View Full Version : Bulge in my Rope??

07-09-2009, 09:19 PM
I just purchased an Edelweiss Ally 70 m rope. I opened it up and there is a small bulge about 8 ft from the end. Is this a sign of problems to come, or problems throughout the rope? I'm new to climbing, so please excuse my noobness

07-09-2009, 09:22 PM
bulges or localized stiffness beneath the core is not usually a good sign. i would try to take it back, if it unused.

07-10-2009, 08:05 PM
If its unused, take it back for sure.

If it is used, chop it off a little below the bulge and you will be fine. The only reason I could ever see to buy a 70m rope is if I planned to cut from the ends of it when it got dinged anyway... so you can have an early start on chopping off the bad parts.

07-11-2009, 08:21 PM
thanks for the advice. I hadn't used it so I sent it back. I will go through the local climbing shop from now on