View Full Version : Stinky Boots

12-31-2008, 04:50 PM
My boots stink. They are Scarp Manta's, which is a full leather mountaineering boot. However, I wear them for work in the fire service, so they see a lot of sweat.

My regular shoes do not stink, just the boots. I know it is due to them being insulated, but the boot is a good one.

So, does anyone have any home remedies for removing, or at least helping with the stinky boot problem?

12-31-2008, 05:53 PM
Good ol' Dr. Scholl's (http://www.drscholls.com/drscholls/conditions/footodorperspiration.jsp) makes some pretty good stuff for foot odor and perspiration:


12-31-2008, 09:54 PM
Yeah, it doesnt seem to help the boots. Works on the feet, but the boots are no bueno

Wasatch Rebel
01-01-2009, 06:44 AM
Here's a link with a lot of ideas--maybe one will work for you. http://ask.metafilter.com/23149/How-do-I-clean-my-stinky-shoes

Last Child
01-01-2009, 08:10 AM
The problem is bacteria. If you can't kill it your s.o.l. Freezing them will work best. I had this with some ski boots many years ago. I took them outside on really cold night and that did the trick. I now have some boot dryers that I faithfully use every day the boots are used. No problems since.

01-02-2009, 08:02 AM
Spray inside of boots with Fabreeze and liberally and regularly apply Gold Bond foot powder to boots. I have very sweaty feet and I've been using this approach in my rubber boots, leather hiking boots, and cycling shoes for the past few years and it works very well.

And as was previously recommended, Boot driers also help.

01-02-2009, 08:46 AM
The problem is bacteria. If you can't kill it your s.o.l. Freezing them will work best. I had this with some ski boots many years ago. I took them outside on really cold night and that did the trick. I now have some boot dryers that I faithfully use every day the boots are used. No problems since.

Maybe I will stick them in the freezer for a couple of days. A boot drier is not a viable option for how I use them.

Just bought a bottle of febreeze, and gold bond is my friend.

hank moon
01-02-2009, 08:58 AM
I've heard good things about these (esp. mirazyme):

