View Full Version : Trip Report The Dry Squeeze

05-04-2009, 09:33 AM
I must have some sort of death wish I guess, cause the weather called for 90% chance of rain in the Hanksville area. Five of us loaded up in the truck Friday night and drove down to the Hidden Splendor air strip to hit up a favorite canyon of mine, the Squeeze. I was the only one that had done the canyon before and it was a wet romp when I did it. Everyone had high expectations from my details of the canyon. Saturday morning came qucik despite the drizzle all night. We packed up the gear and headed down the gorge. As soon as we got to the cottonwoods right before the start up the Moroni slopes, the rain let up and it was cool and overcast with a surreal mist the enveloped the Henries, Factory Butte, and the surrounding area. The hike up the slopes went quick and before we knew it we were picking our way down the cliff bands into the upper Squeeze. After a lunch of crackers and jerky, we got moving. At that point, the clouds had burned off and it was blue skys and warm temps. The quote for the rest of day was "that Kevin Eubank is full of shit". I knew we were in for a disapointment when we ran inot no water in the middle squeeze. The place was dry. We kept pushing down and all the potholes were either bone dry or had avoidable water. The only place we got wet was one big pothole with waist deep water. The big keeper was completly dry. All the anchors were in good condition, with a few of them removed where you could easily down climb. The other four thought the canyon was great, but they had no idea how fun it is with water. Guess we'll have to hit it agian when it is full. All in all, it was a good day with great weather and a stop at Rays

05-04-2009, 12:27 PM
Cool pic

05-04-2009, 01:21 PM
I went through for the first time a year ago at the end of march. It was pretty dry then too. We were disappointed. It looks like it would be a lot of fun when there is a lot of water in there.

05-04-2009, 04:33 PM
good stuff reedus.

honestly, it seems like it hasn't flowed in two years. it was absolutely rotten with decaying organic material the two times i did it in '07. I am yet to hear of any trip reports since then where there has been any more water than we saw.

still, it is an awesome canyon.

05-05-2009, 08:15 AM
Looks like a really neat canyon. :2thumbs:

Nice pics and TR...I especially like pic 18. Thanks for sharing! :mrgreen:

05-05-2009, 09:20 AM
Thanks guys. The Squeeze is one of my top 5....when it is wet. Everyone wanted to do it to gear up for a Heaps trip in June. Practice the ole' pothole escape moves. The squeeze definitely is a test piece. There were a few potholes that were a no-go without partner assists or escape tools. :popcorn:

Scott Card
05-05-2009, 10:33 AM
There were a few potholes that were a no-go without partner assists or escape tools. Would you like me to come rescue you out of the no-go potholes? :haha:

Scott Card
05-05-2009, 10:33 AM
So, do tell. How did you get out? :popcorn:

05-05-2009, 04:06 PM
Partner assisted out of all of them. I was aluding to the fact that if you were in there by yourself, it would be a hellava time getting out without pot hole escape tools. One in particular would have required hooks and etriers. A pack toss wouldn't have worked because there was no place for the bag to catch on the other side. It didn't drop off, but rather sloped up and away for a bit.

Scott Card
05-05-2009, 05:01 PM
I was just joshing with you. That is a very fun canyon. I can't imagine that canyon dry. Great job in dealing with it. I was there and I think the pot hole you speak of was about 3/4 full making a very difficult exit for us. I was in that pot hole when it started to drizzle a bit. I am not sure what the canyon looks like from that point on since we were blasting out of there at break neck speed to avoid a possible flash flood (which never happened thankfully) I just remember being meat for most drops and then sliding over the edge as best I could with the most friction possible only to be caught by those below all in an effort to save time.

05-05-2009, 05:50 PM
Cool pix. Thanks for posting!

05-05-2009, 06:25 PM
Is there anything extraordinarily difficult about this canyon other than pothole escapes? I definitely want to try and tick this one of the list when possible

05-05-2009, 06:42 PM

Is that a hiker made trail you guys are on? Where is it? It looks to be pretty well defined in that spot...


05-05-2009, 07:16 PM
Definitely a hiker trail. It runs the entire way up the Moroni slopes and I think it tends towards the left to hit Segers Window. We followed it up half way and then crossed the dry wash that parallels the squeeze. There are dirt bike tracks on it also which had me thinking why in the hell you would ride a dirt bike up that? No destination not to mention illegal. :nono:

05-05-2009, 07:21 PM
Is there anything extraordinarily difficult about this canyon other than pothole escapes? I definitely want to try and tick this one of the list when possible

The potholes are about the only thing difficult about Segers hole. When they are dry, you have to deal with escape obstacles. When they are full, damn cold and swimming disconnects. No stemming or exposed downclimbs, or tight squeezes.

05-05-2009, 07:43 PM
Great pics - looks like a neat spot. Something else to add to the list! :2thumbs: