View Full Version : Trip Report Bogleyfest - Boundary - Saturday

07-01-2009, 11:41 AM
Bogleyfest - Boundary - Saturday- TR

The group ended up being 9 people, Yancy, Ryan, and Chris from up north, Brian, Jarrod, and Myself from Vegas, and Jason from Hurricane, and Tony from up north.

We met at the Lava Point campground at 7 and headed down to the West rim TH. We suited up and debated for a few minutes whether we wanted to jug back out or hike the MIA. We decided that since we had so many people and so many ropes we would shoot for the jug. The hike to the mouth of the canyon was uneventful and pleasant. We quickly rigged for the first rap, the biggest at 175

07-01-2009, 01:45 PM
I've got some more pics I can post later. There is a low-res album up at facebook:


I will add some more to there - but I have them in higher resolutions than that. I'm not patient enough to click "choose file" and "add attachment" for each photo, but I should be able to bulk-upload the lot of them to flickr later tonight.

The SLC group of us got back to the car around 5:00PM - and got back in time for Yancy to catch his flight.

Did Chris get ahold of you about getting that 100 footer that Tony was carrying back?

When we got back to the car, I also noticed that Tony's driver side rear tire was flatted - by someone who wanted to make it known it was intentional (the guy left a plastic prong of a fork sticking out of the valve stem - maybe the guy who wasn't happy about his camping decision the night before?) I take it he noticed that and took care of it somehow?

It was a fun trip - I'd be up for doing a canyon with you vegas guys any time (well... caveat: any time my wife will let me get away - which isn't exactly "any time", but you know what I mean...).

Boundary canyon is definitely one worth doing. The MIA exit is surely a beast. That road never ends.

I spent a lot of time on the hike back thinking about that lock on the gate. 4 digits is 10k combinations, and on average you could have it open in less than an hour and a half if you tried one combination per second. Even if you didn't get it until the very last combination you tried (which would be the worst luck possible) that would be done in 2 hours 40 minutes. (I'm sure you could cut the time down drastically if you practiced and used an assisted method with a stethoscope)... That long hike gives you lots of time to think about that. But... The thought of prosecution, jail time, etc is enough to dissuade me from trying.

Thanks for leading the group - it was a fun group and a fun canyon.

07-01-2009, 02:19 PM
Hey...I am still waiting for the infinite knowledge and wisdom from the supreme leader on how the camera should be set up for optimal pictures in the canyon

07-01-2009, 02:32 PM
I've got some more pics I can post later. There is a low-res album up at facebook:


I will add some more to there - but I have them in higher resolutions than that. I'm not patient enough to click "choose file" and "add attachment" for each photo, but I should be able to bulk-upload the lot of them to flickr later tonight.

The SLC group of us got back to the car around 5:00PM - and got back in time for Yancy to catch his flight.

Did Chris get ahold of you about getting that 100 footer that Tony was carrying back?

When we got back to the car, I also noticed that Tony's driver side rear tire was flatted - by someone who wanted to make it known it was intentional (the guy left a plastic prong of a fork sticking out of the valve stem - maybe the guy who wasn't happy about his camping decision the night before?) I take it he noticed that and took care of it somehow?

It was a fun trip - I'd be up for doing a canyon with you vegas guys any time (well... caveat: any time my wife will let me get away - which isn't exactly "any time", but you know what I mean...).

Boundary canyon is definitely one worth doing. The MIA exit is surely a beast. That road never ends.

I spent a lot of time on the hike back thinking about that lock on the gate. 4 digits is 10k combinations, and on average you could have it open in less than an hour and a half if you tried one combination per second. Even if you didn't get it until the very last combination you tried (which would be the worst luck possible) that would be done in 2 hours 40 minutes. (I'm sure you could cut the time down drastically if you practiced and used an assisted method with a stethoscope)... That long hike gives you lots of time to think about that. But... The thought of prosecution, jail time, etc is enough to dissuade me from trying.

Thanks for leading the group - it was a fun group and a fun canyon.

Great pics. I PM'd chris about how Tony said he would hold onto the rope since he lives up there and would get it to you guys. You can PM him (teancum).

Yeah, the tire was so f'ing funny. We noticed it and Tony was pissed. It was definately intentional. We stayed while he put on the spare to make sure he got out all right. Note to self.....never try to camp in another's camp spot at 3 in the morning.

Yep, the MIA sucks ass. I hate the road part. I'm sure we made up some time on you since I know the two shortcuts, that I could see no one else had been on. Too bad, probably would ahve gotten you back 30 minutes sooner. BUT this is the price for ditching the fat guy on the hike up. :haha: I'm glad you guys made it back in time. Brian said you guys drove him like a pack mule out of there. He could barely move sunday.

We go once or twice a month and you're always welcome to come.

07-01-2009, 02:36 PM
So it looks like boundary still has a little flow in it. I am probably going to do in the end of july do you guys think i will need a wet suite i am pretty cold blooded.

07-01-2009, 02:39 PM
[quote=Odie_Canyon]Hey...I am still waiting for the infinite knowledge and wisdom from the supreme leader on how the camera should be set up for optimal pictures in the canyon

07-01-2009, 02:46 PM
So it looks like boundary still has a little flow in it. I am probably going to do in the end of july do you guys think i will need a wet suite i am pretty cold blooded.

Not needed. Especially in July. IMHO. I simply wore a rainjacket and the guys in wetsuits and drysuits were comfortable but they all said they would have been fine without. I never got wet above my thighs. Never got chilled, even waiting around for awhile to rap. Go for it.

07-01-2009, 02:47 PM
So it looks like boundary still has a little flow in it. I am probably going to do in the end of july do you guys think i will need a wet suite i am pretty cold blooded.

Not needed. Especially in July. IMHO. I simply wore a rainjacket and the guys in wetsuits and drysuits were comfortable but they all said they would have been fine without. I never got wet above my thighs. Never got chilled, even waiting around for awhile to rap. Go for it.

I concur, Dr. Leader. It will probably be dry by the end of July.

T :moses:

07-01-2009, 02:48 PM
So it looks like boundary still has a little flow in it. I am probably going to do in the end of july do you guys think i will need a wet suite i am pretty cold blooded.

Not needed. Especially in July. IMHO. I simply wore a rainjacket and the guys in wetsuits and drysuits were comfortable but they all said they would have been fine without. I never got wet above my thighs. Never got chilled, even waiting around for awhile to rap. Go for it.

If we had jugged it, I would have appreciated the drysuit a bit more. As it was, definitely overkill. I didn't get hot, but it's not fun packing it up the bushwacking sections.

07-02-2009, 09:01 AM
I should have done this one with you guys. Sounds fun! :2thumbs:

07-02-2009, 09:05 AM
I should have done this one with you guys. Sounds fun! :2thumbs:

I actually want to do Boundry soon. We should hook up for it.

07-02-2009, 09:25 AM
And now close to a week later, the MIA doesn't seem all that bad...
I could do it again if you need someone who has been through.

Also, here is my favorite picture of Christian...removed due to copyright infringement

07-02-2009, 11:17 AM
And now close to a week later, the MIA doesn't seem all that bad...
I could do it again if you need someone who has been through.

Also, here is my favorite picture of Christian...removed due to copyright infringement

I made Jason remove it since it showed me in an unpleasant light. I'm not fat, just big-boned. I'm sensitive.

07-02-2009, 07:04 PM
And now close to a week later, the MIA doesn't seem all that bad...
I could do it again if you need someone who has been through.

Also, here is my favorite picture of Christian...removed due to copyright infringement

I made Jason remove it since it showed me in an unpleasant light. I'm not fat, just big-boned. I'm sensitive.

You are HOT!

07-02-2009, 09:09 PM
And now close to a week later, the MIA doesn't seem all that bad...
I could do it again if you need someone who has been through.

Also, here is my favorite picture of Christian...removed due to copyright infringement

I made Jason remove it since it showed me in an unpleasant light. I'm not fat, just big-boned. I'm sensitive.

You are HOT!

I know. I drive the ladies wild. Just something I've had to learn to deal with in my life. How sweet.

07-02-2009, 09:43 PM
I should have done this one with you guys. Sounds fun! :2thumbs:

I actually want to do Boundry soon. We should hook up for it.

Sounds fun! :five: