View Full Version : I'm the luckiest guy I know

04-09-2009, 05:50 PM
I put on a jacket today that I had not worn since last fall. I found two $50 bills in the pocket.


04-09-2009, 06:35 PM
Leftover money from your last strip club experience? :lol8:

04-09-2009, 06:41 PM
Nice find! :2thumbs:

When I was about 15 back in Brooklyn I found about $300 in the closet in my grandmother's coat. She left for Poland about a year earlier but left some of her old clothes. I was smart enough to check her pockets :haha:

The bad news was that my sis saw me and I had to let her in on the score :ne_nau:

04-09-2009, 09:13 PM
Man, that is so cool. Free money!

When I was a kid and five dollars was a TON of money for me, I would intentionally put five dollars (or whatever I had) in my winter coat as winter ended so that when it got cold again I would be thrilled with my new find.

04-09-2009, 09:47 PM
SCORE!!!!!! :2thumbs:

reminds me of the time i was driving the cheap las vagas rental out early weed bench with my wife. saw a film canister in the dirt on the sidee of the road. i lock up the brakes (much to the wifes surprise). put it in reverse and back up to collect the aforementioned film canister. retrieved the film canister and it was full of the mean green. my wife (who does not imbide) couldn't believe my luck. i must add that this was not the first time that fortune smiled on me. :naughty:

04-10-2009, 12:35 AM
Nice find, Ice!

My mom used to hide cash all over the place - especially in the lining of her purse, wallet, jackets, etc. If something had a liner in it, she'd rip a little hole, and stuff cash in. It was kind of morbid, when she died, that my wife and I basically shredded all of her things to find the stashes. Helped pay for those final expenses, though; when it happened 17 years ago, we were pretty hard up...

Kent K25
04-10-2009, 05:25 AM
The only time I can remember finding any unexpected cash was a couple months ago grabbing some old jeans and finding $2 in the back pocket. Better than nothing I guess.

04-10-2009, 05:50 AM
Gotta love that :2thumbs:

04-10-2009, 06:04 AM
I have found cash once in a while.

Most recently, I was going to the grocery store and found a twenty in the parking lot.

It bought me beer. :2thumbs:

Wild One
04-10-2009, 06:45 AM
that's great feeling.

I must admist to purposely leaving money in my two ski jackets in hopes that I'd forget about it and then have a 'free' lift ticket or two.

While I never forgot I had the money, it did act like a little lift ticket savings account and I skied for free 2.5 times.

04-10-2009, 08:40 AM
Hmmmm.... what should I spend this money on????

I wanted to spend it a Liquid Joe's last night but the wife didn't get home in time so last night was boring... but lucky for me I have an entire weekend to find a good use for the cash.


Most money I ever found was when I was a poor starving college student. I was walking across a Smith's parking lot and a dollar bill came blowing across the lot in a raging wind storm. I stepped on the bill and picked it up and it was actually a $100. I really need the maney at the time. It would be like finding $1000 now....


04-10-2009, 11:00 AM
I have a tendency to take money (anywhere from $20 to +$100) and stuff it into one of the many little niches in my wallet. More than once, I've forgotten about it and when I could really use a little extra cash, I do a thorough search of my wallet and am totally surprised when something turns up. :2thumbs: Gotta love it!

04-10-2009, 04:22 PM
Leftover money from your last strip club experience? :lol8:

You beat me to it Alison.....it's what I was thinking as well......"someone went home with an empty G-string!" :haha: