View Full Version : Your ISP, if Net Neutrality disappears (PIC)

10-28-2009, 04:05 PM
Scary stuff! :eek2:


10-28-2009, 04:30 PM
This is spot on. The carriers have used the cable TV company packaging model to the T and plan to charge you according to where you go and th etraffic you use.

They are even using the cable model as justification.

10-28-2009, 07:34 PM
Where do the adult sites fit in all this, that's what I wanna know

10-29-2009, 06:40 AM
I'm a little out of touch with this issue. Who do I need to call, write or create a sex scandal with to prevent this!?

10-29-2009, 07:22 AM
Thank God McCain is not the president he would of already sold us out.

John Stewart on Net Neutrality

10-29-2009, 07:30 AM
I need to get some actual work done but I did find a couple of sites that I'll read closer later.



Anyone else care to share a link on this subject?

10-29-2009, 08:41 AM
This gets me thinking.... the 2 big names are Comcast and Qwest here in Utah.

What if they start using this ridiculous model? It would suck for sure.

But now I'm thinking a lot of people would actually drop out from those two companies and start going with the little guys who offer more "freedom". Thus sparking more competition..... in the end, who knows, maybe the consumer wins once again.

But the path to that victory would definitely be a pain in the arse.

10-29-2009, 11:17 AM
Thus sparking more competition..... in the end, who knows, maybe the consumer wins once again.

Do you have cable or a cell phone?
5 dollars extra a month to see a U game
30 dollars a month for a Data plan

I use Comcast and T-Mobile and I am not winning anything. :roflol:

Think of it like the MTN channel but applied to the internet.... ug

10-29-2009, 06:29 PM
Anyone else care to share a link on this subject?


I highly recommend this video to anyone who uses the net. The info is a little out date since this aired back in 2005-6ish the last time net neutrality laws came before congress. (that's the debate where Sen. Ted Stevens "internet is a series of tubes" came from)

This program inspired me to drop Qwest & Comcast. Now I get internet from a community owned fiber-optic network that is the fastest residential connection in Utah. :flipa:

Net Neutrality is a big deal and could deeply effect the nation's future economy.


10-29-2009, 07:00 PM
The thing with the internet is there would have to be an "Everything Else" category, because hundreds of websites are being created every day.

Take bogley for instance, what category would that fall under? And say for instance bogley changed from an Outdoor Community to a Women's Sunglass Online Store. Would that eventually get put into another "package"?

This would suck, but remember when "they" were wanting to charge for every email sent, because the poor ol' post office was losing business? This was probably a good 8 years ago.

11-04-2009, 01:19 PM
This program inspired me to drop Qwest & Comcast. Now I get internet from a community owned fiber-optic network that is the fastest residential connection in Utah. :flipa:

Not so!, atleast not any more.
Beehive, in erda, has just finished running fiber to all the streets there, are working now on extending it to Tooele, through stansbury.
If You are willing to pay the install fee, and i do not recall what that is off the top of my head, then your net sits at 50 dollars a month, and its 20 MB per second, unlimited use.

The wife works for them :D we do not pay for our house phone, and the 5000 minutes of long distance we are allowed to use per month, or our internet, when the lines are run to us in Tooele, we will not pay for that either, aside from the install (300 seems to stick in my head, but I can not be 100% sure of that). Till then, we have to suffer with the employee rate of 10 MBS burst, and after 10 seconds throttled down to 6 mbs.

11-04-2009, 01:33 PM

The wife works for them :D we do not pay for our house phone, and the 5000 minutes of long distance we are allowed to use per month, or our internet, when the lines are run to us in Tooele, we will not pay for that either, aside from the install (300 seems to stick in my head, but I can not be 100% sure of that). Till then, we have to suffer with the employee rate of 10 MBS burst, and after 10 seconds throttled down to 6 mbs.

wow. that's impressive. Now that deserves a :flipa: to James bragging. I live in a 15yr-old neighborhood, is there a way to know if my neighborhood has fiber-o (i mean besides calling and waiting 30min on hold) online or something?

11-05-2009, 08:49 AM
I would think that if you visited he web site for the area providers if they had it, they would brag about it?
Where we live we are still about 12 to 18 months from having it installed here, atleast through her work.
Really a good company to work for, wish they would hire me but do not hire family of current employees.
As a bonus, she gets profit sharing each november, and our health care? They pay 100% of it and leave us with the deductible and no co-pay. If we take the bill in, they cut her a check for it with in 2 weeks and we send that in to the providers. In effect our health care is FREE. 6 months in you get a week of vacation, and at one year you get 2 weeks of vacation.
I mention this not to brag, well OK a little bragging, but mostly because times are hard as hell right now, and they happen to be getting ready to hire.
They do their own tech support, are getting ready to go 24 hours, and are going to be filling positions.
They do tech support ONLY for the system they run, and teh phones they sell or lease you if you want VOIP. They started as a phone company in the 60's I think, maybe earlier, and do regular phone service in rural parts of utah and nevada, also provide DSL for areas that are not able to get the wireless internet that i have. If your in need of a job and in the tooele area, I suggest applying.
My wife started out doing that, 2 years and 4 months ago, at 10 an hour. she has been promoted several times, makes alot more than 10 now and is head of CABS and billing. Her degree opened the door for those promotions. Internet is free after 90 days of employment, if you go with the VOIP option, your phone is free too.
If your in salt lake, its still a great company to work for, but no net service. They really do care about employees. My wife is flying to Florida this sunday for a week for work, They are mad that the rest of us are not going with her since they are paying for her airfare and her hotel and rental car. If we could afford it, Id be going in a heart beat! Staying a hotel thats a boat ride away from Disney world, and last year they sent her to Vegas, put her up in the venetian the first time and the Excalibur the second. the Excalibur was not the standard rooms, and the venetian rooms were incredible, 52" HD plasma in the bathroom and same for the front room and bedroom, sunken front room, separate shower and tub in teh bathroom, better than any room Iv stayed in, I could never get anyone to pay for me to stay in a room thats 400 a night for a week.

We had them for 2 years before she started working for them, I have had 3 times i had no net, 2 times it was back up in a few hours and once, when someone cut a line digging with out blue stakes being called, e had no net for 2 days. Outside of that Its been reliable and fantastic.

They redid the website a bit ago, I no longer see the apply for jobs link on the new site. Not sure if they are taking aps just yet or just planning stages, but I do know its coming.
Office in Lake Point, just behind the flying J.


I have now derailed this thread so far from course i forget what it was about originally.

11-05-2009, 09:50 AM
Utopia can rot for all I care. They have gone over budget and over time on the project so now all of the communities that have not been hooked up for free (as was promised to everyone in these communities) have to pay $3000 or have them put a lien on your property and you pay them $25 per month for 20 years. That's right folks, 20 years. That's $6000 if you want to do the math.

They have been canvasing Brigham City for the past few months going door to door trying to get people to sign up to get screwed over by these idiots. The amount of money that they have spent on their sales campaign here could have installed the wires by now, but so far they have done NOTHING for anyone.

They're a bunch of crooks and I won't give them a dime. :flipa: That's what they get from me.


08-21-2010, 01:11 PM
since al franken has become a senator, he's impressed many with his professional conduct and genuine interest in serving his country.

here's a speech he recently gave to the FCC on net neutrality
