View Full Version : Heaps TR

06-14-2009, 10:49 AM
This one has been on my hit-list for the last two years. Finally got up the cohones to do it. From the recent reports of the canyon being tip-top full of water, we decided to git er done when it was the most easy. The plan was to start at the Grotto on Friday afternoon and hike in to Phantom Valley to set up camp. We secured our permits and with the weather report coming in callin for a 20% chance of precip, we assumed we were golden. :nono: We started at 4pm with somewhat overcast skies which made for a relative decent hike up the West Rim trail. Wiht no one in the group ever having done Heaps before, the anticipation ran high. I had studied the maps enough that I knew where to drop in. The fins of death was the worst part of the trip mentally for me. Exposure without being roped in is not my forte`. The flat rock in the middle was loose, so you had to scoot around it, which made it all the worse. The rap into Phantom Valley was uneventful except our 200 footer didn't quite reach. We had to rap far to the right to reach the high ground whioch made for a crappy pull. We got luck and did not stick the rope. By that time it was getting dark, so we found the first stretch of sand and set up camp. The night was warm, but the nats and mosquitoes were horrid.

Day 2.
We woke up at 6:30 and were on the trail by 7:00. In a half hour the romp began. The first wet section is encountered by climbing down a log jam and lowering yourself into the frigid pool and swimming to the other side. Man that first dunk is cold! After a couple of raps, you come to a pothole with a rap station that the rest of the group stemmed across. I guess I am getting over cautious as I get older, because I opted to rap across it. Sure enough, my footing slipped and I am in the pothole treading water. Out come the etriers, and I somehow manage to drag myself out with the help of Devin. We continue down canyon and I am falling way behind because I am snapping pics like mad. I seemed after the crossroads, the water just didn't feel cold anymore except when my head went under. About four hours into the canyon it starts to rain on us and we are in the terminal narrows. The romp turned into a mad dash through potholes, swimming corridors, and over raps to get to some sort of high ground. When we finally did, the rain had stopped. We stopped and ate lunch above a ledge with a 40 rap not knowing the end was just around the corner. The final rappel was not the freak-out show I thought it was going to be. The first one down to the big pine was uneventful. The 2nd one was a little nerve racking because we had no idea where the bird perch was, nor could you really see it from our advantage point. We ended up deploying the 300 foot rope with the 200 as the pull cord to make sure we got to the perch. The funny part was a lady started screaming up at us when the first guy started down the second rap yelling "you guys don't have enough rope, it's too short!" The brought out an eruption of laughter from all of us. That rap scared me more than the final because I was the last man down and "bird perch my ass" turned into the quote of the day. It was a cluster if I ever saw one. I rapped down to the lowest point below everyone right before the big drop and tied into the anchor. It took us a good half hour to rig the final which included puling a 300 foot rope up through the anchor at the 2nd rap. My leg fell asleep pinched at that tight spot. We finally got it set and I was off. The carpet is no more, so watch rope placement. I ran the rope through 2 biners and the friction mode on the ATC and I had way too much friction. I had to feed rope the entire way down whcih resulted in a few bounces that turned my stomach inside out. We all landed with an applause from the spectators and numerous questions about how we got up there and why we had such huge bags for climbing. All in all it was a good time and definitely one of my favorite canyons now. Pictures aren't the greatest quality, but I tried.

06-14-2009, 11:04 AM
This one has been on my hit-list for the last two years.

I am getting over cautious as I get older, because I opted to rap across it. Sure enough, my footing slipped and I am in the pothole treading water. Out come the etriers, and I somehow manage to drag myself out with the help of Devin.

Great TR and pictures! Looks like you had great conditions and a lot of water.

I had a BEAR of a time getting out of that same pothole (picture 19). I had done a pack toss with the rappel rope and rapped in. Unfortunately my ascenders and etriers were in my pack, a fact I discovered after rapping into the pothole! It took me a number of tries to Batman out; the lip was about 6-7 feet above the water, and the walls were very slippery.


06-14-2009, 11:37 AM
Nice job! Way to get er done!

Your rope is too short!!!! ROFL :roflol:

06-14-2009, 12:56 PM
Great TR :2thumbs:

moab mark
06-14-2009, 01:21 PM
Nice, I am with you, nothing makes me more woozy then having to much friction and bouncing on a big rappel.

About 10 years ago we were at the the bottom of heaps. Long before I ever new what heaps was. So were standing there and this rope comes flying out of nowhere and then some dude starts rappeling down. The rope was about 6 ft. short and some lady was screaming your going to die over and over again. I looked up and thought what is that moron doing he has got to be nuts? Well the rope stretched enough and he just landed like a bird. I was impressed.

Great pictures. Going to have to get enough experience to someday give that a go.


06-14-2009, 01:31 PM
beauty. :2thumbs:

Scott P
06-14-2009, 08:51 PM
Nice TR.

I'm surprized you could hear someone yelling from way up there.

I'll have to get there sometime.

06-14-2009, 09:58 PM
great trip report and nice pics. can't wait to have enough experience to give this canyon a go.

06-15-2009, 01:40 AM
The rope was about 6 ft. short and some lady was screaming your going to die over and over again.

*giggle* Good job that rope stretched those precious few feet, otherwise the 6 foot jump of death would surely have done him in!

06-15-2009, 07:43 AM
Thanks for the trip report.

Your pics look a lot like my pics -- I thought they were great. I too have to have finger cover in a least one picture.

And for the record, I still don't have the cahonies for Heaps.

06-15-2009, 10:31 AM
Sweet. Someday I will mark that off the list.

06-15-2009, 11:55 AM
The rope was about 6 ft. short and some lady was screaming your going to die over and over again.


06-15-2009, 01:43 PM
Nice TR, great pictures, thanks for posting.

06-15-2009, 01:57 PM
Nice TR, great pictures, thanks for posting.

Excellent and thanks for posting. Great to hear the first-timer's perspective.

I have trouble with that first dicey-climb-over pothole, and have only gone over the top 2X. I think I have it dialed now - the key is stemming it rather than trying to chimney it (ie, do one foot on each side, rather than feet on one side, back on the other). On one memorable trip, I did a pack toss, then nearly died tibloccing out of the pothole, cause the rope slides firmly into a narrow groove where it is almost impossible to get the tibloc up the rope!

Nice lookin' helmets youse guys are wearing...

T :moses:

06-15-2009, 04:06 PM
Tried to convine the two noobs (relative) that helmets were a good idea, but they scoffed me. I became more of a believer in helmets after this trip. The rope pull into Phantom valley broke loose some scree that showered us. The two without helmets were diving for cover. The second episode involved that damn pothole. I decided to try and rap backwards across it. I got half way there and one of my feet slipped. I pendulumed right into the wall of the pothole and smacked my head good. Devin's comment when he saw it was, "I think I need to get me one of those"

Scott Card
06-15-2009, 06:02 PM
Great Job! Boy, I love that canyon. I agree with the death fins comment. My least favorite part also. I have done the overnight thing and bust it out in a day hike. I prefer the bust it out in the day. The overnight pack is just too heavy by the end of the day. Great canyon!

moab mark
06-15-2009, 06:13 PM
So when is there going to be a bogleyfest to Heaps and Imlay? I'll buy dinner for the fest afterward. :nod: As I understand it Scott can't get the permit but I can. :roflol:


06-15-2009, 06:16 PM
So when is there going to be a bogleyfest to Heaps and Imlay? I'll buy dinner for the fest afterward. :nod: As I understand it Scott can't get the permit but I can. :roflol:


Scott doesn't need a permit, he's a Mapleton guy. The park service caters to em'.

Scott Card
06-16-2009, 08:36 AM
:roflol: :roflol: Funniest thing I read all day. I can get a permit, really. The park just hasseled us big time one day when we had two separate groups from Mapleton in the park by conincidence doing the same two hikes on two consecutive days. Hmmmm lets see, Pine Creek and Subway? Only the two most popular and relatively easiest places to go with ropes. Spidey and I helped the two groups in Pine Creek and one in the Subway. Zion seems to have become a very UNFRIENDLY place for groups and families. I have had some family members ask to do a family reunion in Zion but I say "why, unless all you want to do is the touristy stuff. I can't get more than 6 into a slot canyon other than Pine Creek and the Subway." STUPID rules. As for older scouts (16-18 year olds) I have to say sorry to groups larger than 3 since I have to take leaders in. So we are stuck with the Subway and Pine Creek unless we fudge the rules which I don't like doing, you know, obey the law, be an example sort of thing.....But I digress.

I actually would love to do Heaps again and soon.

moab mark
06-16-2009, 09:11 AM
:roflol: :roflol: Funniest thing I read all day. I can get a permit, really. The park just hasseled us big time one day when we had two separate groups from Mapleton in the park by conincidence doing the same two hikes on two consecutive days. Hmmmm lets see, Pine Creek and Subway? Only the two most popular and relatively easiest places to go with ropes. Spidey and I helped the two groups in Pine Creek and one in the Subway. Zion seems to have become a very UNFRIENDLY place for groups and families. I have had some family members ask to do a family reunion in Zion but I say "why, unless all you want to do is the touristy stuff. I can't get more than 6 into a slot canyon other than Pine Creek and the Subway." STUPID rules. As for older scouts (16-18 year olds) I have to say sorry to groups larger than 3 since I have to take leaders in. So we are stuck with the Subway and Pine Creek unless we fudge the rules which I don't like doing, you know, obey the law, be an example sort of thing.....But I digress.

I actually would love to do Heaps again and soon.

Yea the 6 on permit bites. Even 8 would really help. You have Subway Keyhole Pinecreek Birch and Orderville. The rest your toast.

My credit Card is ready to buy dinner for the bogleyfest down Imlay or Heaps. :2thumbs: But probably by the time you get back all you want is sleep.

06-16-2009, 09:14 AM
We all landed with an applause from the spectators

I love that part.... great for the old ego....


06-16-2009, 12:04 PM
. All in all it was a good time and definitely one of my favorite canyons now. Pictures aren't the greatest quality, but I tried.

. All in all it was a good time and definitely one of my favorite canyons now. Pictures aren't the greatest quality, but I tried.

Heaps is one of my favorites too! It

06-16-2009, 12:07 PM
Double post ~ deleted!