhouse, Kurt Sparenberg, Steve Morga, Charly Oliver, Dave Black. Steve Jackson, Clark Wiscombe and Jim Clery are making progress toward instructor qualification, too. I don't know how the logistics will work yet. We can handle quite a few students in a classroom. Not so many in the field -- maybe groups of 6-8 at a time to spread the cost.

Also tossing around an idea to make our instructors available to tag along on Scout trips. You will be amazed how efficiently they can move groups through canyons, while providing you with hands-on instruction at the same time.

Money. I wish we could offer the program free for Scout leaders to show you how much we appreciate what you do. Unfortunately, that isn't possible. All I can commit to right now is making it as affordable as we possibly can.

06-30-2010, 08:23 AM
OK I will just sign up and see what happens after the 1st meeting.

I am at Scout Camp the week of 7-12 - 7-17. and another camp 7-29 - 7-31. Would that screw things up? Other than those dates I am fairly flexible. I think it is awesome someone is doing this.

06-30-2010, 08:30 AM
OK I will just sign up and see what happens after the 1st meeting.

I am at Scout Camp the week of 7-12 - 7-17. and another camp 7-29 - 7-31. Would that screw things up? Other than those dates I am fairly flexible. I think it is awesome someone is doing this.

Shouldn't be a problem. Except for the first module being mandatory up front and a field day required at the end, the modules can be completed in any order at your convenience.

07-05-2010, 07:30 PM
Expecting a full house at Out 'N Back tomorrow evening (Jul 6), but the more the merrier. Starts at 6:00 PM. I prepared an outline of ideas for discussion at the meeting. You can download a copy now if you want to review in advance.


The outline includes several references to the Boy Scouts. Don't let that throw you off if you are not involved with the Scouts. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the ACA's Canyon Leader program.

07-08-2010, 11:35 AM
I guess it is official now. I have volunteered to serve as the Climbing Committee Chairman for the BSA Utah National Parks Council.

07-08-2010, 12:08 PM
I guess it is official now. I have volunteered to serve as the Climbing Committee Chairman for the BSA Utah National Parks Council.


07-08-2010, 12:26 PM
Just curious.... what are the duties and responsiblities of the BSA Climbing Committee Chairman?

07-08-2010, 12:30 PM
Just curious.... what are the duties and responsiblities of the BSA Climbing Committee Chairman?

1. Training.
2. Training.
3. Training.

Scott Card
07-08-2010, 01:15 PM
1. Training.
2. Training.
3. Training.
