View Full Version : Trip Report Mar 19th BST Ogden Section

03-19-2009, 05:01 PM
Boys get your bikes out!

Trail is dry except the few areas that see more shade then sun. I rode from WSU to that point that sticks out above 29th or I don't know if it has an official name, and then back again. I wanted to ride further but didn't get out of work as soon as I would have liked.

I will post picks later.

I am happy, my bike.. he is happy.

03-19-2009, 08:50 PM
Your bike is a boy? That's awesome. :haha:

I'm eager to start the weekly rides, this one will be hit often.

03-20-2009, 06:28 AM
Your bike is a boy? That's awesome. :haha:

I'm eager to start the weekly rides, this one will be hit often.

I didn't choose my bikes gender my daughter did. Last fall on the way to the emergency room she was in the back seat and said "he must be a boy" why.. "he likes to get down and dirty and you always get hurt!

03-20-2009, 09:43 AM
Count me in for next week, if it isn't bad weather. I am going to try to ride from Rainbow Today and see what the trail looks like!!! YES THE WEATHER IS HERE!!! untill tommorow and sunday... :2thumbs:

03-20-2009, 11:42 AM
My bike after our ride. He is happy now!

03-22-2009, 09:34 AM
Count me in, and your bike looks very happy!

03-22-2009, 12:20 PM
He is even happier now. I went again today. However HE and I have got to come to terms with each other. I am really getting tired of being thrown off. I just about killed myself again today. :roflol: Glad I got rid of the clipless pedals or that fall would have been very ugly. No bruises!! So the saga of our trysts begins a new. He won last year. I have not given up!

03-22-2009, 07:36 PM
Well hopefully you do win that battle! That sucks if he wins another year!