View Full Version : Beer Bottles Wanted Please

12-25-2009, 10:33 PM
If you are a beer drinker and live in the Layton/ Ogden you drink beer bottled that require a bottle cap opener (not twist off) I would ask you to save them for me. I have just got my brew kit from the Beer Nut for Christmas and will be needing bottles for my next few batches then i will be able to recycle the bottles that i have. I would be glad to come pick them up they don't need to be cleaned or anyting I will be sterilizing them and re-labeling them for my home brew. If you happen to have an old keg that is taking up space on your property that you would be willing to part with i would love to get it form you. I can cut the top off of it and turn it in to a nice brew pot...

Just shoot me a PM or call me when you have some 801-388-7838


12-27-2009, 12:01 PM
I dont drink a lot but the Amber Bock are pry'off now... I might have a few in a week or so

01-04-2010, 09:40 AM
You should of started this about 5 years ago and told me then. In those days it was standard to pound atleast 18 a day, and only good beer, in bottles, mostly in pry top rather than twist.
I may still be an alcoholic, but i have not had a beer in a long while.
I tried to, about 4 months ago. It sounded so good! I went and bought a beer, one of my old favorites after a day of busting my ass. Opened it up and took a big swig, even forced about 1/3 of the bottle down, but it never did taste good like it used to, so I dumped it in the sink and threw the rest of the 6 pack out.

01-04-2010, 09:54 AM
...and threw the rest of the 6 pack out.


01-04-2010, 09:54 AM
I haven't done my own brewing in several years, so I'm no expert. But, cleaning used bottles is apparently very difficult. It's my understanding that you can't just put them in a tub with clorine or that stuff you get at the brewing supply shops. In order to reuse bottles, they need to be washed out within an hour or so of emptying them. I'd suggest looking into this before doing a batch in used bottles.

I have tried using used bottles myself. I thought I cleaned them really well. After all the trouble and time of make that batch, the beer was not drinkable.

01-04-2010, 10:11 AM
Sorry Don, it used to be my favorite drink, since high school. it was replaced with vodka over ice as far as getting smashed fast and ending the shakes, but the good beers were still what I drank for taste. Now they taste like ass.
I suppose I should of posted asking someone to adopt them, tear the heads off them and suck out the juice, but I did not. My brother was mad at me over it too, offered to thrash me for not calling him to come pick them up and give them a good home in his belly.
I could not have them in the house though, the thoughts of even tasting another one made me grimace, and I thought about it every time I opened the fridge and saw them there. They only lived at my house for about 3 hours in the fridge.
I still have a bottle of vodka over the fridge, its been sitting there for about 5 years, maybe slightly longer, but I do not have to look at it each time I get something to eat or drink, so it can stay I guess. Besides I can not imagine that it would ever taste bad poured over ice. Never thought a cold beer could taste bad either though so I could be wrong.