View Full Version : Trip Report Zion Bogleyfest 2009 blueyes report

06-29-2009, 02:43 PM
I left Ogden Thursday morning for my first canyoneering experience. I arrived in St. George at Bo

Scott Card
06-29-2009, 03:19 PM
Nice report. Thanks! The Subway is a classic. I should be in there twice or three times before the summer is over taking a few groups of newbies through. Good times!

As for shorts or canyoneering clothing in general, rule is for me anyway, NO COTTON. Everything synthetic so as to dry quickly and not cause the horrible rubbing.

Also, thanks for your perspective on Englestead. I am always worried more about those who worry about me than me. (if that makes sense) I know every time I go in a canyon and I am not out on time, my family worries. I am very interested to hear the report from those who went and helped the guy who "lost it".

As I said on another group. Englestead ain't NO BEGINNER canyon.

06-29-2009, 03:43 PM
Nice TR BlueEyes! What's your opinion of the exit hike? That one always nails me. I have to take a lot of breaks.


06-29-2009, 03:45 PM
nice TR. It was good meeting you. I am already craving those lemon pecan cookies again! Sorry to hear about your camera. Just put it back where you took it and then when your son discovers that it is broken you can become the hero by offering to get him a new one.

06-29-2009, 04:03 PM
I definitely agree, that ice water that Bo had was REALLY good!!! What a great hike, I really enjoyed it too. I'll post a few pictures this evening....


06-29-2009, 04:31 PM
ya i was worried about getting stuck in mosquito cove too... one rule i learned from my friends off road racing team is DON'T let off the gas.

also works on a mtb. go slow, get stuck... go fast, it fish tails but makes it through :lol8:

awesome shots of the subway.. thats the one canyon that i've always wanted to do. I feel I might have to work on my hiking skills a little bit. :roll:

also you guys sure know how to pick a camping spot. Jeez! :roflol:

06-29-2009, 04:41 PM
Nice TR BlueEyes! What's your opinion of the exit hike? That one always nails me. I have to take a lot of breaks.


Honestly, I was so glad we had to go uphill if I would have had the strength I would have jumped for joy.

I don't know why but my good knee was in so much pain everytime I had to step down I was on the verge of tears. I had to tell Bo to quit asking me if I was ok or I was going to fall apart. When I am at that point it is best to just be mean as hell. Tell me to suck it up and deal with it. It did not hurt to climb/hike up but any amount of down was dreaded at that point. I took two aleive and by the time we got to the top it wasn't as bad. My poor quad on my right leg is hating me today.

As for shorts or canyoneering clothing in general, rule is for me anyway, NO COTTON. Everything synthetic so as to dry quickly and not cause the horrible rubbing.

They were synthetic, however they were baggy and I hate being rubbed raw. I think maybe some tighter fitting boarding shorts would be nice. I also need a different pack. My camel pack was ok. But it zips all the way open I think one with top access only would be better. I don't know. I just know it was bugging me too.

Also, thanks for your perspective on Englestead. I am always worried more about those who worry about me than me. (if that makes sense) I know every time I go in a canyon and I am not out on time, my family worries. I am very interested to hear the report from those who went and helped the guy who "lost it".

As I said on another group. Englestead ain't NO BEGINNER canyon.

I did worry about the rain. Slot canyons and lots of rain and people in them don't seem to add up to me.

I don't know Don and Crew all that well but they seemed like very compitent guys and if they had a situation they would handle it efficiently. I didn't really become concerned until Deanpaul told me that rangers went into the canyon. Then before I knew what happened I just wanted to make sure someone else knew my group was still up there and if I could find out if they were ok. The rangers could have gone in for any reason, fall, snakebite, flash flood, heart attack or some other bengin issue that needed a rangers attention. And the fact that they went in does not mean my group is in trouble.. I knew for sure two groups were in Englstead and my group was unaccounted for and the second group was behind my group. I had my groups car pass. How are rangers to know my group is up there if their pass is not in the truck.

And Scott you are right. Englestead is not a beginner canyon, nor for the faint of heart. After hearing Don's story and seeing Deathcrickets photos you are f'''ing nuts if you go into that canyon with out experience and know how.

Jaxx I will PM you the recipe for the lemon cookies. Your wife can make them for you anytime or you can. They are easy peasy. :2thumbs:

Scott Card
06-29-2009, 04:48 PM
I also need a different pack. My camel pack was ok. But it zips all the way open I think one with top access only would be better. I don't know. I just know it was bugging me too.

For canyoneering, Tom's Imlay Packs are the best I have tried or heard of. Have him hook you up with a pack and a dry bag or two and you will be golden for canyoneering.

06-29-2009, 05:06 PM
Ah, the classic trip mixed with Mountain Biking & Canyoneering. :2thumbs:

06-29-2009, 06:37 PM
Was pretty tired last night and didn't notice them but I just found a box of lemon cookies in my kitchen!!! Nice! I guess we need to meet some we can exchange your Tupperware for my coffee mug...
It was good to see you again, sorry we didn't have time to hang with you more. I'm glad you got pictures of your stuck car. That was pretty funny.
Let's do it again soon!

06-29-2009, 08:05 PM
I definitely agree, that ice water that Bo had was REALLY good!!! What a great hike, I really enjoyed it too. I'll post a few pictures this evening....


Glad you enjoyed the Icewater! I always bring that as a "decoy" to distract you from my other "Icedrink" :lol8: No...I always know that it brings such relief (or percieved relief) when the heat of the day makes us think of a cold daquiri! Cheers!

06-29-2009, 10:11 PM
You are adorable, huggable and make great cookies! I could not quit eating them. :lol8:

06-29-2009, 11:04 PM
As for shorts or canyoneering clothing in general, rule is for me anyway, NO COTTON. Everything synthetic so as to dry quickly and not cause the horrible rubbing.

They were synthetic, however they were baggy and I hate being rubbed raw. I think maybe some tighter fitting boarding shorts would be nice. I also need a different pack. My camel pack was ok. But it zips all the way open I think one with top access only would be better. I don't know. I just know it was bugging me too.

I like Under Armor shorts under my quick dry shorts. As for t-shirts - I'm hooked on Tom's Not-Cotton t-shirts. They are soft and really comfortable. I like the men's shirts because they are a bit longer.

Scott is correct - ICG packs are the way to go for all water play.

You got some great Subway pictures.

I look forward to seeing you again soon.


06-29-2009, 11:22 PM
Great TR and photos. Now I *really* want to do Subway. I know Robin would love that canyon. Robin has the same problem as you: downhills are more of an issue than uphill climbs.

Really bummed my family and I didn't get to meet you. Hope we can fix that sometime soon.

06-30-2009, 04:23 PM
Here's the mandatory 'frog on the head' picture...

Oh yea, WONDERFUL cookies!!

07-01-2009, 08:35 PM
Hank thanks for the frog pic! It is my new profile pic on facebook. He was such a cute little frog.

07-01-2009, 09:51 PM
A Peculiar Start to Engelstead??

Why'd you go that way??? Went that way with Bo once - it was not so hot.


07-02-2009, 12:27 PM
Hank thanks for the frog pic! It is my new profile pic on facebook. He was such a cute little frog.
You're very welcome. It was a really fun hike and I had a great time...

I shrunk the photo down quite a bit to fit it on the page. If you so desire, I could send you the higher resolution original....

What fun!


07-02-2009, 01:21 PM
A Peculiar Start to Engelstead??

Why'd you go that way??? Went that way with Bo once - it was not so hot.


We followed directions on a piece of paper Don had (I think the term you all use is beta) anyway they were not very clear after we were parked and the GPS device was having technical issues. The guys did a great job of finding the spot. It sure was beautiful hiking I thought anyway. Now the lost boys were so far off track it is kind of laughable. There is more than one way to skin a cat.