View Full Version : Seeking some advice.

06-03-2009, 02:59 PM
A friend of mine is trying to organize a canyoneering trip the weekend of the 19th or the 26th of this month. He's been real caught up with life (his child is due any day now) and this will be the first chance for him to get back out.

What would be some good options for that time frame considering the heat of the summer in Utah?

I was thinking something with some water to keep us cool but I have no idea. I wouldn't mind trying my skills at some pot holes, I've only done 2 and they were dry. I wouldn't mind trying pack tosses and shoulder stands and stretches of back to back holes either.

The experience and size of the group may vary (we might be able to break up into 2 groups if there are a bunch of us with differing ability's). Having a lot of options will be nice.
Also we're coming from colorado so we probably aren't going to Zion or any other place that far.

06-04-2009, 09:48 PM
Also we're coming from colorado so we probably aren't going to Zion or any other place that far.

So you want canyoneering - but not far from Colorado? Grand junction (I-7) area or monticello area, or I-80 (from wyoming) area?

If grand junction, the first place to start off would be Moab. Check climb-utah.com for lists there. Then from there, you can decide to do the Hanksville area (1 1/2 hr drive from Green River) - such as the San Rafael Swell and Robbers Roost. The roost and the swell have some good beginner canyons - but does not have lots of water to share, but it does have potholes like you wanted.

Is this what you wanted or do you want more specifics on other areas - I was a little unsure because you said you have "no idea" for the most part.


06-05-2009, 08:21 AM
Eardley (get and early start) and Zero G should both be full of water right now. Eardley is a full day, Zero G is a couple of hours. Both are close for the CO gang. Both have a semi keeper pothole if the water is right that yeilds to a partner assist.

Note: With Eardley you will either really like it or really hate it. There seems to be no middle ground on that route. I'm in the really like it camp.

Zero G


Zero G


Scott Card
06-05-2009, 08:38 AM
Eardley - really hate it camp. Zero G - Really, Really like it camp.

06-05-2009, 03:37 PM
I checked out one of the zero G videos recently and that looked pretty fun.

So the thing is I have a 1/2 wet suit but on one else has anything of the sort so that is probly an important thing to consider.

Jman sorry if I miss lead you. For a basis of which one should judge what advice to give I will list what I've already done before.

1.not mind bender
2.old womans wash
3.midevil chamber
4.high spur & alcatraz in a day (left just after sun up and didn't get back till 11:30 at night)
5.boss hog

I've been to the roost and I've been to north wash and 1 lame canyon in moab.

Quandry/direct version sounds like fun (aside from scorching in the sun on the walk back out). Woody sounds like a good time with all the water. Obviously this would be on day 2 after testing the group on something easier.

Would the swell be a good option or would we be frying in the sun most of the time?

The canyon does not have to be wet, just suitable for the current weather conditions (something that won't kill us from heat stroke) . Lots of shade in the canyon could be a good thing too if it's dry. when I did boss hog I felt like I was trapped in an oven with no where to escape for fairly long periods and I remembered being slightly uncomfortable.

Some other obvious options would be N.wash again (shenanagins, middle fork of Lep might be good with easier options for others). It could be really hot there though.

Are Cedar mesa, Escalante, and the Reef more along the lines of Zion as far as drive time are concerned?

06-05-2009, 10:38 PM
I checked out one of the zero G videos recently and that looked pretty fun.

So the thing is I have a 1/2 wet suit but on one else has anything of the sort so that is probly an important thing to consider.

Jman sorry if I miss lead you. For a basis of which one should judge what advice to give I will list what I've already done before.

1.not mind bender
2.old womans wash
3.midevil chamber
4.high spur & alcatraz in a day (left just after sun up and didn't get back till 11:30 at night)
5.boss hog

I've been to the roost and I've been to north wash and 1 lame canyon in moab.

Quandry/direct version sounds like fun (aside from scorching in the sun on the walk back out). Woody sounds like a good time with all the water. Obviously this would be on day 2 after testing the group on something easier.

Would the swell be a good option or would we be frying in the sun most of the time?

The canyon does not have to be wet, just suitable for the current weather conditions (something that won't kill us from heat stroke) . Lots of shade in the canyon could be a good thing too if it's dry. when I did boss hog I felt like I was trapped in an oven with no where to escape for fairly long periods and I remembered being slightly uncomfortable.

Some other obvious options would be N.wash again (shenanagins, middle fork of Lep might be good with easier options for others). It could be really hot there though.

Are Cedar mesa, Escalante, and the Reef more along the lines of Zion as far as drive time are concerned?

Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot.

There are a few things to do outside Zion this time of year, but it is difficult to stay away from the heat, especially if it is relatively hot out. If it is cloudy, then you want to be cautious about entering canyons so...

Since I assume you can read a map, you can tell that Moab, the Swell, the Roost, Cedar Mesa, North Wash, Cap Reef, Escalante and Zion are progressively further from Colorado. Zion is the most in season, but is the furthest away. If you can deal with the heat, you can do stuff in the other areas, but it is difficult...

I know of no potholes in the Roost.

Rain has recently filled everything up. Most people will want wetsuits for many of these canyons. Although at these temperatures...

Yeah, work Shane's website - seems like the stuff near Moab might be the best for your group.
