View Full Version : Best way to rig a biner block

12-09-2009, 11:21 PM
This is my first foray into the forum and I hope my question isn't enough to label me as a noob destined for Darwinian selection.

Most of the biner blocks that I see on here are tied with a clove hitch to the spine of the biner. Is there anything inherently unsafe about tying an eight on a bight (or even an overhand on a bight) and clipping a locking biner to the resulting loop in order to make the biner block?

12-09-2009, 11:40 PM
This is my first foray into the forum and I hope my question isn't enough to label me as a noob destined for Darwinian selection.

Most of the biner blocks that I see on here are tied with a clove hitch to the spine of the biner. Is there anything inherently unsafe about tying an eight on a bight (or even an overhand on a bight) and clipping a locking biner to the resulting loop in order to make the biner block?

Well, uh, yeah.

That would be a "knot block" with a biner clipped to it, since the knot is actually doing the blocking. I am not fond of this, as in some circumstances the knot can work its way into the ring and get stuck, or worse, pull through. The "biner block", clove hitch on the back of a biner, is more reliable, BUT STILL, the not-soon-selected-out canyoneer will make 100% sure the biner cannot pull through the ring.

You might find these articles helpful:


Tom :moses:

12-09-2009, 11:57 PM
Tom - thanks for sparing the vitriol. Now I feel even better about the money I spent on my Imlay 9mm rope and the Kolob pack I'm trying to save up for.

12-10-2009, 11:25 AM
Some biner block related info also in this thread that you might find useful:


And welcome to the forum. :2thumbs:

12-10-2009, 03:06 PM
Tom - thanks for sparing the vitriol. Now I feel even better about the money I spent on my Imlay 9mm rope and the Kolob pack I'm trying to save up for.

"Humble" goes a long way in my universe. Thanks for being humble, thus allowing me to answer without vitriol!