View Full Version : Star Trek

05-11-2009, 09:21 PM
Who has gone and how many times? What did you think?

I went for the first time Sunday and Tonight.

LOVED IT!!!! Think I could see this one in the movie theaters a few more times.

I think they did a fantastic job with characters. I loved the story line.

OH WAIT!! Some of you may not have seen it yet. Guess we can't say anything or it will give the story away.

05-11-2009, 11:24 PM
I saw it Friday afternoon with my son. We both enjoyed it. I'm excited by the prospect of a fresh approach to Star Trek stories.

...Of course, it's no Star Wars.

hank moon
05-11-2009, 11:43 PM
Who has gone and how many times? What did you think?

I went once last Friday aft...wanted to see it on the IMAX screen, but the good seats were sold out for many days in advance! Gonna wait for a lull and then IMAX for sure!

Loved it!

05-12-2009, 03:12 AM
I was given pre-opening tickets (3pm Friday) and saw it with my sons and niece.

Job well done on putting it together and we'll probably see it one more time before it comes out on DVD.

05-12-2009, 06:31 AM
I saw it Friday afternoon with my son. We both enjoyed it. I'm excited by the prospect of a fresh approach to Star Trek stories.

...Of course, it's no Star Wars.

On the way home Sunday night I was discussing the whole Star Trek franchise with the kids. They didn't understand how far back Star Trek goes.

Sarah says... "I just don't get it, I like Star Wars"

05-12-2009, 07:36 AM
I've been wanting to see this for a while. I've got friends, but most of them aren't into that type of show. LOLz

05-12-2009, 08:40 AM
5/5 stars.. Only movie better IMO is Watchmen.

Saw it over the weekend and really liked it. I found the changes in the history timeline very interesting and wasn't offended at all. In fact i approve of pretty much every single one. One small complaint i would voice was the char they chose for a young capt kirk. Someone beat that kid with the ugly stick to many times. Little hard to suspend disbelief for his scenes. The biggest surprise for me was that they retained Sulu's fencing skills and let him kick some ass on the drill platform. Sweet!

I also really liked the directors style. I noticed he used a lot of quiet times to make his point and I think it made the scenes incredibly powerful. Like when they are dropping through space face first before hitting the atmosphere. Complete quiet in the vacuum. I found myself holding my breath in anticipation.

Also, making Spock more emotional and showing his human side was a good touch. Having him be a robot worked in the original because we didn't know Vulcans and who they were. But showing their superior mental discipline (like when he was in the classroom) and then showing his struggle being a half breed really convinced me he was not comfortable with either race. In the previous incarnation he seemed to strive to shed his human side and become completely Vulcan. In this one he seemed to accept he wasn't completely one or the other. Having his dad give him such good guidance was awesome in my opinion. The scene where he admits "I married my wife because I loved her" seemed to help him come to grips with who he was and would have been incredibly difficult for a Vulcan to admit. And getting busy with Uhura!! Way to go buddy.

One of my main old complaints was the alien races are seemed so "humanlike". Granted this is because Star trek is 40 years old and technology was limited, and then going off the source material there could be very little variations. So they really got it right in this reboot. I noticed in this movie they finally expanded the races to make them variable and interesting. Something besides pointy ears and a bumpy forehead, YAY! I was happy they still kept the green hotties though. Gotta have those. And especially the polar squid thingie. It was freakishly weird yet I could still see the metaphysical etymology was well researched and validated.

Lastly I'm also pleased to see it get a 95-96% rating on rotten tomatoes. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_trek_11/ This means not only is it breaking records and pulling in a lot of money. Surely more episodes will follow in the new format. Hopefully they will be able to stay aloof and true to the source material, and not bring in some annoying Jar Jar Binks ****** type character to ruin it. I got my eye on that little rock looking Ewok in engineering. He's ok for now though.

Taking my mom to see it this Friday for her birthday. Hopefully IMAX but we'll see. It's probably crowded being only the 2nd weekend.

Funny side story: So we were standing in line. There was like 30 other people with us. These 3 girls come up to the ticket taker and ask what the line is for. The lady tells them we are standing in line to see Star Trek. The lady makes a gross face and says "why would people wanna stand in line to see that movie? We're going to see 17 again". Someone in line says "The same reason. We enjoy fiction. Although there is probably a better chance of life on other planets than you turning '17 again'". And everyone in the line laughed at her. She was probably around 40's I would guess. She gets red faced and yells "F you nerds!" and storms off. And again everyone laughs at her. I'm sure people think that but had never encountered it before.

05-12-2009, 12:00 PM
Bunch of geeks on here.... :lol8:

05-12-2009, 02:17 PM
Bunch of geeks on here.... :lol8:

Speaking of trekkie geeks.... anyone seen the movie "Fanboys"? Its about Star Trek and Star Wars geeks..... that movie is awesome. It has been a long time since I laughed that hard watching a movie.... anyone who is a fan of Star Wars or Star Trek will enjoy Fanboys.


05-12-2009, 02:40 PM
I like Galaxy Quest. :nod:

Scott P
05-12-2009, 03:55 PM
Who has gone and how many times? What did you think?

We saw it last Saturday.

I saw the movie because it got such high reviews.

I wasn't a fan of the TV show, but the movie was really good. You don't have to be an old fan or "trekkie geek" to enjoy the movie.

05-12-2009, 07:49 PM
I almost went tonight with friends, but decided to stay home since I'll be gone the next 5 nights on the river.

05-13-2009, 07:34 AM
Same here, I almost went again tonight and have friends too. But then dinner was ready and my 2 year old needed a bath.

05-13-2009, 08:16 AM
I saw it last night and it's a freakin' sweet movie.


05-13-2009, 04:28 PM
nice story, cricket of hell,

I enjoyed the movie, and Abrams touch it made it more enjoyable. I thought it was cool when they went to warp that the camera was shaking afterwards (cause how fast it was), and then during the battle squences, the camera would show the entire battle and then zoom in and zoom out.

Awesome filming style.

05-13-2009, 05:14 PM
making Spock more emotional and showing his human side was a good touch.

I heard the version of the movie being shown in Utah theaters cuts out the part where Spock goes all gay on James T. Kirk... is that true?


greyhair biker
05-13-2009, 06:58 PM
BIG trekkie here...DONT ruin it for me, I havent seen it yet because wifey and I went to see X-Men -wolverine instead. I will see it this weekend :2thumbs:
Live long and prosper.

greyhair biker
05-13-2009, 06:59 PM
crap. I just realized I went over 4000 posts and never even noticed! :lol8:

05-15-2009, 08:25 AM
I heard the version of the movie being shown in Utah theaters cuts out the part where Spock goes all gay on James T. Kirk... is that true?


Can ya blame him? If I was alone in an ice cave with scary monsters all around and that sexy Vulcan beside me. *sigh* Oh well, a guy can dream I guess.

05-15-2009, 06:33 PM
Just got back from finally seeing it...


That is all!

Well no, that's not all. Totally enjoyed it. It's inspired us to get out all our geeky old Star Trek stuff (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.) and try to force the boy to wear it. He ain't falling for it, though... Smart kid.

05-15-2009, 07:28 PM
I haven't seen it but planet vulcan was filmed in Emery County Utah not too far from the basket seriously.

05-15-2009, 08:20 PM
And here is the film crew....




05-16-2009, 07:21 AM
I'm not a "trekkie" in the sense that I own memorabilia or would even consider going to a convention, but I shamelessly admit to watching (and enjoying :mrgreen: ) the original series re-runs on Saturday mornings with a boyfriend while in college...and then later became a huge fan of TNG when it came out over 20 years ago.

I coerced :haha: my boyfriend (who has never seen any S.T. TV series or movie) to see this last weekend. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was many kinds of awesome :2thumbs:. It will no doubt turn out a new generation of Trek fans.

I was impressed at how well they matched the characters' personalities from the original series to this movie. The only thing I found a bit "odd" at first was how they portrayed the Romulins - they look like skinheads/neo-Nazi street thugs with pointed ears. So, that was a bit of a departure, but it certainly made them easy to dislike right away.

So, for anyone considering going but has friends/spouse that isn't keen on it because it's sci-fi or because of the cheesy history of the original series, drag them along anyway - they'll enjoy it!