View Full Version : Imlay, Zion

06-05-2009, 11:29 AM
Any updates on conditions? Planning for this Tuesday. Camping out Monday night in Potato Hollow for early start Tuesday, group of 4

06-05-2009, 12:15 PM
From June 3rd. Note that this is a very fast and experienced group. Also note that 6 days is enough time for water levels to drop a little, making escapes more difficult

Off the phone with Aaron again. They did a full Imlay today in a little over 11
hours. Conditions..... The upper part of the canyon, coming out of the pond at
Potato Hollow was flowing several cfs and that made for a cold morning shower
and forced some raps, rather than downclimbs, just before the big wall. Spidey
and Aaron set the big wall for everyone to play through. Below the wall, the
flow stopped, soaked up in the abundant soil.

In the upper section, above Crossroads, they found one snow bank, which was no
problem. The rest of the canyon is clear of snow. The potholes in the Extreme
Narrows were full. The log blocked doorway being the canyons hardest spot, due
to difficulty getting onto the log from swimming position. It is recommended
that one get a pack or pot shot over the top first. The tough keeper, with the
orange wall, just beyond, required one finger lock in the top hole to belly out.

In both the Extreme and Terminal Narrows, everything was full, leading to a ton
of jumping and belly out exits only. Sounds like a great time to go do this
classic. The group is in Boundary tomorrow.

06-07-2009, 05:38 PM
Hi Ram, thanks for the info, much appreciated. Jonathan spoke to someone last night and apparently both Heaps and Imlay are really full. We shall see.
Steve ( picked you up on Lake Powell when you were "hitching" boat rides back to Hole in the wall in April. I was on my way by boat to pick up Jonathan and crew...............)

06-07-2009, 11:12 PM
Got a steady rain all night in Heaps. The canyon flashed on us at around 2:30 Sunday morning, it was great fun :roll: . Needless to say it is tippy top full and was actually flowing from the crossroads to the end of the sandy corridor in the morning. Someone will post a trip report soon.