View Full Version : Why I want another Baby!

05-18-2010, 12:56 PM
34018 (http://www.ohgizmo.com/2010/05/18/roller-buggy-concept-combines-a-stroller-with-a-scooter/)


05-18-2010, 01:38 PM
I love my kids.... don't get me wrong.... but you couldn't pay me enough to have anther one. I'm only a few years from freedom. :bandit:

Scott Card
05-18-2010, 02:18 PM
Don, you may want to get the optional roll bar....:haha:

05-18-2010, 02:27 PM
Pretty cool - but the dual front disc brakes kind of freak me out. Emergency stop = over we go!:eek2:

05-18-2010, 03:43 PM
As good of a reason to have a baby as any I can think of!

05-18-2010, 04:33 PM
Almost free, too. The youngest turns 15 in a few days. Two years, 354 days to go... :lol8:

No gadget, no matter how geeky cool, could talk me into another one. :eek2:

05-18-2010, 06:50 PM
almost free, too. The youngest turns 15 in a few days. Two years, 354 days to go... :lol8:

No gadget, no matter how geeky cool, could talk me into another one. :eek2:


05-19-2010, 04:29 AM
4, 2, and 7 months and you could not pay me enough to have anouther

05-19-2010, 06:33 AM
4, 2, and 7 months and you could not pay me enough to have anouther

7 months! You could still fit that one in this scooter!! (This thread is really about how cool the scooter is. It wasn't supposed to be about how trapped we feel by our lives and children.)

05-19-2010, 06:41 AM
I don't feel trapped! I just don't want anymore that I have to produce. Adopt fine.... preferably out of the diaper and formula stage and sleeping through the night. Oh and not 14 yet. :lol8:

05-24-2010, 09:51 AM
I was there!
one 19, one 17.
At teh time they were 13 and 11, I knew in 6 years I could start having more of a life and doing the nasty in any room of the house at any time of the day!
I then met a woman who had a 6 month old baby.
Now I have ANOTHER kid!
he will be 7 years old on July 4th. I am the only dad he has ever known, his sperm donor never even saw him, Once she said she was pregnant he vanished in to thin air. Last we knew, he was in Florida, Trying (not to hard) to track him down, he owes about 30 grand in back child support that I would be willing to forget about if he signed some papers to give away his rights to MY SON so I can adopt him legally. I changed a million diapers from that kid, I kissed many skinned knees, went to bat for him against anything thats ever happened, held him on my knee and in my arms while stitches were put in his head, been at every dentist appointment, jerked him out of a shopping cart a few years back and carried him running through a store and a parking lot after a seizure he had while we were grocery shopping and to a hospital, cut his food for him and washed his hair for 6 weeks while he had a splint and bandage on his hand from breaking his fingers after shutting them in a car door a couple months back, spent hours helping with homework, and playing video games with him to help him get past levels he could not handle (I have no use for video games, I detest them, but he needs someone to play them with him) packed him on my back for 10 miles on hikes he got tired on, and carried him on my back in rivers so I could hook a fish and hand him teh pole over my shoulder for him to reel it in, I am his dad, Id kill anyone that said different. Another 11 years and Ill be 50 before I have freedom.
I would of been 40 :cry1:.
I love my kids, Id die for them if a situation required it, but I will never have another.
I understand fully loving them and not wanting more.
As it is I have a basketball team and Im not even LDS!
my step son now 20, my son, now 19, my step daughter at 18, my son at 17, my step daughter at 16 and my youngest at almost 7. A basketball team with a spare for injuries!
With total conviction and knowledge I declare no more kids !
surgery fixed any worries of future children. ten dollar co pay and an hour in an office, then 2 days with ice and sitting around and a few weeks later doing something I would of done anyways, but not captured it in a bottle, and another ten dollar copay when I dropped it off at a lab, and no more worries, no more rain coats, no concerns at all about more kids and my sex life is the best its been.
I may be broke for the rest of my life helping kids out of jams, covering car insurance when they can not, and college, holy hell that bill, I may never be able to afford to drive across the state for a two day vacation, but Ill take care of them all and I will, in about 11 years have my own house with no children in it on a regular basis.
Them I am installing a special swing in the front room and mirrors on every inch of cieling in the house!:twisted:

Scott Card
05-24-2010, 10:25 AM
I've noticed you have a lot to say today, oh hater of gravity. :haha:

05-24-2010, 01:00 PM
Well, I have too much time on my hands.
The weather screwed me for all that I wanted to get done today.
Being laid off sucks, the weather sucks even more as it keeps me from even being able to get stuff outside set up for the flowers and plants and starting a deck, waiting on weather and blue stakes, and going insane!
My house is clean, my laundry is done, the dishes I even dried by dish towel so I had something to do instead of waiting on air dry. Hell, I pulled the big pots outside in and planted them so they can sit in the back room waiting for decent weather to go outside, gonna take a dolly to move them at this point!
between all of this, Bogley has become my main source of entertainment. Typing takes your mind off things more than reading. I could end up writing a book today on Bogley if SOMETHING does not happen soon to keep me busy!
So much that I could do, and lack the weather to do it!
After 3 I got a kid to play with and help with homework, once we hit five the wife will be home so I'll have an adult to talk to. Till then?
more than likely, ALOT of Bogley!

05-24-2010, 01:05 PM

I'm sluffing, too. With no excuse.

05-24-2010, 01:27 PM
Make no mistake, I am not sluffing, Id love to be at work right now.
Since I am not rich, no point in not working.
To try and bring this post back on track a bit, Id like to point out that The older those kids you already have get, the cooler the toys get. You can always buy those other toys for grand kids, and those you can send home !
I have already explained to my kids that the first one to make me a grandpa forfeits their life. 39 is far to young to become a grandpa.

05-24-2010, 02:06 PM
I have kids old enough to procreate. It's a scary thought. :eek2:

I love having kids. I'm just done now, that's all. So I buy them luggage for their 18th birthdays. :mrgreen: