View Full Version : Trip Report TR: Rocky Mouth Canyon, Waterfall - 1st person view

12-18-2009, 03:43 PM
Since everyone is in the season of posting TRs and wanted to give you all a break from all your S. Utah trips, here's one from the Wasatch, located a 1/4mile from a trailhead in Sandy.

Rocky Mouth Canyon

Now, we first explored this back in March, but we decided at the current time, that there was WAY too much water. So we came back in late April and attempted it. Very fun! Cold, so definitely a 3mm wetsuit is required.

The hike to the falls is a piece of cake. No more than 1/4 of a mile, once you past the cul-de-sac of homes. Once at the falls, you have two paths. One to your left, which takes you above the falls, and is semi-steep. And a path to your right which leads directly under the falls.

Go left and climb to where you are almost level with the falls and fall the exposed path around the notch in the cliff and drop down the cliff side right above the waterfall. Natural anchors are plentiful - lots of trees! Although, we did see 2 pitons, and 2 B&H on the right (LDC).

The crux of the waterfall is the 2nd tier, where all the water flows into a plume and you get pounded hardcore with gallons and gallons of cold water. Helmets are definitely required as 1) the water will attempt to axe through your head and 2) lots of loose rocks on the 1st tier that come tumbling down.

You can avoid the crux, by swinging to the right and following the slippery, moss-covered cliff down, but to experience it in true fashion you need to take the plunge!

This is not recommended for beginners at all before mid May as a serious accident can happen. All the water on your body tends to make holding the rope a little difficult even with added friction. And if you slip you can bang your face in the cliffs and drop to the 3 foot deep pool below and drown very easily...and the people watching from below would have a hard time reaching you since its very slippery to reach the plungepool.

My friend Jeff brought his waterproof camera and took a few 1st person shots down the waterfall.


This is the 1st tier of the waterfall, and is quite boring till you reach about 1:40.


Here is the 2nd tier of the waterfall. Jeff avoids the plume, just in case he drops his camera, but this one is the coolest video and gives you a good idea of what its like.


And here is a 3rd person view of the entire waterfall, with the same person, but this time going into the crux! the best part!


And here is my friend Ian, tripping near the top....it's very slick! haha


12-18-2009, 03:51 PM
This time of year it's probably more popular as an ice climb. :haha:

180 feet WI4 :2thumbs:

Here is all the beta.

Rocky Mouth Falls


Brian in SLC
12-18-2009, 03:56 PM
This time of year it's probably more popular as an ice climb. 180 feet WI4

We checked it out a couple of years ago...and...the gate was locked.

Is there ever access in the winter?

WI4? 70 to 60 degrees? That'd make it a WI3? From the video/photo's looks very 3-ish.

I'd climb it if I thought I could get on it...

-Brian in SLC

12-18-2009, 04:04 PM
This time of year it's probably more popular as an ice climb. :haha:

haha, yea, now would be ice.
I have rap down this in October and its quite boring, actually. More like a garden hose. So if you wanna do this in full force, be sure to do it before early July.

I've never really gotten into Ice Climbing, although, I have tried it - but this would look like a decent place for a noob for a intro, I dunno.

It's similar to Battle Creek Falls as in very easy to reach and not a long hike at all. And to a make re-runs through it, are a breeze, that's why I like it a lot. And its REALLY green up there so good pictures are plentiful.

12-18-2009, 04:09 PM
I think the gate is always locked in Winter.... If a couple ice climbers start asking Sandy Parks to open it up you might get some action... Sandy City Parks and Recreation controls the gate.

There used to be two other ways to get to the falls. One now has a house on it the other is to hike up next to the water tank. Go visit now before the snow and you will see the water tank I'm talking about.

As for ratings I just pulled it from some old ice climbing information someone gave me. And for the record... I'm told some years a second climb developes nearby and they call it Fallen Angel. I'll see if I can dig up the old ice beta...


Brian in SLC
12-18-2009, 04:15 PM
There used to be two other ways to get to the falls. One now has a house on it the other is to hike up next to the water tank. Go visit now before the snow and you will see the water tank I'm talking about.

As for ratings I just pulled it from some old ice climbing information someone gave me. And for the record... I'm told some years a second climb developes nearby and they call it Fallen Angel. I'll see if I can dig up the old ice beta...

Yeah, we couldn't figure out any access. If you hiked up next to the tank, would that take you to the bottom?

Mo' beta, mo betta.

Someone that, cough cough, lives in the area should check it out...

If you haven't done it, Shane, we should...

-Brian in SLC

12-18-2009, 04:27 PM
OK.... I'll do some scouting and see what I can come up with.... I've been begging Jumar to go with me but he always has to clean the hamster cage or something like that.... I haven't been to the falls for a least two years but I'll try and stop by this week.

Oh yeah... and it looks like I'll see ya tonight... :2thumbs:

12-23-2009, 06:37 AM
OK.... I'll do some scouting and see what I can come up with.... I've been begging Jumar to go with me but he always has to clean the hamster cage or something like that.... I haven't been to the falls for a least two years but I'll try and stop by this week.

Oh yeah... and it looks like I'll see ya tonight... :2thumbs:
Yeah cleaning the hamster cage is about right.
I definitely haven't gotten out on the ice very much the last few years :frustrated: