View Full Version : Glen Canyon/Powell

05-27-2009, 05:18 PM
Yanno, I don't know where to post this cauz it covers a plethora of activities... but WHY is there no major mention of lake powell?

You can hike to the various arches, canyoneer the slot canyons, paddle/kayak through the side canyons, etc.

We are going again this summer (albeit on a houseboat - please don't throw things at me we're taking our kids this time and they're not real keen on peeing in a rattlesnake gulch).......

Oh, and it's also in Utah. Or at least half of it is.

so... dude.

I was hoping to get some recommendations? Anyone?

05-27-2009, 05:23 PM
Hiking or canyoneering is the correct place to post this....

Lake Powell is a big place. You need to narrow down what, when, where, who....

Are you looking for hikes or tech stuff? All day hikes? easy boat hikes? kid friendly hikes?

What marina are you basing out of? If you are floating around on a house boat you need to tell us what area you will be calling home.... house boats are slow gas hoggs so you will not be covering a large area.

Will you have access to a speed boat or does the route have to be houseboat friendly?


05-27-2009, 05:31 PM
Are you looking for hikes or tech stuff? All day hikes? easy boat hikes? kid friendly hikes?
Probably non-kid friendly but good photographical opportunities. I'm afraid of heights *ducks flying beercans* so nothing really close to the troposphere.

What marina are you basing out of? If you are floating around on a house boat you need to tell us what area you will be calling home.... house boats are slow gas hoggs so you will not be covering a large area.
We hope to cover the area in between Wahweap and Dangling Rope, nothing north of that. I hear last chance bay and padre bay are gorgeous and fraught with such and such.

Will you have access to a speed boat or does the route have to be houseboat friendly?
we'll have access to kayaks, so it doesn't have to be houseboat friendly but I'd rather not paddle all day. I plan to rent them once we get there so that we're able to get deeper into the side canyons than a houseboat can go...

05-27-2009, 06:09 PM
Oh, and it's also in Utah. Or at least over 90% of it is.


There is a book titled "Boater's Guide to Lake Powell" by Michael R. Kelsey. There was a big discussion on his comments about Jews several moths ago wich has led some to no longer buy or sell his books.

moab mark
05-27-2009, 07:11 PM
Small world, had this conversation with a friend of mine today. I sure would like to find some 3a b l ll at powell that can be accessed by ski boat. Surprising that there isn't more public beta floating around for fun short tech canyons. Preferably pull up in boat hike up, slot back down go back to house boat. Not asking for much but would also like to keep around a couple of hours. Oh kid friendly to if possible. Out of bullfrog and halls area. But can travel. :popcorn:

moab mark
05-27-2009, 07:14 PM
We are going again this summer (albeit on a houseboat - please don't throw things at me we're taking our kids this time and they're not real keen on peeing in a rattlesnake gulch).......

What's wrong with houseboats? There's roughing it and then theres going in style. I'll take style. :2thumbs:

05-27-2009, 07:32 PM
90%, or whatever. Sure seemed a lot bigger while kayaking. at least my seasickness thought so.

And to respond re: houseboats, it's not exactly "roughing it" compared to the sleep-in-the-snow and filter-your-own-sweat for drinking water Mt. Jacinto hikes my husband takes. absolutely nothing wrong with having a nice shower and bed at the end of a day on the lake... i'm just trying to branch out and lose the wilderness heebie-jeebies.

I'm 30 recently and realized I'm tired of sleeping on the ground... when we take kids places. So we've decided only to camp camp when we've forgotten them somewhere. lots of Utah left.

I saw this segment on Planet Earth last night about Lechuguilla in Carlsbad(?) NM and he kept asking if I'd ever do something like that. I felt pretty comfortable saying "sure!" after I read from wikipedia that they're no longer allowing film crews down there, heheheh *pets Canon*

05-28-2009, 06:05 PM
I was going to write up a bunch of stuff but than realized a much better way would probable be for you to go buy Michael Kelsey's book

Boater's Guide to Lake Powell

It's an awesome book....

Decide what you are going to do and where you plan to camp exactly and than ask specific questions....

Not being a smartass.... but Lake Powell is so dang big it's like asking "What's fun in SoCal. We will be staying near Disneyland".

The one item not on MK's book that I highly recommend is to take the Dam Tour :2thumbs:


05-28-2009, 06:20 PM
Off topic but access to Lechuguilla is highly restricted to mostly scientific research and support. And if you don't like heights the first rap at boulder falls is about 150, and what you don't see is a lot of walking between pretty sections and boulder hopping with fissures 60-80 feet deep under your feet.

05-28-2009, 06:45 PM
Not being a smartass.... but Lake Powell is so dang big it's like asking "What's fun in SoCal. We will be staying near Disneyland".

Don't stay near disneyland. In fact avoid it all together. There are billions of people there from countries who have no words for "personal space" :P

I will check out the book, smartass :haha:

Oh, and I sort of figured nobody's being let into lechuguilla hence why I agreed to go. heights/depths/caves/diving = not my thing. there was also a segment on people who go underwater cave diving with the stalagmites. yikes.

05-31-2009, 10:41 PM
Time to hijack the thread, sorry mate - but don't want to waste another thread topic probably with one reply.

Anywho, does anyone know of any perennial waterfalls in Lake Powell. I have a pic of one but don't know where it is. Or do you think that, if there are any waterfalls, they would be created during rainstorms?

and then i a saw a youtube video of cliff-diving from a waterfall in Lake Powell - but I'll bet that one was at a big drainage area after a rainstorm.