View Full Version : iPhone Applications

04-15-2009, 09:16 PM
Got any favorite apps?

My fave game for the longest time has been Trism (http://www.iphonebuzz.com/iphone-games-trism-review-233249.php), a great, addictive, inexpensive sliding/matching/puzzle thing. Total time vampire - and great money maker for its one man dev team (http://i.gizmodo.com/5052165/trism-makes-250000-since-release), at a buck a pop.

New fave: Flight Control (http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/04/flight-control-on-the-iphone-addictive-fun-for-a-dollar.ars). A 99 cent game where you guide airplanes and helicopters in to land. All the controllers in my tower that have iPhones are addicted to it. Way more stressful that work, but ya just can't stop...

For tracking fuel consumption, AccuFuel (http://www.iphoneappreview.com/accu-fuel-iphone-application-video-review-from-iphoneappreviewcom.html) is excellent, for 99 cents.

I hate wishy-washy weather forecasts - I only want to know when it will start and stop raining, how windy it will actually be, and so on. I am also totally fluent in aviation weather forecast language (METARs and TAFs). So if you really want to know what time the wind will start howling, and when the clouds are coming, etc., then AeroWeather (http://www.aeroweather.ch/) is the way to go, especially for free.

What are your favorites?

04-15-2009, 10:17 PM
New fave: Flight Control (http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/04/flight-control-on-the-iphone-addictive-fun-for-a-dollar.ars). A 99 cent game where you guide airplanes and helicopters in to land. All the controllers in my tower that have iPhones are addicted to it. Way more stressful that work, but ya just can't stop...

You are like a garbage man that collects cans on his lunch break.

Mostly I stick to free apps: Blackjack, Sol Free, MultiConvert, i Say Free, TapDefence. I put MiniPiano, SpinTheCoke and I Hear Ewe on there for my two year old son. It is pretty scary that he can pick up my phone and access the Apps all by himself. A testimony to the simplicity of the iPhone interface.

Recently I bought Monkey Ball for my daughter and I got to say it is pretty fun. Also got iFighterLite and have enjoyed it. It is very similar to the old 1942 arcade game.


04-16-2009, 04:55 AM
I use AroundMe (search for restaurants, hotels, pharmicies, gas stations, etc. for free).

CrystalDef (a fun defense game) that costs a few bucks made by Square/Enix who made the Final Fantasy games for the Nintendo systems and Playstation.

Also got FileMagnet (lets me hold all my documents -especially PDFs) and print them off easily and transfer them from work to home or other iphones.

Can't forget FakeCall (free, and is exactly what it sounds like)
Flixter - best movie program for theater finding and time listing (very accurate), and future movies, and when DVDs come out. And its free. I highly recommend this.

Ifitness (really cool and very informative) costs 1.99
Knotguide (has 100+ knots that are very useful if you are a leader/guide for outdoor adventures.

MonkeyBall is a fun game based on tilting.
USA today is free and good news retrieveal - RSS feed - of current news.
Weightbot - keep track of weight every single day and has very good graphs. Costs like 1.99

Also, if you have a jailbreak phone, you can use PdaNet via Cydia and it will tether your phone to your laptop, for free. What's cool about this, is when I'm at work or school and there is no Wifi available - even in the mountains I've used it (haha) and I get Edge connection speeds of 3G speeds (which is 1MB+/sec)...the phone will act as WiFi broadcaster and take in the cellular connection (3G) and broadcast it to my laptop. I know this is geeky, but once I played Diablo II online with my brother while camping in the Wasatch mountains - just to say we did. We also did webcam in the mountains next to Waterfall canyon with a very little lag. Plus there is no restrictions like you might have at work - no facebook, no p2p, no games, etc etc etc. I rate this a 10/10 and MUST have.

04-16-2009, 06:18 AM
BubbleWrap. :lol8:

Hey, they are counting down to a billion apps: http://www.apple.com/itunes/billion-app-countdown/

One of the top 20 apps of all time? iBeer. :roflol:


Others I currently have:
TWC - The Weather Channel
SportsTap - very nice sports app, the best
Analytics - check web stats
Pandora - streaming music anywhere
Palringo - multiple IM client app
MotoChaser - Game
Crash Kart - Game
PriceIsRight - Lolz

04-16-2009, 06:25 AM
crayon physics
file magnet
shoutcast radio
harmonica (just cause it seems to make people smile)

04-16-2009, 08:27 AM
crayon physics

Oh yeah! I remember seeing that on YouTube, and meant to go get it. I since forgot all about it. Just purchased - about to try it out!