View Full Version : Trip Report Tour de Park City

08-02-2009, 09:07 AM

Packet pick up at Spin Cycle was a cluster. Why have a pick up with a place that has 10 parking spots? Let along the inability to have the packets in alphabetical order, so you don't have to go through them stack by stack to find a name.

Route was POORLY marked.....people coming through the finish(halfs) were all over the place as far as distance..... The Half Century was to be 57 miles, I was at 60 with a slight detour. Friend was at 69....little bigger detour....

Some riders were coming back through PC, which was the original route out. Route went down a frontage road on 40, though if you didn't know that......there was no sign telling you to turn.

Feed station 2 was not even on the route, but off 50 yards and not visible as you rode by. Many riders missed it and then had to go through Browns Canyon dry......nice..... :roll:

After I finished, the only beverage they had was chocolate milk..... "They should have other drinks a little later." Yea, after waiting for my friend who took the 69 mile route, and visiting for a bit.....then as I was leaving, they started to set up the water, sports drinks, snack area..... WTF.....

I wonder if they had these issues with the Century or Super Century.....

Anyway, as I type I get more frustrated with the whole thing..... At least I was on a bike..... :ne_nau: