View Full Version : Trip Report N.E. Spur Fork & Main Fork Blue John, Apr 25, 2009

05-01-2009, 01:25 PM
Given the spell of less-than-stellar desert weather lately, thought i'd post some desert stokage from last sunday.

filled up the tank in Green River. kids entertained by the crows inability to fly straight into the ferocious head-wind. possible omen. very questionable looking weather to the south. headed south on the green river road. stopped by Champagne Geyser. poor timing, to windy to hang around for it to blow. pressed on. passed by at least a dozen vehicles (recreationalist to ranchers) driving northbound looking at us like we were crazy. northbound rancher flags us down and warns of an 18-wheeled cow hauler buried in a drifting sand dune. blowing sand/dust epic, visibility less-than a 1/4 mile, maintaining speed for puching through drifting dunes. team Subee delivers....

...at last,wonderful views, fresh air, and a slight breeze welcome us to our camp over on Deadmans Flat (High Spur). retire for the night.

Sunday morning's object was Northeast Spur Fork. Weather start out splendid.

Just let me put it out there right now: This is by far thee raddest hike-through slot on the plateau (barring the high-priced or closed canyons of the Navajo nation) even though we didnt complete the lower techie section.

passed by Lil' Northeast Spur with intentions of exploring per Goofball invitation. http://www.bogley.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14089

our goal was to fix the 1st rappel and explore "the goods". the trip was aborted instead due to threatening skies overhead. escaped via one of the many E/E. back at the car by 2pm.

tuned into the Weather Band. a sweet subee feature. forcast for the area was not promising.

kids insisted on more canyon goodness. so we headed over to Blue John, parked at Sandpipes and shoulder carried kids x-country over to West E/E down canyon from Little Blue and the Main Fork junction

With adverse weather building to the west we descended to the canyon floor...

explored up the main fork till the chockstones/upclimbs were to cumbersome for sequencing the kids. Wind funneled through slot adding to the haunting feeling of such a dark canyon. some gust would take your breathe away. return back to West E/E. shouldered the kids back to the vehicle. 3.5 hr roundtrip.

rallied back out to UT-24.

Robber's Roost is a magical place.

photos a bit grainy. sorry.

05-01-2009, 02:17 PM
This looks like a blast- I've gotta get out there sometime!

05-01-2009, 02:20 PM
I will have to take the family down there this year. Thanks for the great pics and TR

05-02-2009, 08:12 PM
awwwww, how cute ! especially the shot of your girls stemming in those pink shoes.