View Full Version : Bogley on iPad [pix]

04-03-2010, 09:45 PM
Of course I got one! :haha: A few pix. My boy was playing Street Fighter 4 which is very cool on the iPad. I am also posting this from the new toy. :2thumbs:

Anybody else pick one up?







04-04-2010, 05:22 AM
I realize that buying one the day it comes out, is similar to going to the theater on the opening day of a movie. That excitement of it being new, and sharing in the mob mentality of the excitement of its release are bound to make it better. So I'm sure you are thrilled with it right now, and perhaps it is too early to ask, but what do you think so far? I know you have an iPhone, and you have a Mac. So especially for someone like you, I don't really see the appeal. I guess I have just been hearing so much about the iPad (Modern Family last week, was practically a 30 minute commercial for the iPad, and even Rush Limbaugh won't shut up about it), and I don't get it.

I read it doesn't have USB ports (and I am a USB junkie), and you can only run one application at a time. I would think its description of just being a big iPod Touch would be accurate but I heard a guy on the radio at the "Simply Mac" store saying that he was thinking it would just be like a big Ipod Touch, but upon holding one, he was really impressed with it and now wants one. I would think that there would have to be something behind the iPad other than just being made by Apple, and so I would be especially interested in hearing from you (someone who already has a Mac, and an iPhone) to hear about its functionality and usefulness.

On the other hand if you have just purchased it, to have another toy. That I do understand, and am jealous. I hope you enjoy your new purchase.

04-04-2010, 08:15 AM
First off it is awesome! Of course I am a Mac lover, but I wouldn't have got one if I didn't think it was going to be useful for me. I had it delivered yesterday so no crowds...yuck.

I think the biggest thing is that some peole are focusing on what it cant do and really what it wasn't designed to do. It is not a full sized PC and it is not an iPhone. The market it is intended to penetrate is right in the middle of the two and for that it excels.

For me, 90% of my computer time at home (Bogley, web, money, photos, music, movies, etc) work great on the iPad and are much easier on a small tablet. If I need to do heavier lifting then I'll grab a laptop or desktop. It does have a USB adapter as well. Watch a few of these videos (very short) http://www.apple.com/ipad/guided-tours/

I must say, having all of this media right in your hands is very cool. :cool2:

04-04-2010, 09:09 AM
That makes a lot of sense.

My attention span kind of sucks. And I generally am most comfortable doing multiple things at once, and so for me I don't know that it would be a good fit. But your explanation makes a lot of sense as to why it would be a good fit for you.

How is the battery life?

04-04-2010, 09:30 AM
The Ipad is an interesting device. My friend has one and got to play with it yesterday too.
The big appeal for most people is the huge screen. And the target audience for the Ipad is, I believe, the businessman. It shows presentations, and documents VERY nicely - without having the wait of a PC/Macbook to load up and open up MS office and click on the file. It will be nearly instant.

Although currently, still has most of the limitations of the iphone/itouch - via upgrades, it will improve greatly. No multi-tasking yet? No flash support yet? Only locked into with ATT? If the ipad developer doesn't support the ipad - the ipad will just stretch the screen and it becomes pixelated.

Thankfully, 3 other iphone-dev forums have committed themselves to jailbreak the ipad once the 3G version of the iPad is released. That way, you can have awesome 3rd party support and apps, that take the iPad beyond its limitations.

If you want to take your Wifi iPad to a new level of mobility, you will also need to have a iPhone that is jailbroken and download an app called MyWi which turns yours phone into a mobile hotspot with support up to 5 devices. It allows you to tether your data plan, which is great on the run!

I've heard the battery life is about 10 hours - and on that "10 hour test" the guy ran movies continually. I wonder if other people report such results...

04-04-2010, 09:36 AM
Yeah, the battery life so far has been great. I used it quite a bit yesterday and only got down to 20%.

Seriously watch a few of those vids when you have a chance. Amazing.

04-04-2010, 01:20 PM
The Inner Workings Of The iPad

04-04-2010, 02:19 PM
The Inner Workings Of The iPad

Haha, I saw that on the macrumor forums.

Seriously though, I don't know how anyone can justify to buy one for the minimum of $529 (including tax) for thegeneral public. If it's for Corporate America I can see it useful there. Just saying...

04-04-2010, 03:03 PM
:haha: Yeah, saw that too.

I justified my purchase by selling my home MacBook. This iPad is meant to take it's place. At work I use a MacBook Pro and iPhone. I won't need this iPad at work although it may come in handy once in a while.

04-04-2010, 09:40 PM
If it's for Corporate America I can see it useful there.
i would think this it would be useful in the workplace well beyond the scope of "corporate america"

hell even picard has a gang of them PADDs


Seriously though, I don't know how anyone can justify to buy one for the minimum of $529 (including tax) for the general public. the general public buys $1000-$3000 tvs on a regular basis

04-05-2010, 08:43 AM
Sweet....my Jeep's on an iPad :)

04-05-2010, 10:12 PM

04-06-2010, 08:24 AM
best use of one yet!

04-06-2010, 10:23 AM
Man, that Blendtec is sweet! How do I get one of those?

04-06-2010, 11:08 AM
Those BlendTec blenders are awesome. My wife insisted we get a Bosch when we got married, and I have never liked it. I wish I had a Kitchen-Aid and a BlendTec blender.

04-06-2010, 12:26 PM
don't forget to listen in on the press conference for OS 4.0 this Thursday.

Rumors include:
-Third-party Multitasking
-unified inbox
-software support for front-facing camera (which allows iChat and Skype) which then be used on the next iPhone release.
-major 2G & 3G model refinements, in regards to stability and resource handling.
-Updated UI

/nerdy mode.

04-06-2010, 12:45 PM
Congrats, looks cool.
Although I'm pretty much of a "fanboy" I'm holding off for a while. I'm waiting for the new Macbooks, since mine is getting old, and I'm due for a refresh on my iPhone when the new ones come out in June. But the iPad looks great.

I think that the identity of this device is yet to be determined by the public. I've heard so many people say it's this, it's not that - if we wait, there will be some cool things available that nobody has thought of yet. Some sketchup/paint programs just came out that made me think this has a place for artists in the idea/mockup world.
Anyway, congrats, you lucky dog.

ps - Jailbreaking? I'm calling the JobsPolice and turning you guys in!:nono:

04-06-2010, 01:25 PM
ps - Jailbreaking? I'm calling the JobsPolice and turning you guys in!:nono:

You know what's weird to me is a most of my friends also have a iPhone, and they think jailbreaking is illegal. It's not. Does it void the warranty? Most definitely, yes. But I'm pro-jailbreak, and I like what you said earlier about "if we wait, there will be cool things available that nobody has thought of yet." That's what a jailbreak does. It allows for 3rd party apps. Intelliscreen, MyWi, Winterboard, 3G Unrestricter, yxFlash, and uMonitor/uRemote (allows me to control torrent downloads via my home computer, as well as the option to add torrents - via my phone, anywhere). Those apps alone are reason enough to jailbreak. Even MyWi is worth the jailbreak.

And I didn't even mention Unlocking the phone...hehe
as you can see I'm quite passionate about jailbreaking the iphone. So much more goodness!

04-06-2010, 05:41 PM
Oh me too jman, I think it's great. I was just having a little fun...
I never got around to jailbreaking my phone - just got too many other toys to play with. But the apps are great. I'll have to check out the ones you mentioned.
But it is funny how many people are scared of jailbreaking and doing something creative. Wanna bet on how long it takes the boys to post the iPad break? lol
(actually I haven't checked MacRumors today - maybe it's done!)

04-06-2010, 06:22 PM
Oh me too jman, I think it's great. I was just having a little fun...
I never got around to jailbreaking my phone - just got too many other toys to play with. But the apps are great. I'll have to check out the ones you mentioned.
But it is funny how many people are scared of jailbreaking and doing something creative. Wanna bet on how long it takes the boys to post the iPad break? lol
(actually I haven't checked MacRumors today - maybe it's done!)

I knew you were, but I just had to say it. I always slither in a comment when a iphone comment pops up. hehe. What firmware version is your phone? If its 3.1.2 - you can jailbreak it. If its 3.1.3 - you can't jailbreak it (yet).

Well, it is confirmed that there is a jailbreak for the ipad (using the same exploits from the phone) but they won't release it till the 3G ipad comes out. But I think they will be even hesitant to release it then - since Apple is having a press conference this Thursday for OS 4.0 - which will be released during June/July (which will be the same time when they probably announce the new iPhone that supports CDMA (read Verizon).

anywho, personally my advice is to wait till the Summer, if you do plan on getting one, to buy one. Besides, the #1 complaint right-now about the iPad is faulty WiFi support. Supposedly it drops and reconnects about every 20min to every hr. Apple says its YOUR routers fault and should update it, but everyone says its a faulty WiFi device.

Anyways, just trying to help you become a better informed consumer.

Yes, first app you need to check out if you plan to jailbreak is MyWi (www.rockyourphone.com), and although the app costs $10 - it is very much worth it! There is a free alternative, but not as fast (or native) and has number of issues still and that's called PDANet.

04-06-2010, 06:34 PM
Yeah, I have been jailbreaking my family and friends iPhones for years. Yawn...

Now that new black rain hack is the shiz. Did the last one that way...what a breeze. :cool2:

04-06-2010, 08:40 PM

04-06-2010, 09:11 PM

It's impossible not to find that completely awesome!

04-06-2010, 09:12 PM
Yeah, I have been jailbreaking my family and friends iPhones for years. Yawn...

Now that new black rain hack is the shiz. Did the last one that way...what a breeze.
Yeah, we all knew you were cool:hail2thechief:LOL
You don't have to be that cool to beat me.
But that video! Like I said, great uses for the new device. I wanna put one in the Scout! Thanks for finding that accadacca
If that install doesn't get you laid....

04-07-2010, 06:13 PM
If that install doesn't get you laid....

04-07-2010, 08:48 PM
"Best Buy has sold out of the iPad at all 673 of its U.S. stores with Apple shops. In contrast, Apple stores are maintaining stock," Brooke Crothers reports for CNET.

"'We expect to have iPad inventory replenished at these locations by Sunday,' said company spokeswoman Paula Baldwin," Crothers reports.

04-08-2010, 02:56 PM
I didn't want to create a new thread, but all the Specs are released for OS 4.0 due this summer.


Multitasking (finally), iAd, and more coming in iPhone OS 4.0
By Chris Foresman | Last updated about 2 hours ago

During a special media event held today in Cupertino, Apple unveiled details about the next major update to the iPhone OS that powers its iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad mobile devices. Slated to arrive sometime this summer for the iPhone and iPod touch, the update will give developers access to over 1,500 new APIs to improve and extend the capabilities of their apps, as well as give users over 100 new features like multitasking and improved enterprise support.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs detailed seven major new features that he described as "tentpoles" for the OS. Addressing the number one request of most users is a new app multitasking system. Jobs explained that implementing multitasking is easy if battery life and application performance isn't a concern, but Apple has taken its time to develop a system that it says avoids these common pitfalls. "We weren't the first to this party, but we're going to be the best," Jobs said.


Senior vice president of iPhone software engineering Scott Forstall offered up more details. Apple looked at thousands of apps to determine what services apps would most need to keep running while in the background. "In iPhone OS 4, we're providing those services as APIs to developers," Forstall said. That way, iPhone OS can manage those services to best optimize battery life and performance.

Pandora founder Tim Westergren was on hand to demonstrate a version of Pandora that took advantage of these APIs, showing off one of the most sought-after uses for multitasking. Westergren played streaming music from Pandora while switching over to iTunes to buy a song he liked, and the stream kept playing as he shopped.

Other potential uses for background processes were demonstrated or discussed, such as keeping Skype active to receive VoIP calls, or allowing GPS apps like TomTom to continually track your location. Forstall also discussed an alternative to continuous GPS tracking, which can wear down the battery. An app such as Loopt or Foursquare can register to be notified when an iPhone detects that it has switched to a different cell tower. The app can then be activated and the GPS hardware polled for your new location.

Noting privacy concerns, Forstall revealed a system-wide notification that reveals which apps have requested location data. That will prevent any app from using your location data without your knowledge, and should discourage any developer from trying to do so.
In addition to audio, VoIP, and background location, Forstall also discussed some other background services that developers can add to their apps such as push notifications, local notifications, task completion, and fast-app switching. This last feature lets any application freeze its state so that it idles without using any CPU resources. When the app is switched back to the foreground, it continues running as if nothing happened.


Apple detailed some new features for the iPhone OS's Springboard launcher. You can add custom backgrounds for both the lock screen and the home screen, just as you can on the iPad. For those with a growing library of apps looking for a new way to organize them, iPhone OS now has folders. Apps can be dragged on top of each other to create a folder, and other apps can be added. Folders can be placed in the Dock for quick access to a group of apps, as well. With folders, users can cram up to 2,000 apps onto their devices.


Mail will get a number of longed-for improvements in iPhone OS 4.0. Apple has finally added a unified inbox to Mail, so those of you setting up multiple e-mail accounts on your iPhone can see all your mail at once without switching accounts. Business users will likely applaud the ability to add more than one Exchange account. And Apple made switching between different inboxes much faster.

Other improvements include a threaded message view, which keeps related replies together, and the ability to open mail attachments if you have an app installed that can handle a particular file type.

iBooks for the iPhone and iPod touch

Apple is also making a version of iBooks that will work on iPhone and iPod touch. It's essentially a miniature version of iBooks for iPad, replete with the bookshelf and access to the iBookstore. You'll be able to access the same library of books from any of your iDevices, and bookmarks and last pages will wireless sync between them.


Jobs noted that 80 percent of Fortune 100 companies are using iPhones in some way with the blessing of their IT departments. One new enterprise-friendly goody coming in iPhone OS 4.0 is new data encryption features. Users will be able to encrypt their e-mail and attachments using a PIN code. And developers will have an API to encrypt data within their own apps.

iPhone OS 4.0 will also give IT admins mobile device management, and they'll be able to distribute apps wirelessly to mobile devices without relying on iTunes syncing. In addition to multiple Exchange account capabilities, Apple is adding Exchange Server 2010 support. And there's also support for SSL-encrypted VPN sessions with Juniper and Cisco infrastructures.

"Game Center"

Apple is building its own "social gaming network," akin to Open Feint and Ngmoco's Plus+, that developers can include support for in their games. In addition to leaderboards and achievements, it will offer a standardized way for players to "challenge" each other to best one another's scores. Apple is including a feature to automatically find other players of similar ability with a particular game, sparing novices the embarrassment of being trampled by a more experienced player.

Open Feint, Plus+, and other networks have a dedicated following among some developers (and certainly many players), so whether or not Game Center will see wide adoption is uncertain. But during a Q&A following the presentation, Jobs noted that developers had asked for Apple to develop its own social network. "There's no money to be made and no advantage to us to having a social gaming network, so everyone should just say 'great, less work for me'," he said.


Jobs spent a good chunk of the event discussing the seventh "tentpole"

04-08-2010, 03:11 PM
Yep, cool stuff released today. Cant wait for 4.0 on the iPad.

Cool iPad review here, which was also mentioned in the Apple event today. "After spending hours and hours with it, I believe this beautiful new touch-screen device from Apple has the potential to change portable computing profoundly..." http://ptech.allthingsd.com/20100331/apple-ipad-review/

Full event feed: http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/08/live-from-apples-iphone-os-4-event/

Scott Card
04-08-2010, 05:26 PM
Alright Acca, Guru of all things Apple. Someone suggested that this thing was made for the business person???? Let's say a guy, needed to give a presentation. What would it take to hook up a projector to an Ipad and play video clips or lets say a DVD. Is that possible? Let's say that guy was me and I don't know diddly about i-this or i-that:crazy:.... I sometimes have clips from DVD's that I show to groups and/or video clips from the internet and sometimes both at the same time. I see the ipad does presentations but is is possible to get a DVD and projector hooked up to it? This is a real question since I am soon to be in the market for a new laptop. BTW, I downloaded Quicktime or what ever program it was to play the ipad clips and it doesn't work.... see what I mean.:crazy:


The resident Computard.

04-08-2010, 05:54 PM
Alright Acca, Guru of all things Apple. Someone suggested that this thing was made for the business person???? Let's say a guy, needed to give a presentation. What would it take to hook up a projector to an Ipad and play video clips or lets say a DVD. Is that possible? Let's say that guy was me and I don't know diddly about i-this or i-that:crazy:.... I sometimes have clips from DVD's that I show to groups and/or video clips from the internet and sometimes both at the same time. I see the ipad does presentations but is is possible to get a DVD and projector hooked up to it? This is a real question since I am soon to be in the market for a new laptop. BTW, I downloaded Quicktime or what ever program it was to play the ipad clips and it doesn't work.... see what I mean.:crazy:


The resident Computard.

Dear Scott Card, Deadliest of All Lawyer Sharks,

If I may interject a few of my opinions to answer a few questions of yours. I believe the iPad of Lost Money, is geared more for the businessman. Stefan, doesn't think so. I see more businessman utilizing it to its full potential more so than the "general public". It's a great machine for displaying slideshows, PDFs, reading, managing email, etc - but it's all very proprietary. If you wanted to hook it up to a projector - you can, but it's all proprietary.

In my humble objective answer - a laptop would be able to do 99% of all your needs. Granted, it doesn't have a pretty U.I., and it takes awhile to load up the machine, compared to the iPad which looks decent and can be turned on instantly. Plus, you have your range of connectors to connect it with: S-Cable, Component, Composite, HDMI, DVI, Coax, Optical, USB, Firewire. etc.

The iPad just doesn't have that kind of option. Again, with the businessman analogy, I believe the iPad is much more suitable for the 1-on-1 businessman, and not the 1-an-show an entire auditorium connected to a iPad businessman. Hope that makes sense.

Plus, with the iPad, for presentations and files - you are stuck with its proprietary file system and going through iTunes or a 3rd party app to transfer it. If you like easy, file transfers, laptop is your best option.

Oh, and obviously, as you know, the iPad does not have a DVD drive. Laptops do. HUGE advantage for the show-all businessman.

04-08-2010, 06:05 PM
Pros for the iPad carrying Businessman:
-easily manage calendars, contacts, and notes. Much easier than on a laptop.
-display or present documents to a small number of people using the bright iPad screen.
-instant wake-up time and boot-time is minimal.
-easy to transport around with you everywhere you go.
-no sound when typing on it. Not distracting in a small environment.
-intuitive UI and looks professional.
-can create documents natively, compared to buying MS office or downloading Open Office, and creating documents. Although, the templates on the iPad are not as vast as the other comparable products (which limits customization)

Cons for iPad carrying Businessman:
-No S-Video, HDMI, or DVI outputs, which makes connected to a projector difficult.
-no DVD drive.
-transfering of files is a hassle due to restrictiveness of Apple products. IE: Itunes.
-No unified file manager. IE - when you download an attachment of a email, you can't choose where to save that document.
-hot theft item. I imagine people will likely choose to steal the iPad more than the laptop.

04-08-2010, 06:38 PM
If I may interject a few of my opinions to answer a few questions of yours. I believe the iPad of Lost Money, is geared more for the businessman. Stefan, doesn't think so. I see more businessman utilizing it to its full potential more so than the "general public". It's a great machine for displaying slideshows, PDFs, reading, managing email, etc

my comment was based on two things ... i believe what you see as useful to the businessperson is not limited to folks in the "corporate workplace" but can extend well beyond that in other areas of work. also, generally speaking, i think it's hard, as with any computer, for any one person to imagine/understand/judge the full possibility/utility/benefits of such a device in the diverse experiences of the general populace.

however, i agree that its utility in the corporate workplace, without a doubt, will certainly help to fuel its success in the short term.

Scott Card
04-08-2010, 07:37 PM
Thanks Jman and Stefan. I kinda figured out what you said from what I have read here and what I was actually able to view on the internet. You clarified my concerns very well. It appears that I will be getting a laptop. I need it to not only present to judges and juries and various classes but also to meet with a client on the road and print on the road from a portable printer. As cool as this new gizmo looks, it probably wouldn't serve me too well for my line of work. I can see the usefullness for the one-on-one business professional particularly sales reps or any thing visual.

04-08-2010, 07:51 PM
Thanks Jman and Stefan. I kinda figured out what you said from what I have read here and what I was actually able to view on the internet. You clarified my concerns very well. It appears that I will be getting a laptop. I need it to not only present to judges and juries and various classes but also to meet with a client on the road and print on the road from a portable printer. As cool as this new gizmo looks, it probably wouldn't serve me too well for my line of work. I can see the usefullness for the one-on-one business professional particularly sales reps or any thing visual.

Welcome! Glad to help!

As cool as this new gizmo looks, it probably wouldn't serve me too well for my line of work. I can see the usefullness for the one-on-one business professional particularly sales reps or any thing visual.

Yup, exactly!!!!! you got it, (or at least my vision of it). It's a great complimentary device for those people. It's almost good for those people who go door to door selling pest control - and show visual stunning slideshow of its services, with no boring papers.

04-08-2010, 08:44 PM
Question for jman...do you have an iPad or iPhone for that matter? Sorry but I found your commentary about half correct. I dont have time to write a novel on the subject, so I will simply link to a few demo videos from Apple.

The iPad does open Microsoft documents and they work very well I might add. It does also hook to a projector for slide presentations and it plays videos quite well...stunning actually.

For the Quicktime challenged: http://www.youtube.com/user/Apple


04-08-2010, 09:21 PM
Question for jman...do you have an iPad or iPhone for that matter? Sorry but I found your commentary about half correct. I dont have time to write a novel on the subject, so I will simply link to a few demo videos from Apple.

The iPad does open Microsoft documents and they work very well I might add. It does also hook to a projector for slide presentations and it plays videos quite well...stunning actually.


iPad no. Iphone yes. And I even have a iphone - 3GS, and it's jailbroken too. Very nice.

I didn't clarify myself on the MS office thing. It DOES open up MS office documents. And compared to the iPhone vs. iPad, you can create native compatible MS documents on the iPad. And in my analogy, that was a pro compared to a laptop, as where you would have to buy MS office software.

Oh, and I have watched all of those guided-tours and have a few hours logged into my brother's iPad. Heck, I even have a dev account for the iPhone. I know my way around Apple hardware and software.

How is it half-correct?

As I stated earlier, yes you can connect to a projector, but it's all proprietary. With a laptop - it's not. I have a bunch of connections to choose from (S-Video, HDMI (if it's a new laptop), DVI, VGA, and even adapters-into-component or composite.

-iPad doesn't have a DVD drive. can't argue that.
-File Management is MUCH easier on a laptop than iPad (how many people do you know that hates Itunes? I can direct you to LOTS and LOTS of forums and threads that agree with that statement).
-iPad doesn't have expandable memory slots. No SD slots, no USB drives, etc. A laptop does.
-iPad plays proprietary video (only converted to iPad supported formats). You canif you jailbreak it, and even then it's sluggish. I've tried it on the iPhone with yxflash and it works but its slow). A laptop can do virtually every format of video and audio.
-no multitasking support (yet-but thankfully with the OS 4.0 that will be supported! yay!) A laptop can have 100 things going on at once. iPad can't.
-iPad has LONG battery life - 10+ hrs! Laptop can get 2-6hrs of use per charge.

I can go on and on if you'd like.

Btw - my point isn't to bash mac. I own a Macbook and enjoy it very much.
My point is iPad vs. Laptop and trying to help Scotty Shark, help make a decision. If you're a sales rep, I would recommend a iPad more than a Laptop - anyday. just saying...

04-08-2010, 09:29 PM
I just keep reading this thread to look at jman's avatar. This time I'm going to save it. That thing's still totally mesmerizing!

Love my iPhone. Not interested in an iPad. I'm just sayin'.

04-08-2010, 09:32 PM
I just keep reading this thread to look at jman's avatar. This time I'm going to save it. That thing's still totally mesmerizing!

Love my iPhone. Not interested in an iPad. I'm just sayin'.

haha. That's awesome. You do realize, I put it back just for you Kev, right? I seriously did. hehe. Ya, you better save it.
And "i'm just saying" is my saying. no copying me! heh

04-09-2010, 09:54 AM
Your off the tracks dood. You have turned this into an iPad vs. laptop discussion. Remember: The iPad is not in the laptop category. I mentioned this early on in this thread. Apple did not design it to do everything that a desktop/laptop can do. I do believe it would do most of what Scott C would need it for, perhaps minus the printing which I bet is coming. I have already hooked mine up to my TV and projectors here at work. For many people (450,000 so far) who don't need every option under the sun, the iPad is a very useful computing device.

04-09-2010, 09:46 PM
It appears that I will be getting a laptop. I need it to not only present to judges and juries and various classes but also to meet with a client on the road and print on the road from a portable printer. As cool as this new gizmo looks, it probably wouldn't serve me too well for my line of work. I can see the usefullness for the one-on-one business professional particularly sales reps or any thing visual.

scott, you got me curious, being a lawyer and all. are the materials that you read on a regular basis in electronic for or hard copy?

04-10-2010, 08:14 AM
I strongly disagree with anyone that thinks this device has a place in the corporate arena. No IT shop in their right mind would consider deploying these devices. While they are a great device for personal use, they were not designed for the corporate environment. The device was designed to CONSUME content, not CREATE content. There aren't too many jobs that I'm aware of where you get paid to watch content. Not only that, but the device wouldn't hold up for business use. People who don't pay for their equipment with their own money tend not to take care of their equipment. The iPad has already been shown to be extremely fragile - they just wouldn't last in workplace. Apple's business model has always been focused around personal use, not corporate use. This device falls right in line with that.

04-10-2010, 09:11 AM
corporate america is vast. are you really trying to paint one giant broad stroke in that post there?

04-10-2010, 11:21 AM
corporate america is vast. are you really trying to paint one giant broad stroke in that post there?

Yes, at least broad enough to imply that the success of the iPad will not hing on the adoption of corporate America. Other than in niche situations, corporate America will not embrace this device for use in the work place. Would you disagree with my statements?

04-10-2010, 12:17 PM
Yes, at least broad enough to imply that the success of the iPad will not hing on the adoption of corporate America. Other than in niche situations, corporate America will not embrace this device for use in the work place. Would you disagree with my statements?

i don't think the success of the device hinges on corporate america, only that it could help its success in the short term. i think in the not so distant future, devices like these will be commonplace, especially once the price is right (whether made by apple or not.)

given that my understanding of corporate america is very limited, i don't believe i am in the position to really predict what will happen. but given that the corporate arena is so diverse, i can imagine the device being extremely useful to many, especially if specific apps are developed that are specialized for use.

i certainly don't think there will be a wholesale invasion of corporate america and i don't think anyone here is saying that. my impression of what jman thinks is that corporate america could be the slice of the populace that uses the ipad to its full potential, i.e., beyond email, videos, games, internet, etc. whether it goes beyond niches in the "corporate arena" remains to be seen but it seems to me that it is not implausible.

of course, i am thinking from the perspective of the individual and not IT (which is one of many reasons i believe my perspective to be very limited). for the individual, this device can trivialize, speed up, and increase efficiency in a number of common tasks, all the while being not much thicker than a pad of paper and less than 2lbs (1.5-1.6lbs).

to me, if one has an extensive amount of reading material, this device would be more effective than a laptop or desktop computer for reading it. (hardcopies should only be made out of necessity.)

while the device is in its nascence, the operating system will be updated to include and enhance a number of useful features, and many more applications will be developed, all of which could make the device more attractive in business.

i disagree with you that these devices were designed only to consume rather than create content. it's clear to me that they are capable of creating content and apple has demonstrated that they were designed to be able to create content too. whether they meet someone's threshold for content creation is another issue, and i would suggest that there is a section of the population for which the device is sufficient for their needs and a section where the device is insufficient. the device is meant to sync to a computer so it's not entirely stand alone. and for many people, i don't imagine it completely replacing their computers, but i think it will augment their computers in highly practical ways and divert certain tasks to the ipad and other tasks to the computer.

i guess i have a hard time believing that, for a subset of corporate america (not just niches), this device wouldn't be successful.

personally i don't really care whether corporate america adopts it or not. my only interest is in understanding how devices/OSs like this one can help to improve not only productivity but the experience one has with a computing device.

04-10-2010, 04:05 PM
i disagree with you that these devices were designed only to consume rather than create content.

I'm not saying they aren't capable of creating, I'm just saying they weren't designed for that. The closest you will come to creating content on a large scale would be social media, like posting to Facebook or Bogley.

i guess i have a hard time believing that, for a subset of corporate america (not just niches), this device wouldn't be successful.

Apple currently doesn't have any device that would be considered successful in its adoption in the corporate world. Even the mac isn't considered successful in corporate america. There are very few shops that are mac only. Typically you'll see a single department (marketing) that uses macs and the rest of the company is pc. This device won't change that, nor was it intended to. That doesn't mean Apple isn't successful or doesn't now what they are doing. They are a consumer based, not corporate based, and they know that. They are making a killing in the consumer market - they know their markets and are dominating them.

One major problem I have with the iPhone or iPad being in the corporate world is their proprietary nature. They control every app that goes on the iPad or iPhone. This is great for the average user, but if a corporation wanted to use their own customized app, it would be impossible.

personally i don't really care whether corporate america adopts it or not. my only interest is in understanding how devices/OSs like this one can help to improve not only productivity but the experience one has with a computing device.

I'm with you, I really don't care either. The device has potential. Hopefully other companies will make competing products, advancing the technology further. Let's face it, if you like gadgets, we live in a pretty cool world!

By the way, the tapatalk app on the iPhone is pretty dang cool. As soon as I get the full version I might not ever have to visit bogley from the pc again. :nod:

Scott Card
04-12-2010, 03:08 PM
Here is my take as a non tech, non apple, but sit at a computer by profession kinda guy. I need to be able to have the ability to type quickly and hook up to stuff for me to be interested. I must be able to print, hook up to a projector, have an internal or external DVD, ablility to plug in my dictaphone...etc. Normal office stuff. The format of the device looks to be intuitive and pretty cool. I like the touch screen ability to eliminate a mouse. But until it does what I already said, it will not happen for me as a business person.

04-18-2010, 12:04 AM

05-20-2010, 07:43 PM

Just bought my 64gb IPAD w/WIFI -- primarily for the purposes of evaluating use in the corporate world. Should have it by Monday or so..

05-20-2010, 07:47 PM
Yes, at least broad enough to imply that the success of the iPad will not hing on the adoption of corporate America. Other than in niche situations, corporate America will not embrace this device for use in the work place. Would you disagree with my statements?

As a CTO for a mid-sized company, I can't disagree. I am still however, evaluating it for impromptu data input in a laboratory environment. If I can replace paper with an IPAD (using a web enabled application), then this would be better than a 5 pound laptop.

05-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Wow Your Still A Pathetic Virgin :lol8: (not you Brute, this guy)


09-14-2010, 01:56 PM
Clever Kindle Ad. :haha:


09-28-2010, 08:40 PM
So the iPad's been around now for something like 6 months. To those of you who bought one, do you still like it? I had mine for all of two weeks and got rid of it. If it were half the price it probably would have been worth keeping but for that much money it just wasn't doing enough for me. I tried to use it as the couch web surfing device but I found myself needing the laptop far too often. Plus it was heavy and awkward in the hands, not like my laptop, it has a built-in stand. :haha:

So anyway, how's the iPad treating you? Getting dusty?

09-29-2010, 08:26 AM
I can't answer the price/performance trade-off because mine was a gift. I don't use it daily, or even close to that. But when I'm on vacation it rocks! It was so nice to carry around camp last weekend and look at the pictures we had just taken on a nice screen. Plus I had maps and route descriptions downloaded. In Hawaii it was nice to use as a GPS and for finding restaurants, etc. I don't have a smart phone and I find those screens hard to read for my 50+ year-old eyes. Watching movies on long plane flights is pretty nice too.

It is expensive though, I grant you that. I was lucky to have a generous benefactor!

09-29-2010, 08:45 AM
I love mine. I was watching Monday Night Football on it the other night via veetle.com. I use it a bunch for reading too. There have been a ton of great apps released since you sold yours. I use mine instead of a laptop. I get more than enough computer time in at work, so when I come home I just want to chill.

My computer time in the evening consists of sitting in bed for 30-60 mins before hitting the pillow. It sits on my night stand and can easily be grabbed to surf Bogley, read a book, pay bills, read the news, play a game, read a magazine (national geographic is sweet and all the geeky tech mags or outlets), watch tv or videos. I would echo the trip comments. I am going to St. George with the kids this weekend. The iPad is great for watching movies or playing games on trips. My son recently started playing The Settlers HD game on iPad and its very cool. My wife was using it the other night to look at Kauai via the google earth app and she also uses it to look at recipes in the kitchen via apps or online.

10-08-2010, 04:17 PM
So anyway, how's the iPad treating you?

i like the device a lot. i primarily got it for reading documents as well as discussing documents/images/etc with others. having hundreds to thousands of documents at the touch of a finger that you can carry around and access with ease is a really nice thing (kinda like having all your music at the touch of a finger). pinch-zooming text and images can be a very useful feature that is lacking in laptops and desktops.

by the way the thing is apparently selling like hotcakes:

iPad Adoption Rate Fastest Ever, Passing DVD Player