View Full Version : my new job (for those that are interested)

03-30-2009, 12:46 AM
for those who are interested.

so, i have been looking for the last couple of months for a flying job in alaska. i had received a few responses from all the resumes i had sent out. one in the interior and a couple in southeast. they were ok but not what i was really looking for.

well since i knew we were moving back to alaska from new zealand i decided to checkout craigslist for some toys. canoe, boat, snowmachine, etc... then i saw that they had a jobs section, so i searched for pilot jobs. one popped up for a pilot/guide, which is something that i have been hoping for for years.

its at a lodge on the kvichak river. the kvichak drains lake illiamna into bristol bay. i also lived at the outlet of the lake in the village of igiugig for a couple years in the early 90's and have fished the kvichak as a guide for 6 years and in the bristol bay region for 16. experience fishing is not what i lack.

the lodge is called "no see um" lodge. http://www.noseeumlodge.com/ its about 30 miles downriver from the lake. i'm really looking forward to it. it's a pretty high class lodge. sleeps 12 guests and has a real chef. which won't help my waistline i'm sure. i love lodge food.

they have 3 planes. 2 beavers and a 182, all on floats. rates are a whopping $8000 a week. probably not too many bogleyites could afford it. most canyoneers are cheap. i know cause i is one. but if you want to come up lets get you booked. season starts the first part of june and will run thru september.

all this means that right after the get together in moab i will be blasting for alaska. once again the long haul up the alcan solo. any one need a ride? i have already done it too many times to remember. its not a pleasure trip anymore. 3 maybe 4 days of driving 20 hours a day and it will be over.

i am looking forward to being back in alaska. i have missed the summers there the past few years. the last few summers i have spent in kingman and bullhead city, arizona as a flight instructor and just roasted in the heat down there. it's going to be so good to put away my 80lbs of salmon filets and a few caribou or maybe even a moose for the winter.

there you have it. this is my dream job. it's the whole reason that i learned to fly 5 years ago. thought it would only take 2 or 3 years but like most plans, i under estimate.

03-30-2009, 05:08 AM
Congratulations, not often we actually get our dream jobs. :2thumbs:


03-30-2009, 05:38 AM

I would love to take you up on that offer to spend a week in Alaska. I just don't have the spare cash at the moment. Have to wait until I find my millionaire or better yet win the lottery. :lol8:

So this may be a silly question. If you know how to fly why are you driving up?

03-30-2009, 05:57 AM
Great news Les :2thumbs:
We usually go up there every year fishing.(Alaska, not Lake Illiamna)
We've been going to Prince of Whales Island but are considering other options, we're usually a group of 9-10.

Floats in Alaska-----great job.

03-30-2009, 06:07 AM
That is way cool. Congratulations! I'm surprised anyone would name a lodge after "no see ums" since those are about the most annoying bugs ever but with that price tag I am guessing they have weeded out all things annoying from their lodge. I hope you love it there!

Last Child
03-30-2009, 06:44 AM
Wow! Sounds like a killer job. Congrats!

If a person can make a living doing what they love... that's a pretty good life.

03-30-2009, 07:24 AM
awesome. i was wondering if you were on the kvichak. one of my good friends flies floats out of glenallen, but she worked a lodge on the kvichak before she had her float certification.

i'm insanely jealous. :2thumbs:

03-30-2009, 07:27 AM
once again the long haul up the alcan solo. any one need a ride? i have already done it too many times to remember. its not a pleasure trip anymore. 3 maybe 4 days of driving 20 hours a day and it will be over.

i hear ya... i'm making the drive up there myself, solo. leaving in 24 days though, or i'd for sure take ya up on the offer. is that lodge booking pretty good still this year? looks like it is pretty slim pickings in some spots in AK. let me know if they need someone to clean the rooms... i'm your man. :2thumbs:

03-30-2009, 07:43 AM
Awesome. :cool2:

03-30-2009, 08:08 AM
Congratulations :2thumbs:

03-30-2009, 08:23 AM
Nice man! Super jealous...

03-30-2009, 08:34 AM
Once again - way to go! Hope everything works out great up there!

03-30-2009, 08:54 AM
Nice! Sounds like fate to me.

03-30-2009, 09:24 AM
Wow, that looks like a great gig.
I am truly envious. What a great way to live.

Somehow I am sure that when we are sitting around in the hereafter we will not be spending hours talking about what I did for a living. You will be a popular man.

Its cool that the place is a family run lodge. Would have loved to spent my working years doing something like that with my dad. Lucky kids.

$8K week explains why I stay with my buddy in Kenai. LOL.
I think I better start leaving him a tip.

With places like that I'll never understand the combat fishing I see on the Kenai.

Good luck on the drive, thats one part I do not envy.

03-30-2009, 07:32 PM
Congrats man, way cool. :cool2:

03-30-2009, 08:28 PM
Really neat! :nod:
I want to go back someday. My ex lives in Anchorage and it would be cool to surprise her. She loves it up there.

03-30-2009, 09:49 PM
i think this is really awesome!!! keep us posted on how the transition goes. :2thumbs:

03-30-2009, 11:08 PM
I actually like my job, most of the time, but damn I hate my job after reading this!

Congratulations, you're living the dream.