View Full Version : "Mr. Heaps" Canyon

07-17-2009, 07:04 AM
Has anyone "hiked Heaps" recently? Water levels in the potholes? Planning a "tomorrow" trip with 5 and any info. would be great!?

07-17-2009, 10:58 AM
Has anyone "hiked Heaps" recently? Water levels in the potholes? Planning a "tomorrow" trip with 5 and any info. would be great!?

Haven't, but hot weather can suck those potholes down quickly. Bring your "A" game!

Tom :moses:

07-17-2009, 07:23 PM
Haven't been through Heaps lately, but .....

Three of us did Imlay/sneak on Thursday, and I had gone through Imlay three weeks ago. Imlay had us 'hook out of three potholes, pack toss three, and creative raps over four deep potholes. We were doing similar efforts three weeks ago, but many of the early potholes had dried out, the swims were hip deep wades, and along the whle route I'd guess the water level had dropped two to three feet. There were still some short swims.

The water was very clear (until canyoneer #1 gets in) and still cool to cold in many holes - especially when you have to spend time in the water trying to figure out how to get past the next obstacle. My drysuit was needed, but was hot in the open areas. The others had shorties and one was cold (female) while the male (numbnuts) said he was comfortable the whole way.

The dark areas hadn't lost as much water. It was shocking and scary to see how many hook holes were exposed in the potholes - usually four or five 'steps'.

The big suprise was how much our small group was slowed down this time compared to three weeks ago. Even when you reach a tough pothole and the solution is obvious, there is a lot of time lost in discussing and agreement on what to do - at least amoung the males - and a lot of time used in assisting each other into, out of , and across the obstacles. Three weeks ago it was 4 people 10 hours - yesterday it was 3 people and 13.5 hours.

On the way out we wondered about the conditions in Heaps - so we will anxiously await your report!

07-18-2009, 12:34 PM
Hey BO-

It's Sat afternoon at 1:30 and I can see massive clouds building up over Cedar Mtn - 1st time this year I've seen a real thunderstorm building - also one over Pine Valley Mtn and one coming out of the Arizona strip - hope you are ready ..........